EMUF and MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift

The EMUF pages are a tribute to the work of the editing staff of the German magazine MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift on SBC’s.

EMUF stands for Einplatinen-Mikrocomputer für Universelle Festprogrammierung.

EMUFs SBC’s are programmable systems, without a monitor program: write a program and store it in an EPROM and run the application type of system. A bit like the modern microcontrollers like the PIC and AVR IC’s and also a bit like the Arduino’s. But with the technology of the 80ties: 8 bit CPU’s like the 65XX and Z80, I/O IC and EPROM and some RAM.

The first EMUF was published in 1981 in the second edition of the magazine. Later called the EMUF6504, since the CPU is the MOS 6504, a stripped version of the 6502.

The EMUF pages are reorganized and enhanced with all articles from the MC magazine, Sonderheft 1 and 2 and the book Mit Computern steuern.

All relevant 6502/AIM/EMUF articles from MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift are added to the MC page.


MC EMUF articles, Sonderheft, Book

MC Die Microcomputer Zeitschrift Sonderheft

Das EMUF Sonderheft
Das EMUF Sonderheft
Alternative scan
Das EMUF Sonderheft 2

Mit Computern steuern Aufbau und Anwendung von Einplatinen Microcomputers
Feichtinger, Franzis Verlaf

MIt Computern Steueren, scanned part about EMUF

MC Die Microcomputer Zeitschrift, 1981 – 1987 articles

MC 1981 02 Mädchen für alles EMUF 6504 6504
Programmier Tips
MC 1981 03 EMUF bringt strichcode zum IEC bus
MC 1981 03 So entsteht eine EMUF applikation
MC 1981 04 V24 interface EMUF
MC 1982 01 EMUFZ80 Minimal computer mit Z80 CPU
MC 1982 02 emuf mit erweiterte adressierung
MC 1982 02 Universelle platine für 6502-systeme
MC 1982 04 IEC routinen für den 6502
MC 1982 06 Kompatible EMUF Erweiterung
MC 1982 06 6809 Einplatinen computer
MC 1982 07 6802 Europa platine mit 6502 Universal platine
MC 1982 08 RAM erweiterung für die Universal 6502 platine
MC 1982 10 EMUF als Schaltuhr,
Thermometer,Stoppuhr, Frequenzmesser
MC 1982 11 Erweiterete EMUF
MC 1983 01 IEC Centronics Interface EMUF
MC 1983 03 EMUF lernt sprechen
MC 1983 04 Der Z80 EMUF
MC 1983 04 EMUF in Senegal
MC 1983 05 Der Eier EMUF
MC 1983 10 Z80 EMUF als Spooler
MC 1983 10 EMUF in CMOS Technik
MC 1983 11 EMUF als Morse Tutor
MC 1984 01 EMUF mal Zwei
MC 1984 01 CBM und EMUF in der Ausbildung
MC 1984 02 Z80 EMUF steuert Selbstbau Plotter
MC 1984 05 Z80 EMUF mit Komfort
MC 1984 06 Der Pillen EMUF
EMUF mal Zwei, error 1984 01
MC 1984 08 Multitasking mit dem Z80 EMUF
MC 1984 09 Z80 EMUF mit Display und Tastatur
MC 1984 11 Z80 EMUF als Telefon Vermittlung
MC 1984 12 Z80 EMUF als Telefon Vermittlung teil 2/a>
MC 1984 12 Die EMUF Familie
MC 1985 01 Z80 EMUF mißt Spannung und pH Wert
MC 1985 02 Telefon EMUF
MC 1985 05 Mehr Speicher – mehr anwendungen 6502 EMUF
MC 1985 11 EMU als Serielles Interface
MC 1986 02 Centronics Interface EMUF Commodore Bus
MC 1986 02 EMUF als Bordcomputer
MC 1986 05 Centronics Schnittstelle fur den MC Plotter EMUF
MC 1986 10 Z80 EMUF als universele Fernbediening
MC 1986 10 Entwicklungshilfde 6502 EMUF
MC 1987 02 Der EMUF08
MC 1987 03 Basic EMUF mit LCD und Tasten
MC 1987 10 Der EMUF86
MC 1987 12 Pascal auf dem EMUF08

Books for the 6502: KIM-1 and more

KIM-1, AIM-65, SYM-1 and other 6502/65C02/65C816 related books.

