
Micro-Professor MPF-1B

A Z80 based SBC. Perfect trainer. In very good condition, with Tiny Basic built-in. Complete in original box, Monitor source listing, Multitect powersupply,
German handbook, alas no Basic template.

Works perfect:

Documents can be found on the site of Fred Kraan.

John Bell Z80 computer 80-280

I received a photo and manual scans of the 80-280 Z80 SBC by John Bell.

Posted in Z80

Z80 Microprocessor kit

Design and text by Wichit Sirichote. The kit is available for sale, kit or assembled. Wichit picked the Z80 CPU and designed the microcomputer kit with HEX keys and 7-segment LED displays, and wrote the monitor program.The version I have is an older (slower) version with a monitor (source in User manual) close to the the Microprofessor 1b. The current one has a SDCC compiler generated monitor program.

Posted in Z80

Z80 Microprocessor kit

Designed and sold by Wichit Sirichote. Full text and files at his website here. The kit is available for sale, kit or assembled!
Wichit picked the Z80 CPU and designed the microcomputer kit with HEX keys and 7-segment LED displays, and wrote the monitor program.

The version I have is an older (slower) version with a monitor (source in User manual) close to the Microprofessor 1b. The current one has a SDCC compiler generated monitor program.

Z80 Microprocessor Kit
Circuit diagram
Z80 kit User Manual
Z80 kit Construction
Z80 lab book
Lab book Assembler routines
Show Memory on LED displays
AN001 Using SDCC with the Z80 kit
AN002 Using PLD as a decoder logic for Z80 Kit
AN004 Z80 kit as calculator
PLD files
PLD sources
SDCC version 20215
SDCC sources for z80 kit
Listing of the old Z80 kit monitor

Convert hex formats new version

Bug fix release of the PC utility to convert MOS papertape, Intel hex, Motorola S record, Apple 1 hex etc. Windows and Linux. Source included.


Das EMUF Sonderheft 2

Thanks to Mathias Ohlerich for the scan of the Sonderheft 2


Now three!Just-for-Fun Fabio Defabis MBCs: Z80-MBC2, V20-MBC, 68K-MBC

All well described on hackaday:

I bought these assembled from Giovanni Pirozzi. Excellent products and service!


Just for Fun MBC’s

Just-for-Fun Fabio Defabis MBCs: Z80-MBC2, V20-MBC, 68K-MBC

All well described on hackaday:

I bought these assembled from Giovanni Pirozzi. Excellent products and service!

Just-for-Fun has published designs for small MBCs, I ahev three of them: Z80-MBC2, V20-MBC and 68K-MBC.
All with a modern controller for startup and ROM and I/O and SRAM and a real CPU: Z80, V20 and 68008.
All with a SD card and a RTC, all running a variety of Oprarting systems, like CP/M, CP/M-86, CP/M-68K or UCSD PaScal and Basic. All can be programmed with e,g either Turbo Pascal (Z80, V20) or Pascal-MT+ (Z80, V20, 68K).
The user interface is via a serial interface, like USB serial to a PC emulator (Teraterm, Putty, Minicom) or standalone with the Ascii Video Terminal or the FABgl teminal solutions.





PC utilities updated

The PC utilities page has seen an update of th4 Conversion hex formats utility.

Programs to manipulate the binary and hex formatted files of interest for SBC owners. Intel hex, MOS papertape, Motorola S-record, binary, hex conversion fort eh 8 bit world.
Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac due to Lazarus and Freepascal. Source included.


Elektor Computing 5 German

Thanks to Martin Seine I have added the German version of Elektor Computing 5, dedicated to the EC65 systen, Z80 card, 65818 etc.

And have a look at the EC65 Z80 card page also