Thanks to Larry:
New SYM-1 document: KIM/SYM : First Book of KIM appendix
About small SBC systems
Thanks to Larry:
New SYM-1 document: KIM/SYM : First Book of KIM appendix
A program, SerialTester, a guide and test results.
Thanks to Ray Holt (Microcomputer Associates, Synertek Systems) I have added photos of SYM-1 and KTM to the Synertek pages.
A page devoted to magazines that paid much attention to the KIM-1.
The first two magazines are of dutch origin, in which I was a major contributor and (chief) editor.
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KIM/6502 KennerThe KIM/6502 Kenner magazine, published by the dutch KIM user Club, has of course many articles on the KIM-1. |
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Radio BulletinFrom 1977 to 1986 Radio Bulletin published many articles written by me and others about the KIM-1. |
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MICRO The 6502 JournalPublished by Robert M. Tripp, The Computerist |
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Best of MICRO 3 |
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Compute!A magazine devoted mostly to 6502 computers. Apart from the Compute II period, before and afterwards also the small SBCs like IM-1 got attention of Compute! |
Compute II was a short lived split-off of Compute! and also a continuation of the KIM-1/6502 User Notes. Three issues and it was merged back with Compute! again.
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HTML version of Issue 1 PDF of Compute II Issue 1 |
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HTML version of Issue 2 PDF of Compute II Issue 2 |
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HTML version of Issue 3 PDF of Compute II Issue 3 |
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KIM-1/6502 User Notes is a publication about the KIM-1, slowly evolving to other 6502 systems like SYM-1 and AIM 65. Editor was the famous Eric Rehnke. After issue 17 it merged with Compute II. |
KIM-1 / 6502 USER NOTES INDEX BY SUBJECT VOLUME 1(Issues 1 till 6) APPLICATIONS FOR KIM GENERAL INFORMATION Application suggestions 1 Correction To Memory Map -------- 2 Calculator--Interface 4 Defective 6502 chips------------- 3 Interface 6 Discussion of Memory Allocation - 5 --T.I.5050 5 DISPLAY (on board) Chess Clock Program 4 red filter for-----------------5 CONTROLLING Use of------------------------------1,5 --- Function Generator 1 EXPANSION OF SYSTEM --- Light Intensity 4 KIMSI--------------------------4 --- Motor Speed 4 MEMORY --- Touch tone encoder 1 Adding memory to KIM-1--------5 Degree Dispatch Computer 5 Diagnostic------------------- 2,5 Frequency Counter 3 Expansion---------------------4,3 OSI Memory-------------------------3 GAMES Using SD Sales 4K RAM Board 3 Bagels----------------- 5 Hardware tips Battleship--------------6 Packaging KIM-1 --------------- 6,3 Horserace-------------- 3 Power Supply for KIM ---------- 4 Hunt the Wampus-------- 2 Red Filter for Display----------5 Jotto------------------ 5 INTERVAL TIMERS : Kimmaze---------------- 4 The Other Timer-----------------2 Microchess------------- 3 and cassette 2 Mastermind------------- 5 Use Of--------------------------5,5 Moon Lander-----------1,3 MIKIM------------------------------5 HEDEX Program 1 OPERATION TIPS MATH TEST Program 4 Using SST ---------------------2 Mini-l Loran-c 6 Using ST to start programs----4 MUSIC:KlugeHarp 3,2,6,6 Page 1 Programming Problems--------6 Real Time Clock 4, 5 Packaging your KIM-1---------------3 Square wave generator 5 Power Supply-----------------------4 Stopwatch Program 2 Presetting 00F1, 00F2 4 Telephone Dialer 4,4 System Architecture 3 Packaging your KIM-1---------------3 CASSETTE PROBLEMS/SUGGESTIONS Presetting 00F1, 00F2 4 Certification of tape 6 System Architecture 3 Copying Cassette tape 3 TABLES for KIM-1 Fast tape problems 6 Interval Timer Table------------3 Hypertape 2,6 Relative Branch table----------2 Interval timer/cassette 1 OP Code table-------------------4 Notes on cassette 6 Techniques PLL set program 5 Mnemonic Improvement------------41 PROBLEMS with Cassette 3 BIT Data---------------41 Software control of tape Top Down Programming 4 reading 4 Modifications/ IMPROVEMENTS Speed up 4 Crystal Stabilization------------5 Supertape 2 Factory Mods. -------------------4 Supertape improvement 4 6502 Register Monitor Apparatus 4 Tape Certifying 6 74Ls145 ------------------------ 3,4 Tape Dupe 4 6502 Microprocessor Board-----------6 Using Cassette 6 POWER ON RESET CIRCUIT 3 Varification of Data 4 NOTES FROM THE FACTORY 5 Vutape 2 INDEX Issue 13 SOFTWARE FEATURE 1 KIM Hexpawn (your KIM can learn to win) Robert C. Leedon 6502 OP CODES (arranged logically for easy look up) Jim Butterfield 6 CASSETTE INTERFACE STUFF 7 Tape Verify II Dr. Barry Tepperman Radio Tape Feedback Daniel Gardner Reliability Hint John Watney Help Relay Package Fixit Mike Firth Tape File Recovery Routine Loel Swank KIM Software On Cassette LANGUAGE LAB 10 Focal I/O Mods Editor Functions Editor Basic I/O Mods Marvin De Jong A Basic Question Editor Basic Timing Comments F. E. Kempisty KIM Basic Hint Micro-Z Company Basic Renumber Program Harvey Herman Tiny Basic Two Tiny Basic Mods Michael Day Ramblings About T.B. Lew Edwards Forth Forth Comments Example John P. Oliver Assemblers Two Pass Patch To Aresco Assembler John Eaton Mods To MSS Assembler Richard M. Bender DESSIGN CORNER 16 A 6522 I/O Board KIM-4 BUS PINOUT 18 VIDEO GRAPHICS 19 Video Displays Editor Comments On Visible Memory Lew Edwards TVT-6 Adventure Dennis Chaput TVT-6 RAM Expansion Michael Allen Polymorphics Video Board Mods Editor DEBUG 21 Slow Stepper IV Lew Edwards LETTERS COMMENTS 22 SOFTWARE LIBRARY Multi-Mode Adder Jim Butterfield Pseudo-Random Number Generator H. T. Gordon ASCII Dump Program Jim Zuber Keyboard Debounce Routine Thomas J. Rubens Sound Effects Program Bob Carlson Melodies For The Music Box Douglas Lyon 'Do Loops'; For KIM Dave Skillman INTERFACE 26 Camera Speed Tester Mike Firth Low-Cost Modem Possibility Editor RPN Calculator Chip Interface Editor Power-On Reset George Hawkins The Outside World Connection Editor More On The Opto-Isolator Dwight Egbert NEW PRODUCTS 28 Video Driver Package Price Decrease On Jolt Boards A 8080 Simulator For The 6502 Eprom Programmer INDEX Issue 14 INDEX EDITORIAL SOFTWARE FEATURES 1 KIM BANNER PROGRAM JIM ZUBER 6KIM DISASSEMBLER CHECK-OUT ROBERT LARRABEE LANGUAGE LAB 12 BASIC MOD AND PROGRAMMING HINT HEINZ JOACHIM SCHILLING OUTPUT PAGING MOD DICK GRABOWSKY RENUMBER ADDENDUM AND SOME MODS HARVEY HERMAN AUTOMATIC LINE NUMBER ENTRY MOD SEAN MCKENNA A NEW COMMAND DICK GRABOWSKY PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT 'USR' FUNCTION INFO C. KINGSTON FOCAL TINY BASIC FORTH XPL0 SYM SECTION 18 ACCESSING THE SYM DISPLAYS A.M. MACKAY SYM NOTES & KIM-4 COMPATIBILITY C. KINGSTON WUMPUS MUSIC BOX MODS JIM ADAMS AIM SECTION 19 MANUAL CORRECTIONS JODY NELIS VIDEO TVT-6 23 POLYMORPHICS VIDEO/KIM INTERFACE MIKE FIRTH TVT-6 NOTES & RAM EXPANSION MILAN MERHAR INTERFACING TO THE TVT II JOHN M. RENSBERGER CASSETTE STUFF 25 MAKE A SHORT CASSETTE TED BEACH CASSETTE DIRECTORY PRINTOUT PROGRAM CHRIS MCCORMACK ANNOUNCEMENTS REVIEWS
To aid in the handling of KIM-1 program and dataformats I have written some programs for Windows and Linux (Raspberry Pi), sources included.
