
Graphics Software Package K-1008

Graphics Software package for the MTU K-1008 Visible: sources, binaries and demos

This package was distributed as a manual and a cassette with some binaries. The user is supposed to type in and adapt the sources himself.
In this package find the following printed, assembled, and commented program listings of

  • SWIRL demonstration program
  • LIFE demonstration program
  • SDTXT Simplified text display subroutine, 22 lines 53 char.
  • VMSUP Comprehensive graphics subroutine library containing point and line plotting routines, a character drawing routine and an ASCII text display routine.
Graphics/Text Software Package manual
The manual has been OCR’ed by Eduardo Casino

The original sources are typed in by Eduardo Casino. He also OCR’ed the manual.

He created a package with OCR’ed and type in listings and manual, assembler sources for 64tass, and binaries in Intel hex and MOS papertape format. He kindly allowed it to be published here.

TASM and binary versions of the Graphics Software package
Download here the TASM and binary version of the Graphics Software package
Hans Otten has taken the original typed in sources, and changed the assembler format to a more common assembler and assembled with TASM32.
The software has been tested with the K-1008 emulation in the KIM-1 Simulator and (very limited, Eduardo did a great job!) some more proofreading and corrections.

The demos SWIRL and LIFE only require a KIM-1 without expansions.

The text and graphic subroutines SDTXT and VMSUP require more RAM. To show that they are working, versions have been made that connect to MS Basic for the KIM-1 (KB9) as examples how to use.
Several versions are available in source and binary papertape format, instructions are in the folders readme.txt and memorymap.txt files:
– SDTXT original in TASM format
– SDTXT in low or high memory as display for KB9, character input via the standard KIM-1 TTY.
– SDTXT as display for KB9 with an more standard lowercase character set.
– SDTXT as display for KB9 with (incomplete) 8 bit extended character set.
– VMSUP in original in TASM format
– VMSUP in low or high memory as display for KB9 with an more standard lowercase character set.

Demo of SWRIL and Life in the KIM-1 Simulator, on Eduardo Casino’s K-1008 and Dave Plummer’s K-1008

SDTXT connected to KB9

SDTXT with alternate lowercase character set

KB9 connected to VMSUP


MTU K-1008 documents

From the Fall 1980 catalog of MTU:

MTU K-1008 user manual 
MTU K-1008 user manual (older version?)
K-1008 Graphics/Text Software Package
with listings of demo program listings, terminal text routines, drawing primitives like line etc.
See this page for OCR’ed contents and typed in sources and binaries
Use of the K-1008 for grey scale display, app note #2 
Use of the K-1008 for grey scale display, app note #2, color scan 
Letter from Chalufour to MTU with handwritten answers by Hal Chamberlin
K-1008 50Hz Operation
K-1008-2L Patches to Microsoft BASIC
SDTXT and graphics subroutines integrated in Microsoft Basic for the KIM-1 V1.1 (KB-9)
this page for typed in sources and binaries

Hires photos shown here with permission by Vernon Graner (

K-1008 Visible Memory

K-1008 Visible Memory

Other MTU products

Started by Hal Chamberlin (known also for his articles and books out music generation with computers), the company sold a wide range of (music related) KIM-1/SYM-1/AIM 65 hardware and software.

K-1012 PROM/IO board by MTU, 2 PIA, EPROM, 1 ACIA, 2708/2716 programmer manual, alternative scan
K-1013 Floppy disk controller Manual
K-1020 Prototyping board by MTU
K-1020 Prototyping board by MTU, alternative scan
K-1032 Banker
RAM ROM I/O System Board Manual
K-1009-IC AIM 65 Printer Enhancement Package
K-1000 MTU Battery power for the KIM-1

Backside of K-1013 floppy disk controller with much rework (Dave Plummer)

Hires photos shown here with permission by Vernon Graner (

K-1012 PROM Expansion Board

K-1012 PROM Expansion Board

K-1016 Memory Expansion Board

K-1016 Memory Expansion Board

K-1020 Prototype board

K-1032 Expansion Board

K-1032 Expansion Board


MTU-130 and MTU-140

Micro Technology Unlimited MTU-130 specifications:

  • CPU 6502 (8 Bit)/68000 (16 Bit)
  • Operating System CODOS 2.0
  • RAM 336 KB
  • Storage Dual 8″ QumeTrak 842 Floppy Drives (1 MB each)
  • Display Bit-mapped B&W graphics – 480×256
  • Misc Peripherals Light Pen
  • NEC PC-8023A-C Printer
  • Datamover 68000 Co-processor

Photo from the only known to me existing MTU-130 system, owned by Dave Williams.

