Who were involved in the development of KIM-1 and TIM?

The 6530-002 (the KIM monitor), 6530-003 (the KIM tape routines) and 6530-004 (TIM, the teletype monitor) are in the ROM of these IC’s. Developed in/for/by MOS Technology.

For TIM the Story of TIM (DEMON as Ray Holt called it) tells about Manny Lomas.

It would be nice to know more who did hardware and software design for the KIM-1 (must have been a small team since they are so intertwined) of these innovative early 6502 development.

The story should start with Chuck Peddle and his team. They developed the 6502 and supporting IC’s like 6530 (RRIOT) and 6532 (RIOT).

The story of KIM talks about Don McLaughlin, MOS Technology founder and engineering manager of the project. Peddle and a programming manager named Bob Winterhalt agreed with the idea and the three men began the design. According to MOS Technology employee Al Charpentier, John May did the actual design.

KIM-1 high resolution poster cleaned up

Joshy, Forum64 member, cleaned up the high resolution poster. Available here.

The Best of Micro 3

Partial scan of The Best of Micro 3: AIM 65 SYM-1 KIM-1 part and General (6522).


Updates to KIM-1, AIM 65 and SYM-1 pages

With the help of users on the German Classic Computing forum I have added many manuals and magazines in German about those systems:

AIM 65 PC100 manuals
MICROMAG magazines
KIM-1 manuals in German

I also added books on the 6502 in general and on the KIM-1, SYM-1 and AIM 65 to the Books section.

Reading old magazines is always fun, from the period 1976 to 198x magazines were filled with articles on the 6502, the KIM-1 and other SBC’s.

German, Dutch and English magazine articles extracted here.
Kilobaud, Byte, Dr Dobbs and of course the dedicated 6502 User Notes, MICRO Journal and Compute are valuable sources, but look at the many magazines on this page!



1977 01 Tiny Basic a mini language for your micro
1977 01 What’s that Digital Group Really Doing
1977 02 The remarkable Apple 1 Computer
Found: A use for Your Computer! clock program for KIM-1
1977 03 KIM-1 Advertisement, Johnson Computer
1977 03 Super-Tube .. jazzing up the Digital group TVT
1977 04 KIM-1 Memory Expansion
kilobaud 1977 03 The Gory details of cassette storage
1977 04 Apple 1 Advert
1977 05 Adding “Plop” to Your system, 6502 noise
KIM forum 1977 07
kilobaud 1977 08 KIM Troubleshoot Your Software
kilobaud 1977 Is the KIM for Every-1??
kilobaud 1977 08 KIM Forum
kilobaud 1977 09 Build a 20 dollar EPROM programmer
kilobaud 1977 10 Dedicated Controllers KIM-1
kilobaud 1977 11 KIM-1 meets S-100
kilobaud 1977 11 Hyper about Slow Load Times
Hypertabe, Jim Butterfield
kilobaud 1977 11 Expand your KIM1
kilobaud 1977 11 KIM Forum
kilobaud 1977 12 Tiny Basic
kilobaud 1977 12 Expand your KIM1 part 2
kilobaud 1977 12 Here’s HUEY, super calculator
kilobaud 1977 12 TVT Hardware design
part 1 Don Lancaster
kilobaud 178 01 Growing with KIM-1
kilobaud 1978 01 Software Keyboard interface for KIM-1, Hal Chamberlin
kilobaud 178 01 TVT Hardware design
part 2 Don Lancaster
kilobaud 1978 02 Expand your KIM1 part 3
kilobaud 1978 02 How Are You Feeling Today
Biorhythms with your KIM
1978 02 How much memory for a KIM?
Is 28K enough?
1978 03 Expand Your KIM Part 4
1978 03 Focal FCL65E 6502 Program Exchange
1978 03 Corrections on Hypertape and Gropwing with KIM articles
1978 04 KIMSI S-100
1978 05 PET’s First Report Card, featuring KIM-1 and Jolt
1978 05 Expand your KIM part 5
19878 06 Johnson Computer HDE Operating System
1978 06 KIM-1 Johnson Computer
1978 06 KIM-1 advertisement
1978 06 VIM-1 advertisement
1978 06 Tiny BASIC shortcuts
6502 Program Exchange President and Vice President
A Sensible expansion Atwood Memory for your KIM
1978 08 KIM + Chess = Microchess
1978 08 Software Debugging for Beginners
1978 08 Products Micro Technology Unlimited (2 pages)
1978 08 Advertisement Micro Technology Unlimited
1978 08 DATA1-K Resident assembler/Editor for 6502
1978 09 Do It All Expansion Board for KIM
1978 09 Super Cheap 2708 Programmer
1978 09 Troubleshooting 6502
1978 09 Troubleshooter’s Guide
1978 09 KIM Organ
MTU KIM-1 accessoires
1978 09 KIMSI Forethought,
Johnson Computer KIM expansion,
Watach 8K KIM Expansion
1978 09 Johnson Computer
1978 09 DATA1-K Resident assembler/Editor
1978 09 KIM-1 VIM1 AIM-1
1978 09 RNB Enterprises KIM-1 VIM-1 Expansion
1978 09 RNB Enterprises KIM-1 VIM-1, VAK Expansion boards
1978 10 Budget System with KIM
1978 10 Not so Tiny (Basic)
1978 10 Build a One Chip Stepper
1978 10 Johnson Computer KIMSI KIM-4 KEM S-100 MB
1978 10 The Computerist
1978 10 Compumart KIM-1 AIM 65
1978 10 JADE Computer products KIM-1 MEMORY PLUS
1978 11 Do it wih a KIMSI
1978 11 Receive Morse code the easy way
1978 11 KIM-1 for $179
1978 11 Johnson Computer HDE floppy disk system
1978 11 KIM-1 VIM-1 AIM-1

