
Apple 1 Replica’s

I have two Apple 1 Replica’s, the Vince Briel Replica 1 SE and the Achatz A-ONE.
Both have a 6502 and a 6821 and the original software. Video generation sid one in a affordable modern way, so not real clones.

Fun computers to work with, the first ‘personal computer’ in a very primitive format!

Pages with information on teh Apple 1 and these Replica’s


Another Junior build by Philippe Roca

Another Junior build! By philippe Roca. Faithful reproductions, including EPROM 2708 and PROM 82S33 programmers.

Photos and gerbers of some PCB. Work in progress, I hope to see more photos and Gerbers!

Build an Elektor Junior

Page on building now an Elektor Junior.
Two designs complete with PCB design (Bram Prosman), reports of a complete build ( Philippe Roehr, Philippe Roca).



Lab-Volt manual scan

Thanks to John at the scan of this book is available, now stored on due to size.
See also the Lab-Volt page

The description of the trainer is in the book
Microprocessor Concepts and Applications
Publisher: Lab-Volt
Download here for

KB9 and OS65Dv3.3 Junior software


New SYM-1 document: KIM/SYM : First Book of KIM appendix

Thanks to Larry:

New SYM-1 document: KIM/SYM : First Book of KIM appendix


A program, SerialTester,  a guide and test results.


OSI 300 page update

Found some photos of OSI 300 trainers, some youtube videos, circuit diagram and component layout.

See the OSI 300 page!


MOS KIM-1 Reproduction

Dave Williams designed, builds and sells on ebay MOS KIM-1 Reproduction boards. A real KIM-1 clone!


Convert hex formats V2

A program to convert between hex or binary files for 8 bit systems with a 64K address space.
V2 adds the Wozmon Apple 1 format and allow multipart Intel Hex, MOS Papertape and Motorola S records.