MT-140 adverts

Newsletters and brochures

MTU News V1.1 1982-05
MTU News V1.2 Q3 1982
MTU News V1.3 Q1 1983
MTU News V1.4 Q2 1983
MTU-130 Computer Operational Specifications 1981-10-01
MTU-130 article in Creative Computing 1982 february

Manuals and documents

APEX-65 User’s Guide preliminary
APEX-65 v0.2 User’s Guide
CIL Reference Manual
Datamover Hardware 68000 Microprocessor Board Manual
DMXMON Reference Manual
Graphics Editor Demo Program
IGL Reference Manual
KGL Reference Manual
MACASM User Manual
MAGIC-L MTU System Manual
MAGIC-L User’s Manual
Monomeg Single Board Computer Hardware Manual
MTU C User Manual
MTU-130 Computer Operational Specifications 1981-10-01
MTU-130 Double Density Disk Controller Manual
MT-130 bootrom and assembler source
MT-140 Disk_Controller_Hardware_Manual
MTU-130 Full Screen Text Editor
MTU-130 Hardware Manual
MTU-130 Setup and Installation Manual
MTU-130 Utility Programs Manual
MTU-BASIC 1.5 Reference Manual
MTU-BASIC Reference Manual
MultI-O User’s Manual
Errata for Multi I-O Manual Rev B
Programmover Reference Manual
Simplified Music Compiler-Player Manual
VGL Reference Manual

Monomeg CPU board

MT-130 floppy disk controller

MTU-130 Disk controller front (Dave Williams)

MTU-130 Disk controller back (Dave Williams

(Scans contributed by a.o. by Dave Plummer and Dave Williams)

From COMPUTE! Issue 19 December1981

MTU-130: A New 6502 Microcomputer

Micro Technology Unlimited of Raleigh, North Carolina has announced the development of a new “top-of-the-line,” general purpose microcomputer. The first production shipments were announced for November for this 6502-based machine which will retail for $3995 (with single-sided disk drive, 500,000 bytes storage). Other packages are offered, which increase disk storage, up to a unit with two double-sided drives, two million bytes, for $4995. These prices include the MTU-130 computer with 80K RAM, a 12″ green phosphor CRT module, the selected floppy drive(s), all necessary cables, the operating system CODOS, an Editor, four-voice, digital, synthesized music, and a demo disk.

Novel Features
“MTU believes that the user should receive a system powerful enough to perform all necessary functions without having to add memory expansion, graphic expansion, etc. . . .” the designers remarked. The result is a computer which is fully, one might say luxuriously, implemented.
The unit features a 1 MHz 6502 with 18 bit addressing for up to 256K clear address space. Three video display operating modes: 1. bit-mapped black and white high resolution graphics 480 wide by 256 high; 2. 25 lines by 80 characters, mixable with graphics; and 3. bit-mapped graphics with four levels of gray in 240 wide by 256 high.
NOTE: I/O addresses occupy 0BE00-0BFFF when enabled under software control.

All the software is in RAM permitting easy upgrading or personalizing. It includes a CODOS disk operating system, printer drivers (see the high-resolution possible on a definable dot-matrix printer in the photo), two eight-bit parallel ports and one RS-232 serial port with software select of baud rate, an eight-bit D/A port with filter and amp (for speech, sound, and music), and an interface for a 50K Baud, interrupt driven, network option.

Additionally, the MTU-130 contains four EPROM sockets which are software controlled, a high resolution light pen, separate cursor keys, and a bank of eight user-defined function keys.
A unique approach to bank switching—using indirect addressing on the 6502—allows one 64K section of memory to contain a program while the data resides above in its own 64K zone.

Digitized Sound
The optional MTU-BASIC 1.0 with graphics and disk library extensions is an enhanced Microsoft BASIC. Currently, bank switching is not available to BASIC directly, but the system permits relatively easy user enhancements. Also, when the computer is turned on, it says, “MTU model 130. Please enter today’s date.” The “voice” is entirely digital and sounds remarably human (except that high frequency is muted—the cutoff is around 4 KHz). This provision for digital storage of sound is exciting, but, like high resolution graphics, it is a byte-eater. A two second message uses 16K on the disk. This space can be reduced, though, and plans are in the works to make the storage more efficient. The manufacturer also expects to provide an optional A/D microphone peripheral which will permit owners to digitize their own messages.