Convert 8 bit hex formats
KIM-1 simulator
Pascal-M cross compiler
KIM Tape WAV to BIN conversion
KIM Tape Convert BIN and BIN to WAV
KIMPoser Tape Convert hex to WAV online
All programs come with source (Free Pascal Lazarus), compiled for Windows but thanks to Freepascal and Lazarus also compiled and tested on Linux (Ubuntu and Raspberry PI OS).
A general purpose utility to convert common 8 bit hex and binary formats, such as Intel HEX, Motorola S records, MOS Papertape, hex format, and binary files.
Version 2.9, June 2024. Define assembler output and bugfix MOS papertape format, PRG Commodore file format, TIM papertape format
Convert8bithexformat source files (Freepascal Lazarus).
Convert8bithexformat Setup for Windows, Executables for Ubuntu and Raspberry PI OS
Available formats:
– BIN binary, raw data, no formatting, no information on start address.
– HEX formatted as hex numbers raw data, no start address included.
– IHEX Intel hex 8 bit format, multiple memory block, start address included.
– PAP MOS Technology papertape format, multiple memory blocks, start address included.
– SREC Motorola 8 bit S record, contiguous memory block, start address included.
– A1hex Apple Woz monitor hex format, start address included.
– KIM Tape as used in the KIM-1 Simulator as emulation of audio tape files.
– assembler formatted bytes as .byte or your prefix text
– PRG files (binary with start address)
– TIM papertape format (MOS Papertape with simple end record)
6502/65C02 CPU emulation, disassembler, TTY, KIM-1 keypad and LEDs.
See the KIM-1 Simulator page for more information.
Note that the Conver8bitHexFormat program is also capable of converting to and from Papertape format from many more formats.
Originally written for the launch of the MicroKIM, an older version is on the support CD.
When you attach a serial device like the teletype or a modern PC with Hyperterminal you can use the KIM monitor of the KIM-1. One of the functions is loading from and saving to a papertape device on the teletype. Now since this is a way to load and save data as a textfile this is in fact quite useful.
The Micro-KIM triggered me to modernize my conversion utility for MOS Technology papertape format dating from 1983, VAX/VMS and Turbo Pascal. A Windows and a commandline/console version are available.
KIMPAPER for Windows
A program for Windows to convert between papertape and binary format.
Windows setup KIMPAPER
Sources (Freepascal Lazarus, build also on Linux)
Not too modern, but handy, a commandline utility. Does exactly the same as the Windows program KIMPAPER. Runs fine in a commandline DOS box. Can also be compiled for Linux with Freepascal. In the KIMPAPER DOS archive the program, source and information on the program and papertape format can be found.
C:\MICROKIM\kimpaper KIM-1 MOS Technology BIN papertape format conversion utility, Hans Otten, 2007 v1.1 Syntax is: KIMPAPER [-[b|p] filename [startaddress] C:\MICROKIM\kimpaper -h KIM-1 Mos Technology BIN papertape format conversion utility, Hans Otten, 2007 v1.1 Syntax is: KIMPAPER [-[b|p|h] filename [startaddress] first parameter switches -h help -p convert to papertape -b convert to binary second parameter (first if no parameters, assumed binary to papertape) name of file to convert .BIN for binary, forces conversion to PAPertape .PAP for papertape, forces conversion to BINary third parameter (assumed 0000 if not present) startaddress for BIN to papertape conversion Files of type .BIN wil force conversion to papertape.PAP Files of type .PAP wil force conversion to binary .BIN Examples: C:\MICROKIM\kimpaper mastermind.bin 0200 KIM-1 Mos Technology BIN papertape format conversion utility, Hans Otten, 2007 v1.1 C:\MICROKIM>kimpaper mastermind.pap KIM-1 Mos Technology BIN papertape format conversion utility, Hans Otten, 2007 v1.1 Start address 0200 in file mastermind.BIN
KIM Tape to Text is a utility to convert between binary format of a KIM-1 tape dump to a DOS text file.
The KIM tape dump is a binary file and is just a dump of part of the memory of the KIM-1.
This binary file can be a text file as used in editors Micro Ade or CW Assm/TED.
By using the tape write routine in the KIM-1 one can write an audio file on cassette.
When this audio file is captured on a PC as WAV file (22K, mono) this can be converted back to a binary memory dump with ED’s Utility KIMTape
These text files can be converted to DOS text files with this utility.
First open the binary file. If this is recognized as Micro Ade or CW Moser format, the Save as text file can be used.
Windows program.
Full source for Freepascal and Lazarus, no Windows dependencies. Compiled on 64 bits Windows 10 as 32 bit application.
