Category Archives: aim65

Convert to Papertape V2.2
On the Utilities page I have two programs to convert to MOS Technology papertape format: KIMpaper, a command line utility, and ConvertHexFormat, a GUI app.
All in Freepascal/Lazarus source format, and tested on Linux (Raspberry PI OS) and Windows 10 64 bit. So the programs will run everywhere Lazarus is available (MS DOS, WIndows, Linux Mac OS).
KIMPAPER is written at the time the Micro-KIM appeared. CLI utility. Supports Binary to/from Papertape. Still runs fine on all platforms supported by Freepascal (Windows, MS DOS, Linux etc) after a recompilation, source available.
ConvertHexFormat is a more recent GUI utilitilty with many more 8 bit hex formats as input and output.
There were some bugs of course in older versions. V2 added the ability for multipart hex formats, records having a non-consecutive load address. That seems to wok fine since V2.1
In 2.2 a bug in MOS Papertape format for bigger files is fixed, the end-of-file record (record type 00, total line count) had a bug in the checksum calculation. KIMPAPER is and was correct in the calculation.
But in ConvertHexFormat it was wrong (as it still is in the well known srec utility in the Unix world!).
See also:
Focal-65 V3D for TIM and KIM-1
John Bell Engineering catalogs
New KIM-1 info and more
KIM-1 Simulator simple demo

PC utilities updated
The PC utilities page has seen an update of th4 Conversion hex formats utility.
Programs to manipulate the binary and hex formatted files of interest for SBC owners. Intel hex, MOS papertape, Motorola S-record, binary, hex conversion fort eh 8 bit world.
Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac due to Lazarus and Freepascal. Source included.
See also:
Focal-65 V3D for TIM and KIM-1
John Bell Engineering catalogs
Cosmicos donation
New KIM-1 info and more
Microsoft Basic 6502
Written in 1976, Microsoft BASIC for the 8 bit MOS 6502 has been available for virtually every 6502-based computer. Also for the SBC’s on this site: KIM-1, SYM-1, AIM 65 and as a port of Applesoft on the Apple 1.
Binary versions and manuals are on the pages dedicated to these machines:
Sources of early Microsoft Basic on 6502 are available on pagetable blog by Michael Steil
- Original source for a cross assembler on a PDP-10
- Disassembled from dumped binaries, commented and assembled and linked to 100% original binaries
Build binaries from source on a Linux system (Raspberry PI OS)
First install CC65 package, the assembler and linker are required.
You need the CC65 package, a C and Macro assembler and linker for the 6502. is broken, is fine.
git clone cd cc65 make sudo make avail
Now get the MS Basic source and assemble the binaries git clone cd msbasic ./ cd tmp ls
and you will see a directory of binaries (.bin), symbol table (.lbl) and object files (.o)
Compare the binary files with the binary files in the msbasic/orig folder and you will see hopefullyy they are identical!
It is not only nice to see the source, now you are able to customize a Microsoft Basic to your likings.
Steps as advised in the pagetable description:
1. Create a
2. Adapt the make file for the new target.
3. Change the platform specific source files
and assemble again.
For example, the KB9 Basic can be changed:
- Character in//out to a serial device
- Control-C handler update
- Remove the ROR workaround
- Save/load to another storage device
- See the KIM Kenner articles for patches on KB9 Basic
An example is this post by Gordon Henderson who made a serial interfaced Commodore Basic by creating a new variant and tweaking some conditionals, replacing the screen editor with the line editing interface of older versions.
KB-9 stands for Microsoft Basic V1.1 for the KIM-1 with 9 digits precision. .
Scanned manual
The original KIM-1 KB9 Microsoft Basic V1.1, audio wave, binary and papertape format
See also:
Part 4 Sorbus runs Wozmon, Apple 1 Basic, MCP
Sorbus computer part 3: the hardware
A program, SerialTester, a guide and test results.
See also:
Focal-65 V3D for TIM and KIM-1
John Bell Engineering catalogs
New KIM-1 info and more
KIM-1 Simulator simple demo

MC-65 AIM65 compatible
An AIM65 compatible 65C02 CPU based computer, the MC-65. With a 6532, 6522, terminal I/O, cassette interface, and in theory possible to run the original AIM 65 ROMs.
For AIM 65 ROMS and manuals, see the AIM 65 pages!
See also:
Part 4 Sorbus runs Wozmon, Apple 1 Basic, MCP
Sorbus computer part 3: the hardware
The Target AIM 65 Newsletter
an AIM 65 Newsletter
A bimonthtly newsletter published by Don Clem, 1979 to 1981
Scans by David Colglazier
The Target julyaugust 1979
The Target January February 1980
The Target March April 1980
The Target May June1980
The Target July August 1980
The Target September October 1980
The Target November December 1980
The Target July-December 1981
See also:
Part 4 Sorbus runs Wozmon, Apple 1 Basic, MCP
Sorbus computer part 3: the hardware

RB Specials
When I was an editor at Radio Bulletin we published several specials. Some were additions to the magazine, two specials were on sale.
See also:
Part 4 Sorbus runs Wozmon, Apple 1 Basic, MCP
Sorbus computer part 3: the hardware
RM 65
Photos from
See also:
Part 4 Sorbus runs Wozmon, Apple 1 Basic, MCP
Sorbus computer part 3: the hardware

My AIM 65s
My current AIM 65
My (former) AIM 65 collection, a PC100 Siemens OEM with custom software and a German manual, and a stock AIM 65 with full documentation.