A mix of English, German and Dutch books.

On my bookshelf I have quite a collection of books on the 6502 family.

Note that manuals and books that come with systems are shown on the pages of the corresponding system!

How to Build a Computer-controlled Robot (with a KIM-1)
Tod Loofbourrow
Microprocessor Systems Engineering
R.C. Camp, T.A. Smay, C.J. Triska
AIM 65 System 65 parts
6502 Software Gourmet Guide and Cookbook
6502 Users Manual
AIM 65 Laboratory Manual And Study Guide
Anwendunsgbeispiele fûr den Microprozessor 6502
Microprocessor_Fundamentals KIM-1
Best of Micro Volume 1 1978
Best of Micro Volume 2 1979
Best of MICRO 3, AIM 65 SYM-1 KIM-1 part June 1979 May 1980
Compute’s Machine Language for Beginners
Compute’s The Second Book of Machine Language
Programming a Microcomputer 6502
Programmieren von Mikrocomputern CPU 6502 (Skriptum)
How to Build a Microcomputer .. and really Understand It!
Mikrocomputer ohne Ballast
Micro Principles KIM-1 user guide chapter 8
Digitaalschakelen met de KIM-1
6502 Assembly Language Programming
6502 Programmieren in ASSEMBLER
Microcomputer Experimentation with the MOS Technology KIM-1
6502 Machinetaal Subroutines
6502 Assembly Language Subroutines
Microcomputer experimentation with the AIM 65
Machine Language Programming Cookbook part 1
Machine Code for Beginners
Microcomputer Systems Principles Featuring the 6502 KIM
Beyond Games: System Software for your 6502 Personal Computer
Assembly Language Programming
Using 6502 Assembly Language
6502 Machine Code for Humans
Programming the 65816 including the 6502, 65C02 and the 65802
Programming the 65816 including the 6502, 65C02 and the 65802
Forth Programming
Programming the 65816
Programming and Interfacing the 6502 with Experiments
Synertek 1981-1982 Data Catalog
Synertek DataBook 1983
Third Book of OSI
TSC 6502 Games Package 1
TV Typewriter Cookbook
Zaks 6502 Anwendungen
6502 Games
6502 Applications
Advanced 6502 Programming
Fortgeschrittene 6502 Programmierung
Programmierung des 6502
Programming the 6502
6502 Applications book
Programmeren van de 6502
Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques
Microprocessor Concepts and Applications
Publisher: Lab-Volt
6502 Assembler-Kurs für Beginner
6502 Machine Code For Beginners
A low-lvel language for use on the MOS 6502 Microcomputer
6502 Microcomputer Programmierung
Programmieren in Maschinensprache 6502
The Giant Handbook of Computer Projects
First Book of KIM
The First Book of KIM-1 in PDF format
The First Book of KIM-1, part in text format
The First Book of KIM-1 in HTML format
Sources of The First Book of KIM-1 in source and papertape format, Jeff Tranter
First Book of KIM-1 for SYM-1
Rockwell Produktübersicht in deutsch
Rockwell Microelectronic Data Devices Catalog 1979
1981 Rockwell Electronic Devices Division Data Book
1984 Rockwell Data Book
1985 Rockwell Data Book
1987 Rockwell Controller Products Databook

Das EMUF Sonderheft 2

Thanks to Mathias Ohlerich for the scan of the Sonderheft 2



Based on the TMPZ84C015, a Z80 system-on-a-chip ‘Der Z80-Mini-EMUF was published in MC April 1989.
The EMUF family lived on!
Thanks to Bram Prosman for the scan.


MC-65 AIM65 compatible

An AIM65 compatible 65C02 CPU based computer, the MC-65. With a 6532, 6522, terminal I/O, cassette interface, and in theory possible to run the original AIM 65 ROMs.

For AIM 65 ROMS and manuals, see the AIM 65 pages!



Z80-EMUF, 1984 Issue 6

Z80 CPU at 2MHz, 2x Z80 PIO, 1x 2716 EPROM, 1×6116 SRAM

On this page the original article, the printed test program in listing and hex format.