Note on detection of assembler editor type
1. Micro Ade file must start with CR: when present this is Micro Ade
line nr follows 2 byte
line ends with $0D
file ends with $40
2. Assm/Ted by CW Moser starts with line number $10 $00
end of line is high bit set
There may be rare situations that a file starts with a $0D or a different line nr. You can force CW Mose detection by changing this to a sequence of $10 $00 $0D and if necessary blanks $20 to make it consistent. If in doubts: use an editor that shows the file in hex (Ultra Edit, or the free Notepad ++, Text editor PRO) and study the tape file.
Methods to get the binary file out of a Junior or KIM-1.
Read the record tape into a binary with Ed’s KIMTAPE conversion *see below). It is MS-DOS and runs fine in VDOS ( or DOsbox (slow).
Make a note of start address as shown by KIMTAPE.
Non-printing ASCII characters are filtered out of the resulting text file.
Not my program, but so handy!
KIMTAPE v0.5 – tape conversion utility for KIM-1 and SYM-1 (2004-05-17) Local copy of
KIMTAPE allows programs stored on cassette tape to be decoded to a program file. It handles both MOS Technology KIM-1 and Synertek SYM-1 tape formats including HYPERTAPE. The reverse process – converting a program file to an audio wavefile is also possible, allowing one to produce perfectly regenerated cassettes. KIMTAPE works with 8-bit mono WAV, VOC or RAW audio files recorded
at 22050 samples per second.
Download: (MS-DOS) It is MS-DOS and runs fine in VDOS ( or DOSbox (slow).
The binary files in the KIM-1 program archives have been reproduced, from the original cassette recordings, with the tool KIMTAPE on a PC in a DOS box. See Eds DX-Forth and Utilities Page for this and other nice programs.
This program also makes it possible to reproduce the original cassette recordings that can be read by a KIM-1.
The files were made as follows: The KIM-1 cassette audio was connected to the PC audio input and (with e.g. Audacity) recorded as a wave file (mono 22KHz).
For example: qchess.wav
The wave file was then converted with KIMTAPE to a binary file (the exact content of of the KIM-1 memory when recorded).
And the KIMTAPE utility then displays load address (for example and tape ID
c:\kimtape qchess.wav qchess.bin KIMTAPE version 0.5 17-May-04 infile: qchess.wav outfile: qchess.BIN Program 01 address 0200 checksum OK xxxx bytes done
This .bin file (any extension is fine!) is NOT a wave file! It contains the exact content of the KIM-1 memory when recorded. The size is exactly the number of bytes as stored in the memory of the KIM-1 and much smaller than the wave file. This binary file can be converted back to a wave file with KIMTAPE or converted to a papertape file with KIMPAPER:
C:\kimtape -M -A0200 -D01 -B2 qchess.bin qchess.wav
As you can see: you have to specify the load address and the program ID. The B parameter indicates hypertape speed (2 here, slow)
The resulting wav file should be acceptable for the KIM-1. It is (as I have tested) acceptable as input for KIMTAPE!
All command parameters can be seen by typing KIMTAPE without parameters:
Executables of cross compiler, workflow, sources, command line utilities.
The SYM-2 was an evolution of the SYM-1.
From the press release:
Synertek has introduced the SYM-2, which offers a choice of microprocessor (6502, 6809 or 6802). The SYM-2 is software compatible with the SYM-1 and adds some hardware features: on-board power supply , eight toggle switches for input, eight LEDs to display outout in binary and cassette interface jacks. Hardware compatibility between the two SYMs ensure that RAM and disk interface devices that work with one will work with the other. Designed for learning computer hardware fundamentals, the SYM-2 sells for $249 from Synertek Inc.
General Description
(most information on this page comes from on
The KTM-2 came in two models. The standard KTM-2 with its low video frequency (2.6MHz) can use ordinary home TV as a video monitor. This helped keep the user system cost low. The KTM-2/80 has twice the displayable characters; however it must be used with a video monitor since the 80 character lines have a higher frequency (7.2MHz). The KTM-2/80 is functionally identical in every respect with the KTM-2. Throughout the remainder of this article, KTM-2 will refer to both the KTM-2 and the KTM-2/80 unless otherwise noted.
The KTM-2 keyboard consists of 54 keys which generate 128 ASCII characters and 128 graphic characters. The ASCII characters include upper and lower case alpha, numeric, special and control. The graphic and alphanumeric characters can be displayed simultaneously. This is beneficial in business and industrial applications where annotated forms or graphs are desirable. With KTM-2’s relative and absolute addressing, graphs, game pieces, etc, can be placed and/or moved about on the screen with a minimal amount of software.
The KTM-2 has two serial communications ports: the main port used primarily with a computer for information transfer and the auxiliary port used primarily with a printer for hard copy. The serial ports are full duplex allowing information to be transmitted and received simultaneously. The serial format is comprised of a start bit, seven data bits, a parity bit (for detection of transmission errors), and one or two stop bits. The bit transmission rate is selectable from 110 up to 9600 baud. The eight baud rates are selectable by three of the eight option switches. Other switch selectable features are: even, odd or no parity; interlaced or non-interlaced screen; line truncate or line wrap around (to next line); and 60Hz or 50Hz frame rate.
The KTM-2/80 has two microprocessors, a 6502 and a 6507, two 6522 VIA’s, 2K of RAM and 6K of ROM
On this page:
Upgrading a KTM2 to a KTM2-80
Upgrading the KTM System Boot ROM
Changing the Character ROM
Schematics, Manual & Binaries
Pictures of homebuilt KTM
Dutch article about the KTM-2 by Hans Otten
Dutch article about the Samson, a cased SYM-1 and KTM-2, by Hans Otten
Photos by Ray Holt
With an EPROM programmer available and a little electronics know how, this article will attempt to help the reader upgrade a KTM-2 to a KTM-2/80 terminal. It should be noted that users with KTM-2’s with a serial number prior to 0733 CANNOT perform these modifications. The actual modifications will require you to cut a trace on the board, add a jumper, install 5 IC sockets and chips, and replace the existing system ROM. You will also have to change some other jumpers to accommodate the new system and character EPROM depending on what EPROM you use. I personally changed the original 2 K system ROM with a 2732, 4 K EPROM. The lower half of the 2732 contains the KTM-2 code and the upper half contains the KTM-2/80 code. I used a 2716 EPROM for the character generator and no modifications were necessary to the board. The 2716 and original character ROM in the KTM-2 have identical pin outs. U-22, the original character generator is simply duplicated for U-23. By adding a DPST switch, you would be able to switch between either the 40 or 80 KTM-2 system modes.