MTU PLUS Products
1978 11
1978 11 SYM-1 Synertek
1978 11 SYM-1 Christmas special
1978 11 RNB Enterprises VAK-X boards
1979 01 SHHH … People Are Sleeping
1979 01 u-Panel, for KIM-1
1979 01 KIMSI, Errors Super cheap 2708 programmer
1979 01 Memory PLUS The Computerist for AimSymKim.
1979 01 KIM-1 $179 Johnson Computer
1979 01 MTU K-1008 Visible memory
1979 01 Sybex Rodney Zaks books
1979 01 KIM BUS is a winner, HDE 8K
1979 01 Compumart KIM-1 $179, KIM Enclosure
1979 02 A Block Structured Language for Microcomputers XPL0
1979 02 The Computerist PLUS hardware,
1979 02 KIMSI, KIM-1
1979 02 KIM-1, SYM-1, AIM 65, JADE Computers
1979 04 Software for SUper Cheap 2708 PRogrammer
1979 04 The Computerist AIM 65 PLUS Hardware
1979 04 NCE/Compumart KIM-1 SYM-1 AIM 65
1979 04 KIM-1, SYM-1, AIM 65, JADE Computers
1979 05 KIMSI and BETSI photo
1979 05 KIMCTR Timer Frequency Counter
1979 05 The Computerist
1979 05 Advanced Computer Products: KIMSI, PLUS KIM software
1979 05 Compumart AIM 65 KIM-1 $159
1979 06 A “sneaky” interrupt for the 6502

1979 06 Peripheral Interfacing
1979 06 KIM Analog Input
1979 06 KIM-1 $179 etc
1979 06 The Computerist AIM 65 Enclosure, Memory PLUS
1979 07 Safe Ports for the KIM-1
1979 07 The 6502 and its Little Brothers
1979 07 RNB Enterprises VAK-4 16K Static Ram Board
1979 07 RNB Enterprises VAK-1 Motherboard
1979 07 Book review Caxton and Zaks
1979 07 The Computerist
1979 08 Taking AIM
1979 08 The PAIA 8700
1979 08 MCIRO 6502 Journal, KIM Analog Input
1979 08 EPROM Programmers Optimal Technology
1979 08 AIM 65 RNB Enterprises
1979 08 SYM-1 RNB Enterprises
1979 08 JADE AIM 65 SYM-1 KIM-1
1979 09 Catching Bugs with Lights
1979 09 Another KIM-1 Expansion
1979 09 6502 Users Notes
1980 1 Synertek SYM-1: Still Versatile
1980 2 A Printer for the KIM or SYM
1980 2 The ELF PROMer, for 2708
1980 2 Microchess modifications
1980 2 Apple’s Hidden Floating-Point Routines
1980 2 the ultimate in Cheap Video book & kit
1980 02 6502 Assembly Language Programming Lance Leventhal
1980 03 Instruction Sets Examined and Compared
1980 04 Instruction Sets Examined and Compared part 2
1980 04 KIM Vari-Stepper
1980 04 VAK-7 Floppy drive
1980 05 Software for the AIM 65
1980 05 Book Review 6502 Assembly Language Programming
Lance Leventhal
1980 06 Cook’s Memory Test for the 6502
Tinkering with Tiny Basic
1981 06 Multiplying by 1’s and 0’s.
Leo Scanlon
1981 01 Simulation of Musical Instruments
Hal Chamberlin

