KIM-4 photos

I received photos from Joseph Avins of a KIM-4 motherboard connected to a KIM-1.

Added tot the KIM-1 hardware pages, read more here.

KIM-4 (photo by Joseph Avins)

KIM-4 (photo by Joseph Avins)

RSC-Forth computers

The R6501Q and R65F11 IC’s I acquired are Rockwell parts for single chip computer systems. Well, they contain a lot more than a 6502, like ROM, RAM, I/O.

A couple of pages devoted to these IC’s and RCS-Forth, the Rockwell Single Chip FORTH system are here.

Elektor Junior VIA 6522 German

Found in my archive: the German version of the Elektor Junior VIA 6522 book.

Added tot the Elektor books page.

ZIPtape for KIM-1

Glen Deas sent me an article about the Ziptape cassette interface, 1978, by the late Lew Edwards. Glen made a PCB for it.

The article about the Fast Cassette Interface is part of my CW Moser Assembler/editor package. Scanned by me in 2010 to the file kimfastcassette.pdf and on my website with the CW Moser package for years now .
Glen Deas knew it was designed by Lew Edwards and entered the source in modern assembler format.

John Bell Engineering

The page on John Bell Engineering has been expanded to a page per SBC, to keep the information accessible. See it here.

Glen Deas supplied negatives of 80-153 and the Z80 cards, thanks!

I also added the information I have on Apple ][ cards by John Bell, like the 6522 VIA and A/D cards.

My retro toolchain

Development for my old 8 bit retro SBC’s has become much easier with fast PCs and good tools. All cross development.

What took hours on my KIM-1: load editor form tape -edit source – save on tape (multiple tape files if big) – assemble form tape to tape – load binary from tape – run
can now be done very fast.
Powerful text editors, cross assembler, KIM-1 Simulator, seconds per iteration.

The only slow part remains: me!

More on my favorite toolchain here.

PRDIS, Printing Disassembler

In 1982 I wrote/composed a program to have disassembled code on paper, with page numbers. Read more about it here.

The core routine of the disassembler is the well-known Steve Wozniak/Allen Baum 1976 article A 6502 Disassembler from Apple
The program is a TTY program. I build it with the then current hardware and software of my KIM-1:

  • 32K RAM from $2000
  • Video terminal uppercase 24×32 on the KIM TTY serial in/output
  • A parallel ASCII keyboard connected to the second 6532 RIOT port
  • A serial connected, at 9600 baud, Heathkit H14 matrix printer
  • Dual audio cassette records under motor control
  • MICRO ADE assembler/Editor, extended and with video TTY as output, parallel keyboard as input and could print at the H14 printer

Corsham Bus Extender

Corsham Technologies produces a Bus Extender fot the KIM-1. Simple but so handy

It is placed beween the external device on Application or Extension Connector and has 44 pin header to attach wires to a breadboard for example.
Only negative I can say about it, tinned edge connectors and not gold plated.

Nice addition to my Reproduction KIM-1s!

MOS KIM-1 Reproduction, white version

Dave Wiliams made a revison of the MOS KIM-1 Reproduction, a white version.

The original green and the new white are for sale at ebay as of January 2023.

More information here.

AIM 65 clone

Mr. Nagano, from Tokyo, Japan send me photos and circuit diagram of an AIM 65 clone he built. It is a beautiful and functionally and esthetic faithful clone. In fact, he built two, one with a CPLD 3V3 version and a 5 V version with a 6532 RIOT.

Read all about it here.