The files located here contain the binaries for both system and character ROMS that I currently use and the original KTM ROM’s. My ROM’s have been changed to accommodate the 60 key keyboard I currently use instead of the KTM-2’s 54 keys. The system ROM mapping for the keyboard matrix was changed to reflect these new keys and the character ROMS were also altered for these changes. NOTE – the 60 key binary files will not work with any original KTM-2 or KTM2/80 as the keyboard encoding mapping has been altered for my keyboard. You may also download the source code.txt or using the SYM Link program, download the source code.rae file and assemble the code to generate your own boot ROM. If you decide to download the binaries you can click here to find out how to re-map the keyboard matrix. Assuming you have an EPROM burner, you can always copy your original character ROM (U-22) and burn a duplicate that will be needed for U-23. If you want to change the blinking block to a blinking line, download the original binaries with the modification already made for you. You will also need four chips to complete the upgrade. They are 1 – 74166 (U-28), 2 – 2114 (U-17 & 18) and 1 – 8304 (U-35). You may also consider putting in sockets instead of soldering the chips directly into the board.
The first step will be to cut a trace on the KTM-2 board. The trace is located to the right of U-27 and should be labeled J-2. This trace goes between the marked J2 location and the number 40. Your board may have a jumper installed or the trace. After cutting the trace a jumper needs to be installed between the J2 location and the number 80 hole. If you decide you want to switch between the 40 or 80 character mode, click here or simply install the jumper. Once this is completed, it is now necessary to install the IC sockets and chips. You will have to change other jumpers to properly chip select your particular EPROM. A complete schematic, located here, will help you locate these jumpers. If you decide to copy your original character ROM, do so and then install it in the U-23 socket. Install the balance of the IC’s. The last thing to consider is what boot ROM you want. If you only want the -80 code, simply download the 2K binaries and burn the chip. If you decide to dual-ize the KTM, download the 4K version. In either case, jumpers will have to be re-arranged to accommodate the new chip.
Be sure to double check your work as I cannot be held responsible if it does not work properly. I can say that I have done the above procedure and had no problems of any kind.
The following jumper changes will complete the upgrade. I am not sure of the original jumper location default setting as I no longer have my original KTM. I do know the original character generator ROMS have identical pin outs of the 2716. The boot ROM on the other hand is a different story as pins 20 and 21 are both positive chip select and that pin 18 was grounded. The chart below will show what jumpers to change and what to make them depending on the EPROM.
Pin # 2716 2732
18 J-11 J-11 Connect to pin 8 of U-32 (should be one connection at J-19)
20 J-19 J-19 Connect to ground (should be “G” on board at J-11)
21 J-18 see note For 2716, connect to +5 volts located at J-18.
NOTE: If dual-izing the KTM connect pin 21 ( A-11 ) to common of switch as shown here. If pin 21 is low, the lower half of the 2732 is selected and if high, the upper half is selected. The lower half will be the KTM-2 and the upper half will be the -80.
With an EPROM programmer available and a little electronics know how, this article will attempt to help the reader upgrade a KTM-2 to a KTM-2/80 terminal. It should be noted that users with KTM-2’s with a serial number prior to 0733 CANNOT perform these modifications. The actual modifications will require you to cut a trace on the board, add a jumper, install 5 IC sockets and chips, and replace the existing system ROM. You will also have to change some other jumpers to accommodate the new system and character EPROM depending on what EPROM you use. I personally changed the original 2 K system ROM with a 2732, 4 K EPROM. The lower half of the 2732 contains the KTM-2 code and the upper half contains the KTM-2/80 code. I used a 2716 EPROM for the character generator and no modifications were necessary to the board. The 2716 and original character ROM in the KTM-2 have identical pin outs. U-22, the original character generator is simply duplicated for U-23. By adding a DPST switch, you would be able to switch between either the 40 or 80 KTM-2 system modes.
The files located here contain the binaries for both system and character ROMS that I currently use and the original KTM ROM’s. My ROM’s have been changed to accommodate the 60 key keyboard I currently use instead of the KTM-2’s 54 keys. The system ROM mapping for the keyboard matrix was changed to reflect these new keys and the character ROMS were also altered for these changes. NOTE – the 60 key binary files will not work with any original KTM-2 or KTM2/80 as the keyboard encoding mapping has been altered for my keyboard. You may also download the source code.txt or using the SYM Link program, download the source code.rae file and assemble the code to generate your own boot ROM. If you decide to download the binaries you can click here to find out how to re-map the keyboard matrix. Assuming you have an EPROM burner, you can always copy your original character ROM (U-22) and burn a duplicate that will be needed for U-23. If you want to change the blinking block to a blinking line, download the original binaries with the modification already made for you. You will also need four chips to complete the upgrade. They are 1 – 74166 (U-28), 2 – 2114 (U-17 & 18) and 1 – 8304 (U-35). You may also consider putting in sockets instead of soldering the chips directly into the board.
The first step will be to cut a trace on the KTM-2 board. The trace is located to the right of U-27 and should be labeled J-2. This trace goes between the marked J2 location and the number 40. Your board may have a jumper installed or the trace. After cutting the trace a jumper needs to be installed between the J2 location and the number 80 hole. If you decide you want to switch between the 40 or 80 character mode, click here or simply install the jumper. Once this is completed, it is now necessary to install the IC sockets and chips. You will have to change other jumpers to properly chip select your particular EPROM. A complete schematic, located here, will help you locate these jumpers. If you decide to copy your original character ROM, do so and then install it in the U-23 socket. Install the balance of the IC’s. The last thing to consider is what boot ROM you want. If you only want the -80 code, simply download the 2K binaries and burn the chip. If you decide to dual-ize the KTM, download the 4K version. In either case, jumpers will have to be re-arranged to accommodate the new chip.
Be sure to double check your work as I cannot be held responsible if it does not work properly. I can say that I have done the above procedure and had no problems of any kind.
The following jumper changes will complete the upgrade. I am not sure of the original jumper location default setting as I no longer have my original KTM. I do know the original character generator ROMS have identical pin outs of the 2716. The boot ROM on the other hand is a different story as pins 20 and 21 are both positive chip select and that pin 18 was grounded. The chart below will show what jumpers to change and what to make them depending on the EPROM.
Pin# 2716 2732 18 J-11 J-11 Connect to pin 8 of U-32 (should be one connection at J-19) 20 J-19 J-19 Connect to ground (should be "G" on board at J-11) 21 J-18 see note For 2716, connect to +5 volts located at J-18.
Please Read Carefully:
A 2316-B ROM contains program codes and the keyboard encoding table. Caution: pins 20 and 21 (unlike 2716’s) are positive chip-select: you need to have them at a high level in order to read the ROM. Exchanging the ROM for a 2716 EPROM requires changing the jumper settings at J-18 and J-19.
