
Programming a Microcomputer 6502

Programming a Microcomputer 6502, by Caxton C. Forster, scanned and added to the KIM-1 Articles and Books page for download.



KIM-1 Pascal-M compiler

Finally the KIM-1 Pascal-M compiler is available.

After years of (I admit, intermittent) restauration work from paper, the whole package is available again to load on the KIM-1, now including a cross compiler.


Large update on Pascal

A large update to my history of Pascal and its standards, where it comes from, the early compilers, sources of first compilers, unique articles and rare books, originally scanned, written by Niklaus Wirth, Per Brinch Hansen, Tony Hoare, Dijkstra, Jim Welsh and many more. Come and see it at the school of Wirth.


KIM-1 Userguide

Added the ‘user guide’ chapters from the book ‘Microcomputer Principles Featuring the 6502/KIM-1′ as KIM-1 User guide.


MDT 650

The KIM-1 is the best known development system by MOS Technology.

But a more advanced, more expensive ($3950) system, quite rare now, is the MDT 650.

Here I present you the MOS Technology brochure, an article in the Microcomputer Digest and a userguide as published in the book Microcomputer Systems Principles featuring the 6502 KIM.


Microcomputer Experimenting with KIM-1

Another book scanned:

Microcomputer Experimenting with the MOS Technology KIM-1 by Lance Leventhal.


KIM-1 Book scanned

Motivated by Jeffrey Brace of VCF I have scanned and published Microcomputer Systems Principles featuring the 6502 KIM, Authors Camp, Smay and Triska

Introduction to KIM-1 programming, 6502, and also 6800 and 8080.

Microcomputer Systems Principles featuring the 6502 KIM, Camp, Smay and Triska


MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift

Four 65XX and one Z80 SBCs, the EMUF series of the german magazine MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift.

The EMUF pages are a tribute to the work of the editing staff of MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift on SBC’s.

EMUF stands for Einplatinen-Mikrocomputer für Universelle Festprogrammierung, Single-board microcomputer for universal but fixed applications.

EMUFs SBC’s are programmable systems, without a monitor program: write a program and store it in an EPROM and run the application type of system. A bit like the modern microcontrollers like the PIC and AVR IC’s and also a bit like the Arduino’s. But with the technology of the 80ties: 8 bit CPU’s like the 65XX and Z80, I/O IC and EPROM and some RAM.

The first EMUF was published in 1981 in the second edition of the magazine. Often used with just the name EMUF. It could better be called the 6504-EMUF, since the CPU is the MOS 6504, a stripped version of the 6502.
In the years 1981 – 1986 several small SBCs were presented, EMUF-232, 6502-EMUF, Z80-EMUF.

A special one is the MC-65, a AIM 65 compatible 65C02 based SBC, able to runt eh AIM 65 ROMs.


TM76 Burr Brown terminal

A small device in the local thrift store got my attention, it has those calculator kind of displays, bubbles, rare and often more than 7 segments.

Interesting, looks like a microprocessor trainer? Read more here!


CT-65 photo and scan

Photo and manual supplied by Udo Juerss