TIM-2 a ‘modern’ recreation of a TIM-1 system

Peter Renaud has designed a TIM system with a 6532, a 6502, some RAM, ROM and glue logic that runs the TIM ROM software.

Read here for the circuit diagram and assembler source.


The TIM-1 IC is a 6530, and since the 6532 is nearly identical with regards to I/O and timer facilities it is possible to construct a TIM system with the same software.

And that is what Peter Renaud has done. He took a 6532, a 6502, an EPROM (as replacement for the mask ROM in the 6530-004) and some RAM, some glue logic to build a system. See the cicuit diagram and source below (reproduced here with his permission).

Schematic in PDF format

TIM-2 assembler source (updated 2023)
Adapted for other I/O RAM and ROM addresses, functionally identical to the TIM ROM source.
Changes are (besides some assembler related)
– I/O base TIM = $6E00 TIM-2 = $6800
– ROM start TIM = $7000 TIM-2 $F000
– 64 Byte monitor reserve area TIM $FFC0 TIM-2 = $6000
– TIM-2 no INT Vectors area
– RS232 bit inverted
– 7 bit ASCII forced

An older version of the TIM-2 on the test bench of Peter.

Junior retronics articles

Elektor did write about the Junior and related designs in recent years, retro electronics! This site (at the present and previous wwww locations) was mentioned also.

Oh, and this is retro and has the name Elektor Junior but it is not a Junior computer!

Elektor gallery

Elektor Articles and Books

6502, Junior and EC65(K)/Octopus publications by Elektuur and Elektor 1978 -1985

Books and Paperware Junior Computer, Elektor Computing 1-5:





Articles from the magazine Elektuur and Elektor 1978 -1985:
The dutch KIM/6502 Club published many articles on the 6502 and the Junior:
All Junior related articles here.
The whole archive is here: KIM 6502 Kenner archief

Elektor Junior software

Software for the Elektor Junior, if adapted, runs on the PM version of the system software, using the bit banged serial TTY I/O on the Interface card.

You find system software, such as ROM binaries, TM, PM etc with sources in the pages at Junior Elektor, from base to full system

On this page:

KB9 Basic
Tiny Basic

ASMM/TED by CW Moser
Usurpator Chess
Various assembler sources as published in Elektor and the KIM Kenner
The Junior tapes

Microsoft KB-9 Basic V1.1

How to adapt KB-9 BASIC to the Junior

KB-9 stands for Microsoft BASIC V1.1 for the KIM-1 with 9 digits precision.
Scanned manual
The original KIM-1 KB9 Microsoft BASIC V1.1, binary and papertape KB9for Junior updated in BIN, hex dump and wave format
All the files here: archive with audio wave file, dump on terminal, binary and conversion software.
(See also Junior with KB9 and OS65DV3.3 – Retro Computing)

See the KIM-1 Software page for more information on KB-9 BASIC.

MICRO-ADE assembler/editor

Updated October 2022

MICRO-ADE was the working horse for many KIM-1 users,

the small and powerful assembler/editor/disassembler written by Peter Jennings, Microware.
Manual and program are placed here with permission by Peter Jennings

to the KIM Club (thank you Peter for this and for a great program!)

A letter sent by Anton Muller, KIM User Club the Netherlands,

to Peter Jennings, thanks Peter for the scan!

In August 2021 I (Hans Otten) typed in the source of MICRO-Ade from the listing in the manual, the output is binary compatible with the binaries I saved from tape and are tested on the KIM-1.
The result is a source identical (in standard MOS Technology assembler format) to the listing and binary identical to the page image. I also made new high quality scan of the manual and the listing.
Micro Ade program source and binary
Scanned manual
Scanned listing

Read in the KIM KENNER archive the source of the enhancements (text by S.T. Woldringh o.a.)
The KIM club enhanced Micro Ade to version 8. Download here the binary with a 2 page command summary.
The Elektor Junior seems to be designed for MCIRO ADE: the Interface card has two relais to control the motor of an audio cassette recorder, just as MICRO ADE wants.
You see that the system software of the Junior (ESS503, the monitor, PM, TM, PME, PMV, Universal Terminal is written in the MICRO ADE dialect of assembler.

Tiny Basic

Tom Pitman’s Tiny basic.
Small enough to fit in the 1K KIM-1, yet a real Basic interpreter

See the KIM-1 Tiny Basic page for more information on Tiny Basic, articles, binaries, sources, how to adapt to the Junior.


COMAL is an interpreted structured language. I have only as original the KIM User Club Elektor Junior version, and as with most of the 6502 SBC programs, not that difficult to adapt to a KIM-1, as shown in the last pages of the manual (in/out/break character, load/save tape, memory layout).
KGN COMAL binary
Manual KGN COMAL (dutch)
Partial commented disassembly of Comal

Microchess for the KIM-1

Updated October 2022

MICROCHESS for the KIM-1. Another Peter Jennings Microware product.
Runs on a standard KIM-1. Control via LED displays and hex keypad.
Quite a commercial success, many sold!