0001   0000             .org 0000h
0002   0000             ; Testprogramm für Z80 EMUF:
0003   0000             ; auf den Ausgängen der PIO's
0004   0000             ; wird nacheinander gezählt
0005   0000             
0006   0000             RAM     equ 8000h
0007   0000             
0008   0000             PIO0    equ 0
0009   0000             PIO1    equ 10h
0010   0000             ; PIO Adressen:
0011   0000             ; PIO+0: Port A
0012   0000             ; PIO+1: Port B
0013   0000             ; PIO+2: Control Port A
0014   0000             ; PIO+3: Control Port B
0015   0000             
0016   0000 3E CF       EMUT1:  ld a,11001111b; Initialisierung aller Ports auf Einzelbit Ein- und Ausgabe
0017   0002 D3 02           out (PIO0+2),a
0018   0004 3E 00           ld a,0
0019   0006 D3 02           out (PIO0+2),a
0020   0008 3E CF           ld a,11001111b
0021   000A D3 03           out (PIO0+3),a
0022   000C 3E 00           ld a,0
0023   000E D3 03           out (PIO0+3),a
0024   0010                 
0025   0010 3E CF           ld a,11001111b; Initialisierung PIO2 analog zu PIO1
0026   0012 D3 12           out (PIO1+2),a
0027   0014 3E 00           ld a,0
0028   0016 D3 12           out (PIO1+2),a
0029   0018 3E CF           ld a,11001111b
0030   001A D3 13           out (PIO1+3),a
0031   001C 3E 00           ld a,0
0032   001E D3 13           out (PIO1+3),a
0033   0020             
0034   0020 06 00       LOOP:   ld b,0
0035   0022 78          L1: ld a,b
0036   0023 32 00 80        ld (RAM),a; RAM Adresse 00 .. FF wird angesprochen 
0037   0026 3A 00 80        ld a,(RAM)
0038   0029 D3 00           out (PIO0+0),a
0039   002B 05              dec b
0040   002C C2 22 00        jp nz,L1
0041   002F             
0042   002F 06 00           ld b,0
0043   0031 78          L2: ld a,b; jetzt 2. Port PIO0
0044   0032 32 00 80        ld (RAM),a;  
0045   0035 3A 00 80        ld a,(RAM)
0046   0038 D3 01           out (PIO0+1),a
0047   003A 05              dec b
0048   003B C2 31 00        jp nz,L2
0049   003E             
0050   003E 06 00           ld b,0
0051   0040 78          L3: ld a,b; jetzt 1. Port PIO1
0052   0041 32 00 80        ld (RAM),a;  
0053   0044 3A 00 80        ld a,(RAM)
0054   0047 D3 10           out (PIO1+0),a
0055   0049 05              dec b
0056   004A C2 40 00        jp nz,L3
0057   004D             
0058   004D 06 00           ld b,0
0059   004F 78          L4: ld a,b; jetzt 2. Port PIO1
0060   0050 32 00 80        ld (RAM),a;  
0061   0053 3A 00 80        ld a,(RAM)
0062   0056 D3 11           out (PIO1+1),a
0063   0058 05              dec b
0064   0059 C2 4F 00        jp nz,L4
0065   005C                 
0066   005C C3 20 00        jp LOOP
0067   005F             
0068   005F                 DS 1000h
0069   105F             .END        

Hex and listing of test program.

Photos and assembler listing from https://makerprojekte.de/z80-emuf-wiederbelebt/



Published in MC 1982 issue 2 the 6502-EMUF is a 6502 CPU based SBC. More modern with 6522 as I/O.

ROM image for a 27128 EPROM



The EMUF pages are a tribute to the work of the editing staff of the German magazine MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift on SBC’s.

EMUF stands for Einplatinen-Mikrocomputer für Universelle Festprogrammierung.

EMUFs SBC’s are programmable systems, without a monitor program: write a program and store it in an EPROM and run the application type of system. A bit like the modern microcontrollers like the PIC and AVR IC’s and also a bit like the Arduino’s. But with the technology of the 80ties: 8 bit CPU’s like the 65XX and Z80, I/O IC and EPROM and some RAM.

The first EMUF was published in 1981 in the second edition of the magazine. Later called the EMUF6504, since the CPU is the MOS 6504, a stripped version of the 6502.

Here you find on the following pages information on the EMUF and other SBC’s published in the magazine, Sonderheft and books: