
SYM-1 Manuals and Ref cards

SYM-1 manuals

Reference manual second printing August 1978
Reference manual third printing June 1979
Technical Notes, April 1979
Circuit Diagram SYM-1
SYM-1 Theory of Operation Hardware by Robert Peck
SYM-1 Theory of Operation Monitor by Robert Peck
Hardware manual
Microprocessing fundamentals,
SYM-1 Seminar workbook,
Raymond N. Bennett and John Stockdale, 12/1/79
First Book of KIM-1 for SYM-1

Reference cards


Seawell produced many KIM-1/SYM-1/SIM 65 boards. Here some advertisements frion the 6502 User notes.


Brutech BEM

A Dutch company, producer of many 6502 and more industrial hardware, BEM was the name one of their product lines.

Brutech Electronics Microsytems – B.E.M

Gebroeders Bruyn, Vinkeveen. Small company, custom made electronics and standard microprocessor boards and systems aimed at industry and hobbyist.
During my years with Radio Bulletin we often worked with Brutech, and I visisted their office/manufacturing plant in Vinkeveen several times. The BEM-bus became the standard bus for expansion at Radio Bulletin after the first BEM-1 card was connected to the KIM-1 by Dick de Boer. Brutech specialized in the beginning on the KIM-1/VIM/SYM-1 expansion cards, later on they made their own CPU cards and besides the 6502 CPUs like the 6809 were available.

BEM-1 card, as used in the KIM memory expansion article November 1977
The BEM bus
Brutech sold the VIM-1 and SYM-1, with their cards as expansions.
Review in Radio Bulletin November 1978
Brutech sold also the PC100, the Siemens OEM version of the AIM 65. Again the expansions could be used, same bus.
Review in Radio Bulletin August 1980
The AIM 65 and KTM-2 packaged as the Samson system,. the BEM-4 memory card, the SYMP universal programmer.
Review in Radio Bulletin November 1980
BEM RTC1 card, advert in the RB CB Special 1980
BEM-Impact 1000, a BEM-bus based development system, review in Radio Bulletin Oktober 1980
BEM Eurocard system, article by C.J. Bruyn, on the BEM bus, BEM-MON-1 (a TIM 6530 004 system!) and other cards

Micro-gebeuren november 1977, BEM-1, other BEM cards
Micro-gebeuren April 1980, BEM-PSIO-1 USART card, BEM-AD3, BEM-AD4
Micro-gebeuren Mei 1980, BEM-6 16/32K EPROM card
B.E.M. SBC4D(2) 6809 based CPU card on the BEM bus

MAiS, a system for airtraffic control, developed around the BEM SBCD4 and a custom card.

As editors of the magazine Radio Bulletin we had many conversations with them and wrote articles about their products.

For the KIM-1 and SYM-1 they had many products, some based on the so called BEM bus (DIN 31 pin connector), some as addons to the 22/44 edge connector of the KIM-1.
I stilll own this 4K RAM card:

BEM SBC4 in MAIS box
An example of a 6809 CPU board in a custom industrial application. Bought front eh HCC Forth UG in 2004.


HDE card cage, floppy drive

Hudson Digital Electronics Inc

Known by advertisments in the KIM-1/User Notes.


Books for the 6502: KIM-1 and more

KIM-1, AIM-65, SYM-1 and other 6502/65C02/65C816 related books.

A mix of English, German and Dutch books.

On my bookshelf I have quite a collection of books on the 6502 family.

Note that manuals and books that come with systems are shown on the pages of the corresponding system!

How to Build a Computer-controlled Robot (with a KIM-1)
Tod Loofbourrow
Microprocessor Systems Engineering
R.C. Camp, T.A. Smay, C.J. Triska
AIM 65 System 65 parts
6502 Software Gourmet Guide and Cookbook
6502 Users Manual
AIM 65 Laboratory Manual And Study Guide
Anwendunsgbeispiele fûr den Microprozessor 6502
Microprocessor_Fundamentals KIM-1
Best of Micro Volume 1 1978
Best of Micro Volume 2 1979
Best of MICRO 3, AIM 65 SYM-1 KIM-1 part June 1979 May 1980
Compute’s Machine Language for Beginners
Compute’s The Second Book of Machine Language
Programming a Microcomputer 6502
Programmieren von Mikrocomputern CPU 6502 (Skriptum)
How to Build a Microcomputer .. and really Understand It!
Mikrocomputer ohne Ballast
Micro Principles KIM-1 user guide chapter 8
Digitaalschakelen met de KIM-1
6502 Assembly Language Programming
6502 Programmieren in ASSEMBLER
Microcomputer Experimentation with the MOS Technology KIM-1
6502 Machinetaal Subroutines
6502 Assembly Language Subroutines
Microcomputer experimentation with the AIM 65
Machine Language Programming Cookbook part 1
Machine Code for Beginners
Microcomputer Systems Principles Featuring the 6502 KIM
Beyond Games: System Software for your 6502 Personal Computer
Assembly Language Programming
Using 6502 Assembly Language
6502 Machine Code for Humans
Programming the 65816 including the 6502, 65C02 and the 65802
Programming the 65816 including the 6502, 65C02 and the 65802
Forth Programming
Programming the 65816
Programming and Interfacing the 6502 with Experiments
Synertek 1981-1982 Data Catalog
Synertek DataBook 1983
Third Book of OSI
TSC 6502 Games Package 1
TV Typewriter Cookbook
Zaks 6502 Anwendungen
6502 Games
6502 Applications
Advanced 6502 Programming
Fortgeschrittene 6502 Programmierung
Programmierung des 6502
Programming the 6502
6502 Applications book
Programmeren van de 6502
Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques
Microprocessor Concepts and Applications
Publisher: Lab-Volt
6502 Assembler-Kurs für Beginner
6502 Machine Code For Beginners
A low-lvel language for use on the MOS 6502 Microcomputer
6502 Microcomputer Programmierung
Programmieren in Maschinensprache 6502
The Giant Handbook of Computer Projects
First Book of KIM
The First Book of KIM-1 in PDF format
The First Book of KIM-1, part in text format
The First Book of KIM-1 in HTML format
Sources of The First Book of KIM-1 in source and papertape format, Jeff Tranter
First Book of KIM-1 for SYM-1
Rockwell Produktübersicht in deutsch
Rockwell Microelectronic Data Devices Catalog 1979
1981 Rockwell Electronic Devices Division Data Book
1984 Rockwell Data Book
1985 Rockwell Data Book
1987 Rockwell Controller Products Databook

Micro Technology Unlimited

Micro Technology Unlimited produced a lot of hardware and software for the KIM-1, SYM-1, AIM 65 and more.
The company is still in business, now sells Karaoke software.

MTU Product Descriptions


KIMSI S100 motherboard/interface

KIMSI, Motherboard KIM-1 to S-100
Byte 1978 08 Advertisement
KIM-1 KIMSI, KIM-4 Enclosure
8K Visible Memory
KIMSI announcement


KIM System Products

MOS Technology, as part of Commodore, enhanced their KIM-1 offering with a range of add-on products.
Under the name KIM System Products hardware such a Motherboard (KIM-4), Memory expansions(KIM-2, 3, 3B) and software like the Cross Assembler, the KIM-5 Resident Assembler/Editor, and KIMath.

KIM System products folder including pricelist

The Cross-Assembler was used at MOS Technology to create the very first 6502 code, like the KIM-1 ROMs or the TIM ROM (MCS6530-004).

Cross Assembler

Scan-160408-0001 Cross assembler Manual, GE timeshare

KIMath package
See also the KIM-5 page for KIMath provided as 6540 ROM for the KIM-5 ROM baord.

KIMATH is a floating point package, 16 digit precision for the
KIM-1 6502 system. Original MOS Technology listings, binary, documents in PDF and text format, sources.
MATHPAC is a supplement by John Eaton, Dr Dobbs nr 20, to aid in using KIMATH.
Original article in PDF and text format with sources and binaries.
MOS KIMath Subroutines Programming Manual

Hardware expansions

Expansion boards for the ASK ‘KIM’ bus, like AIM 65, SYM-1 and KIM-1.


RNB VAK-1/2/4

RNB Enterprises sold a range of AIM 65/SYM-1/KIM-1 extension cards, ranging from a VAK-1 Motherboard, RAM and EPROM cards anda prototyping card.

Photo by Eric Dennison

VAK-1/2/4 manuals RNB Enterprises
User Manual VAK-1 Motherboard
Schematics of VAK-1 Motherboard
User Manual VAK-2, -3, -4 (2x 8KB SRAM boards)

Photo by Eric Dennison

Byte Magazine 1979 01 RNB Enterprises SYM-1 KIM-1 VAK-X boards advertisement

Byte Magazine 1979 01
RNB Enterprises SYM-1 KIM-1
VAK-1to VAK-8 boards advertisement