Microchess has been adapted for the Elektor Junior by Sjaak de Wit, sjelabs.nl.
Description of the adaptation
Source and binary of Microchess for the Elektor Junior

Wave files of tape and binaries, dump of my cassette files
Assembler source and binaries, typed in by me in 2021, binary identical to tape
Original manual (from the reseller The Computerist) scanned by me
Original manual by Peter Jennings
Manual in HTML format
Article on upgrading/extending Microchess, Compute II Issue 1, pdf format
Article on upgrading/extending MICROCHESS, Compute II Issue 1, html format
Upgraded/extending assembler source and binaries, typed in by me in 2021
More chess openings, Fer Weber 1978

6502 Macro Assembler and Text Editor CW Moser

CW Moser ASSM/TED Assembler and Text Editor binaries: original, KIM-1, Elektor Junior
Manual scanned in PDF format (with appendix for KIM-1 adaptations)

Sources of CW Moser for 65C02 and Junior binaries
Color version of later manual
Dissecting C. W. Moser’s ASSM_TED, Compute! Issue 11
Commodore PET version of the manual
Graphics Drawing Compiler for PET and SYM manual
Fast cassette interface for ASSM/TED by CW Moser
Universal 6502 Memory Test PET, Apple, Sym and Others, Compute! Issue 1

Usurpator Chess for the 6502

Usurpator Chess for the 6800 and 6502 in 2K, a book by H.G. Muller
The book, with source listings for 6800 and 6502
Source in CW Moser format

Various sources in assembler

MICRO ADE, ASSM/TED format as found in the Junior tapes.
All sources from the Junior tapes: Elektor programs, sources of MICRO ADE, ASSM/TED, Fort, Universal terminal, Elektor clock 222, Basicode for KB9 and more.

Junior tapes

With a Junior I bought second hand came a little booklet and a floppy. The previous owner must have been a active programmer, and he had saved his tapes on disk, the audio files were converted to binary files. The dump program is included!
I copied the floppy over to my computer, and hand typed in the description form the booklet.
If the file was a program, the binary was just a representation of it.
Text files were not that easy. A hex dump showd it were text files with some editor related extra’s, e.g. line numbers.
The files were the tape dumps of the editors used on the Junior: MICOR ADE and CW Moser.
After studying the dumps I wrote a program to recreate the text in normal DOS format. A GUI version first, later a CLI to easily convert the text filen and give it the name of the file instead of the numbering scheme.
The archive is a treasure, with Comal, MICOR ADE, CW Moser ASSM/TED, Forth binaries and sources for Junior and KIM-1. Some ROM dumps were present. And many assembler sources in MICEO ADE and CW Moser format. Here I present you the original archive, and the name/text converted one.

Junior tapes

The Junior tape archive
The Junior tape archive, text files decoded, files with correct names
The KIM-1 tape to text program
(Command line and GUI, Freepascal source included to decode text files from the Junior.


The FORTH language 6502 FIG-FORTH

Binary Forth original, start at 2000
FORTH assembler sources, 6502, 65C02
FORTH assembler sources, 6502, 65C02 in ASSM/TED format, Elektor Junior binaries
Fig-FORTH 6502 manual
Fig-FORTH Manuals May 1979

Junior deutsch

Junior Computer

Junior Monitor

Elektro uC-systeme

RS-232 Interface

Junior-Computer stellt sich selbst vor

Junior Speichererweiterung

Normalzeit-Empfänger für DCF-77

Junior Computer als “Atom-Uhr”


DCF-Computer-Schaltuhr ohne DCF

Junior Text

Power-On-Reset für den Junior-Computer


Junior-Computer Hardware vollendet

Junior-Computer: Interface-Karte

Junior-Computer: Systemsoftware wächst




Disasembler …

uP als Minizähler

PSS Privater Software Service

Zeitansage …

Jnior-Computer als Telefon-Gebühren-Rechner


Single Cycle für Junior Computer

Floppy-Disk für Junior part 1

Floppy-Disk für Junior part 2

Universelle Speicherkarte





Vector-Ansteuerung für den Junior

Busy-indicator für den Junior

Zeichen auf dem Bildscherm






Indirekte dateien mit dem Junior

Den Junior macht musik

EPROMer für Z80


EPROMer ohne Schnittstelle

Signal & zeit


Vectorfalle für 6502



Echtzeituhr für Mikroprozessoren

Tracer für 6502



Morsetraining mit dem Junior Computer

Junior Elektor, from base to full system

The Junior Computer hardware and software is described in detail in the books and articles, see there for details.

On the following pages the essential information about the different parts are described: circuit diagrams, articles, ROM source and binaries etc.
It starts with a simple SBC: the base Junior. And it ends with a complete floppy disk and video based computer: the full Junior.

Note that the Junior has the Elektor bus and could use a lot of the cards developed later for the EC65/Octobus, but memory layout differences may require adaptations. Study articles and books, lots and lots of subtle changes required in every step.

