6809 Microprocessor Kit

Designed and sold by Wichit Sirichote. Full text and files at his website here. The kit is available for sale, kit or assembled!
Wichit picked the Z80 CPU and designed the microcomputer kit with HEX keys and 7-segment LED displays, and wrote the monitor program.

The 6809 microprocessor kit is a member of the microprocessor kit family (I have also the 6502 and Z80 kit), and share a common design as far as keyboard and LED display and 32K RAM concern, in a format comparable with the Microprofessor 1b.
This kit has hardware serial (68B50) UART at 19200 baud, a big step up from the software serial bit banged slow 2400 baud in the other kits.

6809 Microprocessor kit

Designed and sold by Wichit Sirichote. Full text and files at his website here. The kit is available for sale, kit or assembled!
Wichit picked the Z80 CPU and designed the microcomputer kit with HEX keys and 7-segment LED displays, and wrote the monitor program.

The 6809 microprocessor kit is a member of the microprocessor kit family (I have also the 6502 and Z80 kit), and share a common design as far as keyboard and LED display and 32K RAM concern, in a format comparable with the Microprofessor 1b.
This kit has hardware serial (68B50) UART at 19200 baud, a big step up from the software serial bitbanged slow 2400 baud in the other kits.

6809 Microprocessor Kit 2017
6809 kit User Manual
Monitor source
Programming book
Programming book V2 2020
Schematocs 6809 kit
PLD for 6809 kit
10 ms tick circuit
6809 CC compiler/assembler
V3 PLD and ROM
6809 tools (compiler assembler)
6809 monitor V2
New monitor V1
New monitor
Monitor V3

Convert to Papertape V2.2

On the Utilities page I have two programs to convert to MOS Technology papertape format: KIMpaper, a command line utility, and ConvertHexFormat, a GUI app.

All in Freepascal/Lazarus source format, and tested on Linux (Raspberry PI OS) and Windows 10 64 bit. So the programs will run everywhere Lazarus is available (MS DOS, WIndows, Linux Mac OS).

KIMPAPER  is written at the time the Micro-KIM appeared. CLI utility.  Supports Binary to/from Papertape.  Still runs fine on all platforms supported by Freepascal (Windows, MS DOS, Linux etc) after a recompilation, source available.

ConvertHexFormat is a more recent GUI utilitilty with many more 8 bit hex formats as input and output.

There were some bugs of course in older versions. V2 added the ability for multipart hex formats, records having a non-consecutive load address. That seems to wok fine since V2.1
In 2.2 a bug in MOS Papertape format for bigger files is fixed, the end-of-file record (record type 00, total line count) had a bug in the checksum calculation. KIMPAPER is and was correct in the calculation.
But in ConvertHexFormat it was wrong (as it still  is in the well known srec utility in the Unix world!).


PC utilities updated

The PC utilities page has seen an update of th4 Conversion hex formats utility.

Programs to manipulate the binary and hex formatted files of interest for SBC owners. Intel hex, MOS papertape, Motorola S-record, binary, hex conversion fort eh 8 bit world.
Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac due to Lazarus and Freepascal. Source included.


A program, SerialTester,  a guide and test results.


Convert hex formats V2

A program to convert between hex or binary files for 8 bit systems with a 64K address space.
V2 adds the Wozmon Apple 1 format and allow multipart Intel Hex, MOS Papertape and Motorola S records.