The KTM uses two input lines to check the status of the SHIFT and CONTROL keys, and an 8 x 8 matrix for checking the other keys. This lay-out requires 2 * 64 = 128 bytes of storage for decoding the keys in lower-case and upper-case mode. Not all of the 64 cross-points of the matrix are used (the KTM has 51 keys apart from SHIFT and CONTROL). These cross points are decoded by a null code. The KTM control functions ALPHA and BREAK are identified by a dedicated bit (bit 7 = 1, – 0 for all other characters). Bits 6 to 0 contain the ASCII code in reversed order! For instance, the key `8` (ASCII $38) thus encodes to $0E. The keyboard encoding table shown below starts from address $723 up to $7A2 for the KTM-2/80 and $6FA up to $779 for the KTM-2. Standard KTM lay-out is (only lower-case is shown):
U2 (6522) PA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROM addr. -------------------------------------------------------------------- U2 (6522) PB 0 / 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 $ 723-72A U2 (6522) PB 1 / TAB - + 0 9 $ 72B-732 U2 (6522) PB 2 / u y t r e w q ESC $ 733-73A U2 (6522) PB 3 / RET LF = p o i $ 73B-742 U2 (6522) PB 4 / j h g f d s a $ 743-74A U2 (6522) PB 5 / ALPHA DEL : ; l k $ 74B-752 U2 (6522) PB 6 / m n b v c x z $ 753-75A U1 (6522) PB 5 / SPACE / . , $ 75B-762
The information given should suffice to change the keyboard according to any desired lay-out. My keyboard now reads and displays the added keys on my new keyboard
Modifications to the character ROM are simple once you understand the map in the chip. The KTM-2/80 terminal board features a 1920 character display, 24 lines by 80 characters each. The characters – both ASCII and graphics – are represented by a ‘pixel’ of 8 bytes (= 8 * 8 bits), each bit corresponding to a dot on the screen. Since a total of 256 different characters constitutes the KTM’s character font, 256 * 8 bytes, i.e. 2 Kbytes, are needed to store the pixel patterns. The KTM uses two identical 2 K-ROMs (type 2316-B) which are switched to give the high speed necessary for a CRT display.
How are the pixel patterns coded? Page 0 of the ROMs comprises the top line of all the 256 patterns, page 1 the next line, etc., page 7 the bottom line of each. Bit 7 corresponds to the leftmost dot, bit 0, accordingly, to the rightmost one. Therefore, the pattern code for any character is to be found at a fixed lo-byte address (determined by the ASCII code), while the hi-byte of its address varies from 0 to 7. The lo-byte address is exactly the ASCII code of the character (0 to $7F ASCII, $80 to $FF graphics), read backwards! Graphic characters fill the 8-by-8 matrix completely, while ASCII characters leave the left and right margins empty and usually the bottom row, too.
Suppose you want to change the appearance of the ~ tilde ($7E) to `B` (Greek beta). You first invert the ASCII code, reading it from right to left, which gives (in that special case, only, the same code) $7E. This is the lo-byte address. Next, you look up the codes for all the pixel rows, top row first, at address $07E, $17E, … $77E:
00 00 00 32 4C 00 00 00 Rows 4 and 5 are non-empty, resulting in the following pattern: row 4: ..xx..x. row 5: .x..xx.. See the wave-form? Let us now devise the `B`: row 1: = $ 38 at address $07E. row 2: .x...x.. = $ 44 at address $17E. row 3: .x.xx... = $ 58 at address $27E. row 4: .x...x.. = $ 44 at address $37E row 5: .x....x. = $ 42 at address $47E row 6: .xx..x.. = $ 64 at address $57E row 7: .x.xx... = $ 58 at address $67E row 8: .x...... = $ 40 at address $77E
In case you don’t like the cursor’s blinking block and prefer a blinking line like I did (I found that block annoying), I’ll help you cheat. The KTM uses location $FE for the blinking block. If you look at your chip, locations $0FE, $1FE, $2FE etc all contain an $FF. Change all the locations to $00 except $7FE. This now changes the annoying blinking block to a blinking line.
The source code with binaries, manual, and schematic for the KTM-2 terminal.
NOTE: The 60 key binary files ARE NOT for a standard KTM-2. These files have been modified for a 60 key version the KTM’s 54 key keyboard.
60 Key Boot ROM – Contains altered binaries for KTM2 & 2/80. (2732 – 4K)
60 Key Character ROM – Character generator binaries for above. (2716 – 2K)
54 Key Original Boot ROM – Contains both KTM2 & 2/80 binaries. (2732 – 4K)
54 Key Original Boot ROM – Contains only KTM2/80 binaries. (2716 – 2K)
54 Key Original Boot ROM – Contains original binaries in text format.
54 Key Character ROM – Original 54 Key binaries with change made to cursor from blinking block to blinking line.
54 Key Character ROM – Original 54 key binaries in text format.
Source Code KTM2/80 – Hacked version to allow either original or new boot ROM to be generated in text format.
Source Code KTM2/80 – Same as above but in RAE format.
Complete Manual
Complete Schematic in PDF format
I have included some notes and prints showing how and where I added the extra keys for the larger keyboard that work correctly with the above 60 key code. Cross-points circled in blue are the added keys. I also needed to change the existing keys matrix with new ASCII values to correctly display the new ASCII code. Example would be on the original KTM, a shift 2 displays an “, whereas on a normal keyboard the shift 2 is an @ character. These are also shown in the schematic, but are not highlighted. Below is the mapping table showing the binary bites and the corresponding ASCII code generated for both keyboards.
KTM-2 Keyboard Encoding Table. Remember that all bytes are backwards.
IF KEYS-54 (Standard KTM) Lower Case Table *NC = No Connection $0E $76 $36 $56 $16 $66 $26 $46 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 $00 $00 $48 $00 $5A $6A $06 $4E NC NC TAB NC - + 0 9 $57 $4F $17 $27 $53 $77 $47 $6C u y t r e w q ESC $00 $00 $58 $28 $5E $07 $7B $4B NC NC RET LF = p o i $2B $0B $73 $33 $13 $67 $43 $00 j h g f d s a NC $00 $00 $F2 $7F $2E $6E $1B $6B NC NC APL DEL : ; l k (ALP = ALPHA) $5B $3B $23 $37 $63 $0F $2F $00 m n b v c x z NC $00 $00 $00 $02 $00 $7A $3A $1A NC NC NC SPC NC / . , Upper Case Table $0A $72 $32 $52 $12 $62 $22 $42 ( ' & % $ # " ! $00 $00 $FB $00 $2A $01 $3D $4A NC NC BRK NC * @ ^ ) $55 $4D $15 $25 $51 $75 $45 $6F U Y T R E W Q ESC $00 $00 $03 $3F $1D $05 $79 $49 NC NC RET LF \ P O I $29 $09 $71 $31 $11 $65 $41 $00 J H G F D S A NC $00 $00 $5F $7D $5D $6D $19 $69 NC NC ALP DEL ] [ L K $59 $39 $21 $35 $61 $0D $2D $00 M N B V C X Z NC $00 $00 $00 $1F $00 $7E $3E $1E NC NC NC SPC NC ? > < IF KEYS-60 (Modified KTM) Lower Case Table $0E $76 $36 $56 $16 $66 $26 $46 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 $08 $03 $48 $20 $5E $5A $06 $4E BS ` TAB ^B = - 0 9 (^B = Repeat Key*) $57 $4F $17 $27 $53 $77 $47 $6C u y t r e w q ESC $6F $1D $58 $28 $6D $07 $7B $4B { \ RET LF [ p o i $2B $0B $73 $33 $13 $67 $43 $00 j h g f d s a NC $00 $00 $F2 $7F $72 $6E $1B $6B NC NC CLK DEL ' ; l k (CLK = Caps Lock) $5B $3B $23 $37 $63 $0F $2F $00 m n b v c x z NC $FB $00 $00 $02 $00 $7A $3A $1A BRK NC NC SPC NC / . , Upper Case Table $2A $32 $3D $52 $12 $62 $01 $42 * & ^ % $ # @ ! $08 $3F $FB $20 $6A $7D $4A $0A BS ~ TAB ^B + _ ) ( (^B = Repeat Key*) $55 $4D $15 $25 $51 $75 $45 $6F U Y T R E W Q ESC $5F $1F $03 $3F $5D $05 $79 $49 } | RET LF ] P O I $29 $09 $71 $31 $11 $65 $41 $00 J H G F D S A NC $00 $00 $F2 $7F $22 $2E $19 $69 NC NC CLK DEL " : L K $59 $39 $21 $35 $61 $0D $2D $00 M N B V C X Z NC $FB $00 $00 $02 $00 $7E $3E $1E BRK NC NC SPC NC ? > <
Below are some pictures showing my KTM-2/80. I built this on a Radio Shack ASCII keyboard encoder I picked up at a flea market. All that was needed was to build the KTM in the space provided above the keyboard, cut the traces for the KTM’s matrix, and install a connector between the keyboard and the KTM board.
First picture shows KTM assembled. Actual board size is 3″ x 13″.
Bottom of keyboard showing trace cuts and wires added for new matrix. What made this easy was the fact that each switch was labeled with its function.
Picture showing bottom of KTM. Point to point wiring using 30 gauge wire is used to save height space and looks much neater. I had to glue two boards together for the 13″ length. The two blue boards shown below are were the joint was made.
An article I wrote with a review of the KTM-2, in dutch, in the magazine Radio Bulletin, april 1980
An article I wrote with a review of the Samson, in dutch, in the magazine Radio Bulletin, april 1980. The ame Samson was used to name a package of SYM_1 and a KTM-2, both in a nice case, november 1980.
Current consumption of the board with all chips on board is about 270mA … that is without any external connections to VIA chips ..
There is a slight mod …looking at the above schematic ..pins 18 and 13 have to be swapped ..that is pin18 becomes !a9 and 13 becomes crtout… reason being the the default schematic for the gal chip had pin 13 as i/o pin … but it is only an input pin ..!!!
PLD file to make it all work ….
Name SYM-1 Maxi; Partno 0001; Revision ver4,monitor,basic,RAE ; Date 23/11/17; Designer mc; Company mcoz; Location oz; Assembly manual; Device g22v10; /** Inputs **/ pin [3..8] = [a15..10] ; pin 1 = phi2; pin 2 = rnw; pin 9 = a9; pin 10 = a8; pin 11 = a7; pin 13 = crtout; pin 16 = crtin; /** Outputs **/ pin 14 = !nr; pin 15 = !nw; pin 22 = !cs6532; pin 18 = !na9; pin 20 = !via2cs; pin 21 = !via1cs; pin 23 = !csram; pin 19 = !ncrtin; pin 17 = !ncrtout; /** Declarations and Intermediate Variable Definitions **/ field ioaddr= [a15..7]; cs6532_eqn = ioaddr:[A4XX..A7XX]; csrom_eqn = (ioaddr:[80XX..8FXX])#(ioaddr:[B0XX..FFXX]) ; csram_eqn = (ioaddr:[00XX..7FXX]) ; /** Logic Equations **/ ncrtout=crtout; ncrtin=crtin; na9=a9; nr = phi2&rnw ; nw = !rnw&phi2 ; cs6532 = cs6532_eqn ; csrom = csrom_eqn&nr; csram = csram_eqn#csrom;
Photos by Ray Holt
Synertek, Inc. was an American semiconductor manufacturer founded in 1973. The initial founding group consisted of Bob Schreiner (from Fairchild), Dan Floyd, Zvi Grinfas, Jack Balletto, and Gunnar Wetlesen. The manufacturing technology was MOS/LSI.
Initial products included custom designed devices, as well as a line of standard products (static RAMs, ROMs, dynamic and static shift registers) and then, sometime before 1979, second sourced versions of MOS Technology’s successful 6502 8-bit microprocessor, and the (less successful) Philips/Signetics 2650 processor and Zilog Z8 microcomputer.
Major customers included Atari (for its video game product line their biggest customer at a certain point of time) and Apple Computer (for its Apple II computer).
In the days leading up to the 1977 West Coast Computer Faire, Steve Wozniak chose to use a Synertek ROM chip for the Apple II, which was revealed at the event, after a chip from American Megatrends didn’t arrive on time.
Here some pages with information on Synertek, Micro Associates and my SYM-1 systems.
The Jolt from Micro Associates and initialy not a Synertek product, has its own page here.
Synertek Databook 1983 Chapter 5 Systems
My current SYM-1:
Synertek acquired Microcomputer Associates, Incorporated, consisting of engineers Manny Lemas and Ray Holt, after which it was renamed Synertek Systems, Inc. and established as a subsidiary. In 1978, Synertek Systems released a 6502-based single board computer/evaluation kit called the SYM-1, a derivative of MOS Technology/Commodore Semiconductor Group’s KIM-1.
Synertek’s semiconductor fabrication plant in Santa Clara, California operated from 1974 to 1985. Sometime after 1979, Synertek was acquired by Honeywell and set up as a subsidiary. Later, around 1983, construction began for an additional manufacturing facility in Santa Cruz, California. There was Superfund attention to pollution at the Synertek factory site. When market conditions deteriorated, primarily because of business downturns at Atari, work was stopped at the Santa Cruz facility and it was later sold. Honeywell shut down operations at Synertek in 1985 and assets were sold off (from Wikipedia).
Part of Chapter 5, systems, of the Synertek Databook 1983, note the Jolt was still available.
The end of Synertek Systems in 1985:
The following article is a local copy of the site of Michael Cvetanovski, all design and ‘me’ in the text below is by and (C) Michael Cvetanovski.
The copy here is for information and archiving only, the original is the place to go for the latest information. The following text (“I”) is by Michael Cvetanovski.
If you are interested in the PCB’s ask Michael, not me! I do not sell them!
SYM-1 6502 mini SBC
SYM-1 Maxi
SYM-1 Maxi built by Norbert Joppen
Bit of History
Once upon a time .. I had a SYM-1 sbc board that I played around with. Wonderful microcomputer for its era (early 1980’s). Like most people due to non use and lack of interest I give that micro away. Since my recent eagerness to dabble with some of the older micros .. I had a go at trying to rebuild the SYM-1 to a reasonable design so I can use most of the SYM-1 features. Having a 6502 chip and a 6532 peripheral chip, I had most bits to be able to create a minimal system to say run the SYM-1 Supermon 1.1 monitor. Following is a prototype that I got working (must admit after some testing time) which is minimal in design in having basically 5 main chips and TTL-USB adapter for comms to a PC. This project is ongoing where I have also reproduced (to a reasonable degree) an imitation keypad similar to the original one from individual pcb type push button keys. Where possible I used particular IC’s (like GAL’s) to minimise the construction and size of the design.
It mainly consist of the 6502 chip, 6532 peripheral chip, 2732 EPROM for Monitor, 2K 6116 Ram chip and 24pin Atmel GAL chip to provide some of the decoding and interfacing. Additional things on the board are 14pin 1Mhz crystal and an expansion socket to be able to interface to display/keypad. Flying wires are leads to a TTL to USB converter that connects to USB port of a PC. Monitor code is original version 1.1 that you can get from Memory map is original as per SYM-1 board for the monitor, 6532 chip and 2k RAM from 0000-07FF. Gal chip used is Atmel ATF22V10CQ/CQZ. No particular reason for this one .. but you can easily get them from RS components and not that expensive. I will provide the .pld and .jed file for the code to program these. See notes later on.
Prototype board was constructed using a vero type board with a bank of tracks to place the IC’s. Wiring was soldered point to point using wire wrap wire. After initial mounting of the components and testing for shorts etc the board was ready for use. When powered up the board draws about 220mA. See pic below.
If you are an old micro buff you probably have some if not most parts to construct this mini board. In case you don’t here is few suggestions for major parts.
It basically follows from the original SYM-1 schematics, with simplification of decoding logic with a PLD chip. For minimal system you would need at least a Monitor program, some RAM and an I/O comms. Simplest would be to have RS232 type comms that you can connect to a PC and communicate to the board via terminal type program. So in that case from original design, 6532 chip did the job of communication via pins 16 and 19 to RS232 type interface. Since I was trying to use TTL to USB interface I did not have much success in interfacing the board to the PC. It wasn’t till I actually built an additional keypad to connect to the main board and played around with that I figured out the interface and comms settings. The final comms configuration involved using inverter gates for input and output to serial port (via PLD chip), and the following serial settings on comms port:
Original notes and references to RS232 on SYM-1 refer to 3 stop bits .. which confused me initially .. hence it took a while to figure out what works properly.
Schematic and component functions
Following is a schematic of the design. It is using Diptrace software. Note I use point to point schematic (pin ID connections). It does reduce wires ..but for some people it gets bit harder to follow.
Caution: As with any circuit diagrams it is up to you to recheck and make sure it is OK before proceeding to any construction. To best of my ability this is representation of what I have used. I’ve followed other circuit diagrams on the web, only to find some info was wrong. So please check pin outs (especially against datasheets) to make sure all connections are correct. If there is any errors please email me.
Looking at the schematic here is bit of explanation of some of the component functions:
PLD Function
Atmel PLD is used to provide address decoding and 3 gate inverts for A9 and serial signals. For more info see Atmel website and WinCupl software.
The code for the PLD is shown below:
Name SYM-1; Partno 0001; Revision 4k Mon, 2kRam, 6532 Comm; Date 6/2/15; Designer mc; Company mcoz; Location oz; Assembly manual; Device g22v10; /** Inputs **/ pin [1..6] = [a10..15] ; pin 7 = phi2; pin 8 = rnw; pin 9 = a9; pin 10 = crtout; pin 11 = crtin; /** Outputs **/ pin 19 = !nr; pin 20 = !nw; pin 21 = !cs6532; pin 23 = !csrom; pin 22 = !csram; pin 18 = !na9; pin 16 = !ncrtin; pin 17 = !ncrtout; /** Declarations and Intermediate Variable Definitions **/ field ioaddr= [a15..9]; cs6532_eqn = ioaddr:[A4XX..A7XX]; csrom_eqn = (ioaddr:[80XX..8FXX])#(ioaddr:[F0XX..FFXX]) ; csram_eqn = (ioaddr:[00XX..07XX]) ; /** Logic Equations **/ ncrtout=crtout; ncrtin=crtin; na9=a9; nr =phi2&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;rnw ; nw = !rnw&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;phi2 ; cs6532 = cs6532_eqn ; csrom = csrom_eqn; csram = csram_eqn;
The pinout for PLD is as follows:
Testing the board
Obviously have the board connected to the PC and use appropriate comms software like Hyperterm (on XP) or RealTerm set to appropriate setting. Also set CAPS ON. (reduces errors). If all OK after pressing the RESET button …press the “Q” key on keyboard . The response should be “.” single dot …where you can give monitor commands after that. Following is snapshot of sample program that is given in Reference manual for SYM-1 that adds two numbers together from memory locations 200 and 201 and places result in 202. You can see that 202 changed from 0 to C6 which is = C1+05.
From this point on you can explore all the monitor commands. Save and Load will not work as provision is not made in this design for saving code to cassette tape. So another way of saving and loading the machine code is via SP an LP (paper tape commands).
Saving and loading code (via terminal)
Refer to paper tape format info in SYM-1 Reference manual (page D-1). So for example to save above code you would issue command
SP 200-210
and before you press , set terminal program to capture file mode.. which will save text as it is output to the terminal.