The eight inch floppy drive spins all the time, but the head remains out of contact with the disk until necessary. And it is fast. A 14K high-resolution picture can load to screen in about two seconds. Transfer rate is over 19 thousand bytes per second, sustained.

Future Options
MTU is currently working on additional software for the 130. Expected in early 1982 are FORTH, PASCAL, cassette I/O, PET/Apple BASIC translator utilities, and a word processor. Planned hardware includes a 128K memory expansion board, the A/D microphone system, a high fidelity sound synthesis and analysis package, a network operating system, and a rigid disk controller.
A prototype board for construction of custom circuits and a banker board are available now as options.


MTU history: Hal Chamberlin

Micro Technology was around 1980 a manufacturer of products aimed at the KIM-1 and AIM 65 and SYM-1 user. Later on they made the MTU-130 computer around the 6502 and a compact version the MT-140. After the founder and technical genius Hal Chamberlin left in 1986, it became focussed on software like Karaoke.

From the current MTU website:

In 1960 in the 7th grade, David B. Cox and Howard (Hal) A. Chamberlin, Jr. became lab partners and close friends. In 1966 as a college freshman, Hal designed his own digital computer (the HAL 4096) using scrap IBM magnetic core memory planes and logic cards. David worked with Hal to design, etch and build Printed Circuit boards, select and purchase components, wirewrap the backplane and generally support Hal’s monumental effort. The HAL4096 was demonstrated publicly at the 1968 NC State University Engineer´s Fair.

At the 1967 NC State Engineer´s Fair, Hal demonstrated a punch card deck program of Do loops tuned to play the song Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do …. This ran on the campus IBM 1630 computer. The Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) was so intense out of the computer that Hal used it as the output signal to his transistor radio! This was one of the first public showings of a computer music synthesis program.

In 1968, Hal wrote a second synthesis program that computed audio sample voltages, giving control over the harmonic content and duration of notes and chords, based on the Nyquist Theorem of digital sampling. This ran on the Biomathematics Dept. Ambilog computer with two D/A converters used to drive an HP analog X-Y plotter to generate the analog audio output recorded to a Revox tape deck. Music synthesis pioneers had to be resourceful to get their analog outputs from early digital computers!

In February 1971, after graduating from NC State with BS degrees in Electrical Engineering, David incorporated Technology Unlimited Inc. (TUI) with Hal as Vice President. Hal continued at NCSU in Electrical Engineering and received his Masters. In 1973, for a Singer-Kearfott contract, we designed and built an 18-bit A/D converter with an Intel 8008 microprocessor controlling it. This A/D design delivered a true 18-bits (all valid and without noise) for more than five years.

On March 1, 1976, David sold TUI to Hendrix electronics, the leader in Text Publishing systems for newspapers. TUI had developed the world’s leading microprocessor-floppy disc based, display word processor system. David had independently negotiated with Olivetti and A.B. Dick Co. for 2.5 years, but neither could make up their minds to take TUI’s product to market. Eventually, A.B. Dick bought the product line in 1980 and sold over $1 billion dollars worth between 1980-84.

On March 1, 1977, while still employed by Hendrix, David and Hal started Micro Technology Unlimited. Our goal then and still today is to Bring microcomputer digital audio down to everyone. Our designs are visionary and improve the creativity, productivity and quality of audio communications. It has been a real trip through the 1968-2004 period in digital audio!

In 1979, Hal’s book Musical Applications of Microprocessors was first published. It quickly became the definitive work for digital audio. Developers worldwide visited MTU to talk with us on design concepts. In 1986 Ray Kurzweil (Kurzweil Music Systems), after three years of personal offers, hired Hal away from MTU.