Dr Dobbs

Volume 1 1976

A 6502 Disassembler from Apple Baum Wozniak
A string output routine for the 6502
Floating Point Routines for the 6502 Rankin Wozniak
Lunar Landler for the 6502 for TIM
Monitor for the 6502
Tiny Basic for the 6800 and 6502 from Tom Pittman
Breakpoint routine for 6502s
A Number game for the 6502 Steve Wozniak

Volume 2 1977

A high-speed Memory Test program for the 6502
A KIM-1 Disassembler
ASSMTED for 6502 editor and assembler
CGRS 6502 board S100
Decoding 650X opcodes
KIM-1 Breakpoint routines Plain and Fancy
OPLEGL correction
RAP and Tiny Basic Jolt
Stringout mods
SWPT GT6144 to 6502

Dr Dobbs 1978

Memory Test for 6502
A KIM Binary Calculator
EDITHA KIM-1 editor program
High speed cassette interface for the KIM-1
Fast Cassette Interface for the KIM-1
6502 Program Exchange
LEDIP A KIM 6502 Text Editor
A curve-Fitting Program Using a Focal Interpreter on the KIM-1
PET Basic Renumber
KIM Basic Renumber adaptation of PET Renumber

Dr Dobbs 1979

Adapt Apple Disassembler for SYM-1
Add a Trap Vector for Unimplemented 6502 opcodes
An unusual Pseudoreandom Number Generator program
Common Instructions of the 6800 and the 6502
Complex Pseudorandom Sequences from Interlaced Simple Generators
EXOS A Software development kit for the 6500 Microprocessor family
OSI Basic for the KIM-1
Quick and Dirty Routines for the Sweet 16
Those all-important Extras Development toolkit

Dr Dobbs 1980

A Note on 6502 Indirect Addresssing
Thoughts on Small Systems and Monitors SYM-1
ZX65 Simulating a Micro

Dr Dobbs 1981

Analysis of the Use of the 6502’s Opcodes

Dr Dobbs 1982

Interfacing the 68000 to an AIM 65
Improvement upon a Division Program by Leventhal

183 1987

ACTxx_Cross Assemblers
Decoding Efficiency and Speed Pros and Cons of Table Loo-up
Saving And Restoring Registers
SBC TSX TXS Instructions 6800 6502
Use of NOP Codes as Labels


Es lebe der KIM-1
Experimente fuer Anfaenger mit KIM-1
Siemens PC 100
Wer ist Jim Butterfield?
Realtime clock fur PC 100
Konzert fur AIM 65
Basic-Morse programm fur AIM 65 PC 100
Interrupt beim AIM 65
Tone und Gerausche mit AY-3-8912 und einem 6502 computer
AIM 65 Assembler und Disassembler
Dgital-Analog and Analog-Diital Wandlung mit den 8-bit DA-Wandler ZN 428E
Die Verwendung des PPI 8255 an einem 6502 System Apple II
Einfacher 6 Kanal Analog Digital Wandler
Rechteckgenerator und Frequenzmesser fur AIM 65
Lernen mit AIM 65 1-7
Programmieren in Maschinensprache 1-5

Interface Age

Building a Digital Group System
A KIM-1 Sidereal clock
Advert KIM meets S100, KIMSI
6502 disassembler Steve Wozniak Allan Baum


Franzis Verlag, German, 1978

KIM-1 mehr als nur ein Spielzeug
KIM spielt schach
KIM versteht Pseudo Befehle
KIM als Nachschlagewerk
ASCII Ausgabe per Interrupt
Bits und Bytes
Ein Netztel fur den AIM 65
KIM Klavier
So Laufen KIM programma auf dem AIM 65
SYM druckt 16 Byte pro Zeile
Testhilfe fur den KIM-1
Das VIA 6522


Pages from CHIP 9 1978 and CHIP Special 1981

Siegerkur 6502 6800 8080 SC/MP
Stunde der Wahrheit KIM-1
Von Alpha bis Omega MCS Alpha 65
A/D und D/A fur Sprachverarbeitung
Dynamische Schreib-Lese Speicher fur 6502-systeme
KIM-1 steuert SR51
AIM 65 als interrupt-gesteuerten Frequenzzahler
Schrift und graphik aus einem IC
Systemerweiterung fur KIM-1