
HDE card cage, floppy drive

Hudson Digital Electronics Inc

Known by advertisments in the KIM-1/User Notes.


Books for the 6502: KIM-1 and more

KIM-1, AIM-65, SYM-1 and other 6502/65C02/65C816 related books.

A mix of English, German and Dutch books.

On my bookshelf I have quite a collection of books on the 6502 family.

Note that manuals and books that come with systems are shown on the pages of the corresponding system!

How to Build a Computer-controlled Robot (with a KIM-1)
Tod Loofbourrow
Microprocessor Systems Engineering
R.C. Camp, T.A. Smay, C.J. Triska
AIM 65 System 65 parts
6502 Software Gourmet Guide and Cookbook
6502 Users Manual
AIM 65 Laboratory Manual And Study Guide
Anwendunsgbeispiele fûr den Microprozessor 6502
Microprocessor_Fundamentals KIM-1
Best of Micro Volume 1 1978
Best of Micro Volume 2 1979
Best of MICRO 3, AIM 65 SYM-1 KIM-1 part June 1979 May 1980
Compute’s Machine Language for Beginners
Compute’s The Second Book of Machine Language
Programming a Microcomputer 6502
Programmieren von Mikrocomputern CPU 6502 (Skriptum)
How to Build a Microcomputer .. and really Understand It!
Mikrocomputer ohne Ballast
Micro Principles KIM-1 user guide chapter 8
Digitaalschakelen met de KIM-1
6502 Assembly Language Programming
6502 Programmieren in ASSEMBLER
Microcomputer Experimentation with the MOS Technology KIM-1
6502 Machinetaal Subroutines
6502 Assembly Language Subroutines
Microcomputer experimentation with the AIM 65
Machine Language Programming Cookbook part 1
Machine Code for Beginners
Microcomputer Systems Principles Featuring the 6502 KIM
Beyond Games: System Software for your 6502 Personal Computer
Assembly Language Programming
Using 6502 Assembly Language
6502 Machine Code for Humans
Programming the 65816 including the 6502, 65C02 and the 65802
Programming the 65816 including the 6502, 65C02 and the 65802
Forth Programming
Programming the 65816
Programming and Interfacing the 6502 with Experiments
Synertek 1981-1982 Data Catalog
Synertek DataBook 1983
Third Book of OSI
TSC 6502 Games Package 1
TV Typewriter Cookbook
Zaks 6502 Anwendungen
6502 Games
6502 Applications
Advanced 6502 Programming
Fortgeschrittene 6502 Programmierung
Programmierung des 6502
Programming the 6502
6502 Applications book
Programmeren van de 6502
Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques
Microprocessor Concepts and Applications
Publisher: Lab-Volt
6502 Assembler-Kurs für Beginner
6502 Machine Code For Beginners
A low-lvel language for use on the MOS 6502 Microcomputer
6502 Microcomputer Programmierung
Programmieren in Maschinensprache 6502
The Giant Handbook of Computer Projects
First Book of KIM
The First Book of KIM-1 in PDF format
The First Book of KIM-1, part in text format
The First Book of KIM-1 in HTML format
Sources of The First Book of KIM-1 in source and papertape format, Jeff Tranter
First Book of KIM-1 for SYM-1
Rockwell Produktübersicht in deutsch
Rockwell Microelectronic Data Devices Catalog 1979
1981 Rockwell Electronic Devices Division Data Book
1984 Rockwell Data Book
1985 Rockwell Data Book
1987 Rockwell Controller Products Databook

Corsham boards

AIM 65/SYM-1/KIM_1 expansion boards were available: the excellent Corsham Technologies boards offer RAM/EPROM/I/O with modern SRAM (low power, low IC count) in kit or assembled format. Here are the boards offered, I use them on my MOS KIM Reproduction KIM and SYM-1 and AIM 65.

First the current available boards, later the older boards

KIM-1 RAM/ROM 60K board

This is a combination RAM and EPROM board with a fair amount of flexibility for adding more functionality to your KIM-1!