Thanks to many contributors, for ROMs and information! Philippe Roca, Philippe Roehr, Keith Robinson, Guus Assmann, the people at forum.system-cfg.com , VzEkC e. V. (classic-computing.de), Bram Prosman, Ian Lockhart. If forget someone, I want to thank you!

Memory layout
An attempt to show the meory map of a fully enhanced Junior system.

Junior Nederlands

Nederlandstalige artikelen uit Elektuur 1980 en later.

First article Junior Computer March 1980 in color
PDF file of the first two (dutch) articles 3-26 and 4-72 with the complete hardware design
All other Elektuur Junior articles 1980
March 1980 Junior-computer The introduction article
4-72 Junior-computer hexadecimal monitor dump
5-66 KIM Gebruikers Club promotion! nogmaals: junior-computer nog wat aanvullende gegevens
6-56 elektuur uP systemen
8-26 RS 232 interface
9-48 RAM/EPROM kaart 8K RAM + 4,8,16K EPROM
10-42 meer junior-geheugen, memory decode for RAM/EPROM card
11-71 Junior groeit!
All other Elektuur Junior articles 1981
2-54 junior-tekst, show text on led displays
3-54 junior-journaal, practical tips
4-41 Junior-hardware kompleet (PDF file)
4-52 junior-software aangevuld
5-56 junior-uitbreidingen bouwrijp (PDF file)
6-53 Junior Computer als Voltmeter (G.Sullivan)
10-53 EPROM-Programmer
12-46 pseudo-ROM
1-58 EPROMmer (P.R. Boldt)
All Elektuur Junior articles 1982
3-47 Junior spreekt Basic, adapt KIM KB-9 Basic to Junior
4-46 mini-EPROM-kaart
4-50 dynamische RAM-kaart
5-39 Software-uitpluizer (disassembler)
5-62 PSS Prive Software Service (EPROMmer)
5-67 Mini-teller met microprocesssor
7-59 Junior-vektoren ophalen (R. Mattysek)
7-46 single-cycle voor junior-computer (E.Kytzia)
9-74 konnektie tussen basis- en interface print
10-59 Van 6502 naar 6809
11-58 Floppy-disk interface voor junior en andere 6502-computers deel 1
12-26 floppy-disk interface deel 2 (Ohio Scientific DOS)
1-66 verkeerslichtensturing (D. Herzberg)
All Elektuur Junior articles 1983
3-28 Universele geheugenkaart
5-60 morse-dekoder
5-37 junior-programmatester
5-38 ASCII keyboard
5-48 parallel-serie-omzetter voor ASCII keyboard
6-48 RTTY-dekoder
7-73 busy-indicator voor junior
7-73 Centronics interface 6522
7-79 vektor-aansturing voor junior
9-58 VDU kaart
9-66 de muzikale junior
9-74 64K op de dynamische RAM-kaart
10-57 basicode-2 voor de junior
10-72 EPROMmer zonder interfacekaart
11-68 universele terminal
Omnibus busprint
12-44 indirekte files op de junior
12-70 Bus uitbreiding de Elektuur bus
All Elektuur Junior articles 1984
1-68 adresdekodering
2-75 Basicode-2 voor Junior met VDU-kaart
2-66 6502-tracer
3-40 Tapemonitor uitbreiding
4-53 ID-list
4-71 motorschakeling voor floppy drives
6-36 merge voor BASIC files
7-50 RES IRQ NMI indikator
7-68 2716 voor 2708
8-12 start-omleiding voor 6502
8-15 beeldruiskiller
9-72 DOS-uitbreidingen
11-33 de 6845 geprogrammeerd
swap routine voor 6502
6502 tracer
1978 – 1983 Elekterminal All articles in one
PDF file of issues 181 to 231

Junior articles in English

Elekterminal articles 1978-1980
Junior Computer
elektor microprocessors
RS-232 interface
8k RAM 16K EPROM card
dynamic RAM card
64K on the 16K dynamic RAM card
junior’s growing up!
text display on the Junior Computer
junior cookbook
the fully fledged Junior Computer
sophisticated software for the Junior Computer
the junior reaches maturity
using the Junior Computer as a voltmeter
mini EPROM card
BASIC on the Junior Computer
the Junior Computer as a frequency counter
Software cruncher and puncher
calling Junior vectors
junior paperware
the Elektor connection
floppy disk interface for the Junior part 1
floppy disk interface for the Junior part 2
traffic light control system
Universal memory card
junior program tester
Morse converter
RTTY decoder
busy indicator for the Junior Computer
vector control for the Junior Computer
VDU card
Junior Synthesizer
basicode-2 interface for the Junior Computer
2716/2732 programmer
EPROMmer using the Junior Computer
CPU card
6502 tracer
Get & Go
ID list
merging BASIC programs
screen noise killer
morse training with the Junior Computer
RTTY interface