Start capture mode and press
the listing should follow.. once character output had stopped ..Stop the capture …
To see what is captured open the captured file with should look like something like this …
Delete the space in first line and replace the “.” in the last line with “;00”. This creates the correct file to upload.
To retrieve the code type in
and send the captured file as text using terminal program ..What you might need to do is delay the character and LF output to about 20ms so the board does not get swamped with incoming characters from the PC serial port. You can adjust the delay to smaller value till the sending of file stops working properly. 20ms+ is usually a safe bet.
Picture above shows loading of the file, listing the code, running it and then listing the result of the addition program. So there you are ..plenty of things to be able to examine ..with minimal system similar to the original SYM-1 board.
I/O via 6532 PIA chip
Ok If you are to use the mini board with RS232 interface only (that is … with NO keypad/display) then the port A (address A400) is free to use for any I/O control. The DDRA (address A401) can be set up for output or input. As a simple example using SYM monitor we can set the DDR to output on all eight PA pins (set DDRA to FF). Then changing the value of I/O Register A (A400 address) from FF to 00 will toggle output on the port A (pins 8-15) from high back to low.
If you want to use the port A as an input then set appropriate bits to 0 in DDRA. Image below shows a crude example of control via Monitor commands. Writing machine/assembly code for more complex task is possible and make the board useful as a micro controller.
Running mini @9600 Baud
It is possible to run the mini board @ 9600. Suggestions have been obtained from 6502 pages website, where following address have been changed:
8AE9 08 --&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; EA ' NOP 8AEA 48 --&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; 60 ' RTS 8AB0 0B --&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;0A ' CHANGE NUMBER OF STOP BITS
Changed binary file Supermon 1.1 file for 9600 baud can be downloaded from here. Please note as suggested, once this is changed it might not be possible to run the board at different speeds.
If you are like me I am not best at bread boarding circuits. From the mini board schematic diagram I have generated a pcb design and gerber files that you be able to make your own boards from. See link below.
Word of Caution First
I have not made any of these pcb’s so make sure you check the board out before any component mounting. In case there is any major faults let me know. One mistake that I am aware of is that the polarized caps C5,7 and 8 show the “+” on the wrong side. So make sure you mount polarized caps the correct way around. When I get time will try to correct that.
At this point I am only providing the full set of the gerber files from which you can get the boards manufactured. From more expensive pcb websites the board will work out about $30-$40 .. but if you shop around and get more than one board ..they will probably work out $10-15 each.
Top silk layout and component placement
Most of component placement is self explanatory. It is possible to power the board from TTL/USB connector (by getting +5 volts from PC USB port). But word of caution in doing that. The setup draws about 220mA, so make sure all the connection on J1 are solid. Also if you to use USB power then do not power the board from PWR/RST connector.
Bottom traces…
Top Traces ..
Download set of zipped Gerber files here.
Following is info about keyboard and 6 digit 7 segment display expansion prototype board that was used with mini SYM board to run monitor program from the keypad. It is similar in layout to original SYM-1 board. Keys are made up of pcb push button switches, that have 2 square caps on them. One cap clips over the switch then another CLEAR plastic cap clips over the top again. By placing appropriate size bit of paper with text on it, ANY keyboard key indicator can be made up. (see picture)
The only issue with these switches is that they had too much horizontal (rotational) play and hence keys do not look all lined up. Placing the keys close would eliminate some of that, however mounting the switches on the pcb requires some distance between adjoining pins – so it is not possible to bring the rows close together.
This design follows on from the SYM-1 mini board.
Following is the schematic of the design:
Following is a TOP view of the manufactured PCB ..
And image of assembled board (most of it tested ) …
Current consumption of the board with all chips on board is about 270mA … that is without any external connections to VIA chips ..
There is a slight mod …looking at the above schematic ..pins 18 and 13 have to be swapped ..that is pin18 becomes !a9 and 13 becomes crtout… reason being the the default schematic for the gal chip had pin 13 as i/o pin … but it is only an input pin ..!!!
PLD file to make it all work ….
Name SYM-1 Maxi; Partno 0001; Revision ver4,monitor,basic,RAE ; Date 23/11/17; Designer mc; Company mcoz; Location oz; Assembly manual; Device g22v10; /** Inputs **/ pin [3..8] = [a15..10] ; pin 1 = phi2; pin 2 = rnw; pin 9 = a9; pin 10 = a8; pin 11 = a7; pin 13 = crtout; pin 16 = crtin; /** Outputs **/ pin 14 = !nr; pin 15 = !nw; pin 22 = !cs6532; pin 18 = !na9; pin 20 = !via2cs; pin 21 = !via1cs; pin 23 = !csram; pin 19 = !ncrtin; pin 17 = !ncrtout; /** Declarations and Intermediate Variable Definitions **/ field ioaddr= [a15..7]; cs6532_eqn = ioaddr:[A4XX..A7XX]; csrom_eqn = (ioaddr:[80XX..8FXX])#(ioaddr:[B0XX..FFXX]) ; csram_eqn = (ioaddr:[00XX..7FXX]) ; /** Logic Equations **/ ncrtout=crtout; ncrtin=crtin; na9=a9; nr = phi2&amp;amp;amp;amp;rnw ; nw = !rnw&amp;amp;amp;amp;phi2 ; cs6532 = cs6532_eqn ; csrom = csrom_eqn&amp;amp;amp;amp;nr; csram = csram_eqn#csrom;
You can source all binary files from or try this combined file that has
Monitor imaged @8000-8FFF and F000-FFFF
Basic imaged from C000-DFFF and
RAE imaged @B000-BFFF and E000-EFFF
Following is a screen capture of SYM-1 Monitor and SYM BASIC running on maxi Board …
To explore the feature of saving a file to tape cassette do the following …
After typing in “SAVE A” and monitor the output on pin 9 of should be pulsing for a while while the code is being transferred. The rest of circuitry converts the TTL pulses so they can be saved in appropriate audio signals levels for a tape input . Should be able to use any reasonably good tape recorders ..or even modern digital voice recorders ..for saving the code (basic text file) on tape. Similar procedure can be used for saving memory code from Monitor Program via S1 or S2 commands.
To run the RAE (Resident Assembler Editor) on maxi board ..just type in “G B000” from the monitor prompt .. see image below which shows some test editing and assembling using RAE ..Very Nice …
For more information: see the SYM-1 RAE page.
After some modifications to the pld file , the cassette interface, the6522’s and the 6532, Basic and RAE are working now. The problems Norbert had were oscillating circuits. Then Norbert found out that the NVRAM is quite critical. On his board a M48Z128Y-120PM1 works well. The Dallas DS1245AB was not reliable.
PLD files by Norbert for the SYM-1 Maxi