Some of Hal Chamberlin’s publications:

Musical applications of microprocessors, Hal Chamberlin.
1980, First Edition.
Clean scan made by Hans Otten, 2023
Byte Magazine 1977 09
A Sampling of Techniques for Computer Performance of Music
Hal Chamberlin
Byte Magazine 1980 04
Advanced Real-Time Synthesis Techniques
Hal Chamberlin
Software Keyboard interface for the KIM-1.
Hal Chamberlin
1981 01 Simulation of Musical Instruments
Hal Chamberlin
The Computer Hobbyist Magazine, 1974 -1976
Hal Chamberlin as Contributing Editor


CODOS (Channel Oriented Disk Operating System) is the name of the Disk Operating System made by MTU for KIM-1, SYM-1 and AIM-65.
The DOS needs the K-1013 floppy disk controller, 8 inch disk drive(s) and optional the K-1008 Visible Memory.

CODOS V2 was the version for the MT-130/140. Lots of software was available, see the MT-130 page for manuals.
Dave Plummer (of Dave’s Garage) has a KIM-1 system with various MTU cards, including the K-1013.

CODOS Disk images

CODOS Manuals

CODOS Manual
CODOS User Manual
CODOS User Manual OCR’ed
QumeTrak 842 Maintenance Manual

Dave Williams has the following, not yet dumped by him, disks:

  • MACASM 1.0
  • MAGIC/L Language
  • MTU-C
  • MTU-FORTH79 2.1
  • WOPDPIC 1.0 NEC 8023 Printer Version
  • MTU-130 User Group Diskette #3
  • MTU-140 User Group Diskette #5

Johnson McShane brochures

Johnson Computer was an important distributor of KIM-1 products, for MOS Technology, Microsoft and more. Previously they used the name McShane.

It was the firm who brought Microsoft Basic for the KIM-1 to me, see the KIM-1 manuals for their KB-9 document

Documents contributed by Kevin Johnson (of Johnson Computers) via Dave McMurtrie.

Johnson Computer Ads
McShane MOS documents


MOS Technology KIM-1 Brochures and Newsletters

Brochure KIM-1
Commodore KIM-1 Commercial
KIM-1 brochure
kim-1 order form
KIM-1 Product Brochure
MOS Technology brochure
MOS Technology newsletter February 1976
MOS Technology April 1976 customer update
Customer Errata Letters
Customer Errata Letter 1
Customer Errata Letter 2
Customer Errata Letter 3


New KIM-1 info and more

Added again some KIM-1 information!

MDT 650 photos (John Feagans)

Scans from the Commodore International Historical Society (Dave McMurtrie):
KIM-1 Schematic Poster alternative scan (Dave McMurtrie)
Johnson Computers and McShane brochures
MOS Newsletters and brochures
Microsoft Basic for KIM-1 alternative scan
KIM-1 ROMs source listing scan
KIM-1 DATA1-K assembler manual (incomplete)

MTU K-1008 Visable Memory

All about the MTU K-1008 Visible Memory: documents, programs, images, videos and replica, you find it here.
The MTU K-1008 is an 8K memory and video display board. Part of the MTU family of card cages and RAM/ROM boards, around 1978 for KIM-1, SYM-1, AIM 65. Later also for Commodore PET systems.

I have some K-1008 information on paper as Fall Catalog and K-1008 User manuals of MTU, the listings in the Graphics software Package and hires photos of the board.

Triggered by Dave Plummer, who owns a K-1008 and made some demo programs I added this spring the K-1008 as peripheral to the KIM-1 Simulator.
A basic working version, with memory settings as the original. A 6502 program in the simulator could fill the video display.
Dave made nice youtube videos about his KIM-1 system with MTU cards in a card cage, see Dave’s Garage.

Then Eduardo Casino, of KIM-1 Replica fame, started to design a replica, including an expansion bus. He motivated me to enhance the Simulator.

Eduardo also OCR’ed and typed in the Graphics Software Package programs for the MTU K-1008. I played with the sources and coupled the text display programs to Microsoft KB9 Basic.

He made a quick and dirty binary image to show on the K-1008 video display. I took his idea and added a facility to the Simulator to load any image to the K-1008.
This requires the use of GIMP, the image handling program, to create intermediate black and white 320×200 files as ‘C header files’.
These C header file can be imported in the Simulator and shown on the display. A command line utility LoadK1008 converts these C header files to a binary image in K-1008 format.

All this required a page with all the K-1008 information: documents, programs, images, videos and replica, you find it here.

Update 10 september: Eduardo Casino has made available his work on the Graphics Software Package: OCR’ed manual, listings, sources, binaries made with 64tass assembler.