Fills in the KIM’s missing RAM from $0400 to $13FF, giving you 5K from $0000 to $13FF.
Has RAM from $2000 to $FFF7, selectable in 8K segments.
The top 8K ($E000 to $FFFF) can optionally be replaced with 8K of EPROM on the board (27C64 EPROM).
Includes the xKIM extended KIM-1 monitor by default.
The xKIM monitor has commands to load hex files, dump and edit memory, a memory test, plus commands to access SD card features from our SD Card System.
The extended monitor has vectors to command functions so programs written for it won’t break when new versions are introduced.
This board can be added to any KIM-1 system, but the easiest way to add it is with our I/O Board. This board comes with a ribbon cable that plugs right into the I/O Board with no mess. By default the DIP switches are set so your KIM will have 5K of RAM from $0000 to $13FF and from $2000 to $DFFF. The extended monitor is from $E000 to $FFFF.

KIM 60K RAM ROM Manual
Schematic KIM 60K RAM ROM board
Memory test program

KIM-1 I/O board

KIM I/O manual Rev C
Schematic KIM I/O board

The KIM-1 Application connector has a lot of useful signals on it and our expansion board makes them easily usable, as well as providing an RS-232 interface to the KIM’s serial port. The KIM has a 20 ma loop interface because that was the standard used by mechanical teletypes commonly used as terminals in the early days of the microcomputer revolution. Now we all have RS-232 ports on our computers and our I/O board allows a modern computer to connect to the KIM.
The expander plugs into the KIM’s Application connector. The lower left hand side of the board has a DB-9 connector that mates with a standard cable to a PC serial port.
Just above the serial connector are two standard 1/8″ inch audio connectors for a tape player; some people still like saving data to tape, just like in the old days. If both cables are out then the audio in/out lines are connected; this is perfect for running PLL adjustment programs. There is a jumper to select whether to use the audio high or low connections.
Above the audio connectors is the power connector with connections for +5, +12 (only needed if the cassette interface is used) and Ground. A filter capacitor is present to keep the voltages smoothed out.
Two of the best additions to this board are the POWER LED and KBD/TTY switch. A few people, myself included, have almost pulled board or made other changes while power was on. The handy LED provides an indication that 5 volts is present.
If you’re switching back and forth between the normal KIM KBD operation and using an external TTY device, there is now a small switch located on the board that is clearly labeled as to which position is for KBD and which is TTY.
There are various connectors and a set of switches provided for feeding the K1-K4 lines to an external memory board, such as our 4K or 60K memory boards. Each K* signal is individually selected, so if you have peripherals in any of the K1-K4 banks, you can disable any of those signals from going to the external board.
All of the remaining I/O lines are brought to a header for expansion.

KIM-1 6530 Replacement board

A very common problem with maintaining 40 year old computer systems is that some of the parts have not been made for many decades, such as the two 6530 chips on the KIM-1. Each contains several timers, 64 bytes of RAM, multiple parallel I/O ports and 1K of mask programmed ROM containing the KIM-1 monitor program. To make things even more complicated, each 6530 is mask programmed with a number of configuration options such as which interface pins and address lines select which internal devices.

Many people, Bob included, have at least one KIM-1 in their collections with a non-functioning 6530. Depending on what failed, the KIM might be quite usable, completely unusable, or someplace in between. For these people, there was little chance of ever fixing the problem because the two 6530s in the KIM are unavailable anywhere… not even on eBay! In an effort to fix his own KIM, Bob borrowed work of other people and developed a small board that can replace either 6530 on a KIM-1.
Basically this emulates the functionality of the non-functioning 6530 by using the I/O ports, RAM, and timers from the 6532 chip, and then having an external EEPROM hold the code that was in the ROM of the original chip.

The board replaced U2 (6530-002) on Bob’s KIM and produces a fully functional system again. This is a prototype board (strange board color) but is identical to the production version otherwise.

For full documentation, schematics, design files, Gerbers, EAGLE CAD files and other technical data please also see Bob’s development notes.

The assembled version is the quickest way, and the easiest. Just set the three jumpers to either U2 or U3 to indicate which chip you’re replacing, remove the old 6530, then plug in this board. Bob strongly suggest saving the original 6530 in case you ever decide to sell your KIM to a museum as a static display.

KIM-1 6530 Replacement board manual
KIM 6530 technical notes
Schematic KIM-1 6530 replacement
kim-1 6530 design: gerbers, eagle, KIM ROM

AIM 65/SYM-1 60K RAM

Basic features of the board:

  • Can be used on either a SYM or an AIM.
  • Memory selectable on 4K boundaries covering the entire 64K address space. Not all blocks can be RAM, as the SYM-1 already has up to 4K of RAM on-board, there are multiple ROM sockets, and I/O.
  • The top $80 bytes are not available; that area is reserved by the SYM-1.
  • Can allow space for BASIC or other software in ROM. My system has an 8K BASIC ROM so I did not place RAM at C000-DFFF.

The Rev 2 boards have an additional chip which works around a bug in early AIM-65 boards. We know the problem was in rev 1 and rev 0 AIM boards, and it was definitely fixed on rev 4 boards, but I don’t know exactly which revision fixed the problem. Basically the RAM_R/W signal (pin Z on the Expansion connector) had the inverted Phase 2 clock NAND’ed with R/W. The SYM and AIM were both supposed to follow the KIM standard, but Rockwell got this one signal wrong.
Rev 2 boards have replaced the jumpers with a pair of 8 position DIP switches; those are easier to set and there are no jumpers to get lost ??
When running the ROM BASIC, this is what gets displayed:




Here RAM is configured from 1000-7FFF, B000-BFFF, and F000-FF7F. That gives a lot of room to squeeze in useful add-ons to the monitor.

SYM-1 AIM 65 60K RAM manual
Schematic V1
Schematic V2

22/44 pin Extender Board

One side has a 22/44 connector ready to plug into your KIM or any other computer with 22/44 edge connections on .156″ centers. On the other side are the same pins for you to plug another board into.

In the middle is the cool stuff. All pins brought to a .1″ center header, and each is labeled so you won’t forget that some letters aren’t used ??

There are a couple of good uses for this extender. First, you can easily probe any signal between the KIM and add-on board. Nice. The other big plus is that it saves wear and tear on the edge connectors of the KIMs in our lab. They are almost 40 years old, so we try to be gentle on them.

An older version in use in our workshop…

KIM-1 4k Memory board

Not available anymore. A very simple board to add 4K RAM to lower address space ($0400-$13FF

Manual KIM-1 4K RAM board
Schematic 4k RAM Board

KIM-1 60K RAM board

Not available anymore. A forerunner of the 60K RAM ROM.


KIM 60K RAM Manual

Schematic 60K RAM board

SYM-1 1541 DOS

A DOS for the SYM-1, based upon the Commodore 1541 System

See also

The DOS was sold by Ronald A. Jordan in 1984, who sold this DOS thru his company, Jordan & Associates. This 1541 DOS system was sold as object code on a cassette tape. For an additional fee he would burn an EPROM as well as provide the object code on cassette tape and for still another an additional fee, he would provide the source code on cassette tape.
The 1541 physical interface was also provided by Jordan and consisted of a very simple box with one 7416 hex inverter chip with the mating connectors for the SYM and Commodore 1541 Disk Drive.
The Commodore 1541 disk drive was affordable, around $300 in 1983. A logical choice at the time therefore, since the serial IEC bus is so easy to operate on a small 6502 SBC and the whole DOS included in the drive itself, avoiding a DOS for the SBC. Disadvantages of course are the slow IEC bus and nowadays the vintage character of the 1541 drive. Since there are alternative ‘1541 compatible drives made by hobbyist, with an SD as storage it is still interesting to add this to a SBC (SD2IEC, Pi1541 etc).

On this page all available information is collected about this 1541 DOS.

The information on the 1541 DOS is from these websites:

Added by me are the sources of the 1541 DOS, the scanned version was lost long ago on teh page of Dallas.. But I did keep a copy. In 2006 the source has been typed in by me in normal 6502 assembly.

The 1541 DOS package consists of a manual, a tape with 1541 DOS code and optionally a hardware interface tot the IEC of the Commodore 1541 and also optional source code on tape.

The 1541 DOS code is made up of interfacing code for the IEC bus, and integration for the Monitor, Basic and RAE. The fuctcionality is limited to showing directories, loading and saving memory, but no data file support. It ix possible to give to the 1541 drive ‘special’ commands, e.g. format a drive. More than one drive is supported.


The interface is simple, just an open collector TTL IC, 7416, 3 inputs and 3 outputs of the VIA 6522 to the IEC serial bus ATN, DATA and CLOCK and RESET

See also:


Part is interface to the IEC bus (bit banging), the other parts are linking to Monitor, RAE and Basic.
Functionality offered:


Original 1541 DOS documentation
(cleaned up, complete)
1. SYM 1541 DOS Manual
2. Hardware interface circuit Design
3. Source of 1541 DOS, RAE Basic Monitor driver
4. Crossreference of software
5. Contents of Utility Disk
Cheat-Sheet.pdf DOS 1541 short userguide for SYM-1, Monitor, RAE, Basic
1541DOS_OBJ_PTAPE.TXT DOS 1541 code for address $7000 (see notes below)
1541DOS 9000.txt DOS 1541 code for address $9000 (see notes below)
1541dos.bin 1541 DOS binary for address $9000
sym1541.asm 1541 DOS in TASM format (typed in from listing, not tested yet!)
1541DOS_RAE.txt 1541 DOS in RAE format


The object code assembled to run at $7000 is in SYM paper tape format. Note this code is assembled to run at $7000 but will load into $1000 from the paper tape load. The object code assembled at $9000 is also in SYM paper tape format. Same rules apply for loading etc.


SYM-Physis The SYM-1 Users’ Group newsletter

Published from issue 0 September 1979 until the last issue 17 Winter 1983

SYM-Physis Issue 0
SYM-Physis Issue 1
SYM-Physis Issue 2
SYM-Physis Issue 3
SYM-Physis Issue 4
SYM-Physis Issue 5-6
SYM-Physis Issue 7
SYM-Physis Issue 8
SYM-Physis Issue 9
SYM-Physis Issue 10
SYM-Physis Issue 11
SYM-Physis Issue 12
SYM-Physis Issue 13-14
SYM-Physis Issue 15
SYM-Physis Issue 16
SYM-Physis Issue 17

New SBC: SYM-1

I have acquired a SYM-1 Rev 1.1. Again a historical milestone back in my collection.

It works, so much more advanced software than a KIM-1, with more I/O and 4K memory.

No Basic or RAE ROMs alas.

See the Synertek SYM-1 pages for more info.



A German magazine devoted to the 65XX SBC’s like KIM-1, SYM-1 and mostly AIM 65. June 1978 to 1978, 49 issues.Complete scans thanks to the German forum Verein zum Erhalt klassischer Computer e.V. (forum


2708 programmer
EPROM-Programmierer KIM-1: 2708, Ingo Dohman, 65XX MICROMAG
Data exchange between KIM-1 and TRS-80
Datenaustausch zwischen KIM und TRS-80,
Claus Wunsche, 65XX Micromag

Diese erste Deutsche Fachzeitschrift für die kleinen Computer wurde von Roland Löhr, Ahrensburg, in den Jahren 1978-1985 herausgegeben.

65xx Micro Mag 1
65xx Micro Mag 2
65xx Micro Mag 3
65xx Micro Mag 4
65xx Micro Mag 5
65xx Micro Mag 6
65xx Micro Mag 7
65xx Micro Mag 8
65xx Micro Mag 9
65xx Micro Mag 10
65xx Micro Mag 11
65xx Micro Mag 12
65xx Micro Mag 13
65xx Micro Mag 14
65xx Micro Mag 15
65xx Micro Mag 16
65xx Micro Mag 17
65xx Micro Mag 18
65xx Micro Mag 19
65xx Micro Mag 20
65xx Micro Mag 21
65xx Micro Mag 22
65xx Micro Mag 23
65xx Micro Mag 24
65xx Micro Mag 25
65xx Micro Mag 26
65xx Micro Mag 27
65xx Micro Mag 28
65xx Micro Mag 29
65xx Micro Mag 30
65xx Micro Mag 31
65xx Micro Mag 32

65xx MicroMag Inhalt 1-32 (also listed here after)

65xx Micro Mag 33
65xx Micro Mag 34
65xx Micro Mag 35
65xx Micro Mag 36

The name changed after Issue 36, the 65XX was dropped to represent the wider nature of the magazine.

Micro Mag 37
Micro Mag 38
Micro Mag 39
Micro Mag 40
Micro Mag 41
Micro Mag 42
Micro Mag 43
Micro Mag 44
Micro Mag 45
Micro Mag 46
Micro Mag 47
Micro Mag 48
Micro Mag 49

Contents of Nr. 1 1978 to Nr 32 1983
Numbers are either the Issue number (pointing to one of the PDF’s above) or a B1 Buch 1: Issue 1-6, B2 Buch 2: Issue7-13

Allgemeine Themen
-Wie soll man Arbeitsspeicher bereitstellen? B1-77
-Adreßkonstante vs. Verschieblichkeit B1-78
-Formate und Kompatibilität bei der Magnetbandaufzeichnung B1-82
-Datenaustausch zwischen KIM-1 und TRS 80 7-28*
-Erzeugung quasistatischen Rauschens durch Zufallszahlenfolgen 7-43*
-Zufallszahlengenerator 8-35*
-Magnetbandbetrieb 9-32*
-Umbau eines Cassettenrecorders 9-35*
-Anschluß von numerischer Anzeige und Tastatur (1) 11-31*
-Interruptgetriebene Cassettenein- und Ausgabe 12-23*
-Anschluß von numerischer Anzeige und Tastatur (2) 12-32*
-Wie liest man ein Programm-Listing? 13- 8*
-Anschluß von numerischer Anzeige und Tastatur (3) 13-20*
-Basic DATA-Generator 13-33*
-Interruptgetriebene Cassettenein- und Ausgabe (2) 13-43*
-Rechtsbündige Zahlenausgabe 14-41
-Datenaustausch zwischen zwei Mikroprozessorsystemen (1) 15-53
-Steuerung – elegant per Assembler 16-16
-Datenaustausch zwischen zwei Mikroprozessorsystemen (2) 16-55
-Datenaustausch zwischen zwei Mikroprozessorsystemen (3) 17-27
-Rechnerkopplung mit Interrupt 17-31
-Die (Un-)Zuverlässigkeit von Kassettenspeichern 17-32
-Hannover-Messe 1981 18-47
-Einkommensteuerberechnung 1980 19-71
-PRINT-Formatierung 19-35
-Prozeßtechnik mit Mikro-Computern (1) 20- 3
-Einkommensteuerberechnung 1981 21-46
-Feedback 21-47
-Prozeßtechnik mit Mikro-Computern (2)
-BASIC-Formatierungen 22-57
-Prozeßtechnik mit Mikro-Computern (4) 23-23
-Lösung der kubischen Gleichung 23-26
-Formatierte Zahlenausgabe 23-27
-SHAKE (Permutationen) 23-30
-RAM-EPROM-Karte 4 kB g 4 kB 23-36
-BASIC mit Struktur 23-39
-Geisterzeilen im Microsoft-BASIC 23-42
-Low Cost Typenraddrucker 24-41
-Prozeßtechnik mit Mikro-Computern (3) 24-50
-Hinweise für Autoren 24-57
-Prozeßtechnik mit Mikro-Computern (4a) 25-54
-SHAKER 25-60
-Low Cost Typenraddrucker (2) 26-32
-Timesharing 26-44
-Prozeßtechnik mit Mikro-Computern (5) 27- 7
-LISP – eine Sprache wird wiederentdeckt 27-50
-Lesen typ-verschiedener EPROMs 27-59
-Code-Wandler 28-20
-Prozeßtechnik mit Mikro-Computern (6) 28-28
-Parser und Entscheider 29- 3
-Symbolisches Differenzieren (BASIC) 29-33
-Symbolisches Differenzieren (LISP) 29-41
-Multi-TASK bei Mikrocomputern 29-50
-Einkommensteuerberechnung 1982 29-56
-MOVE und RELOCATE 30-31
-Spätlese 30-61
-32 kB CMOS-RAM 31-46
-Supertape – Kassettenaufzeichnung mit 600 Byte/Sek. 32-52
-Hi-Plot 32-37

-Ein Leitfaden ein die Programmierung B1- 1
-ASP – Advanced Subroutine Package B1-35
-Makros für 65xx B1-67
-SWEET 16 B1-20
-Neue Intelligente Peripheriebausteine B1-81
-Die VIA 6521 7- 3*
-ASP – Advanced Subroutine Package (6) 9-22*
-Align für ALPHA-SORT 9-28*
-Ein Leitfaden für die Programmierung (4) 9-41*
-Interrupt-Demonstrationsprogramm für die VIA 6522 10-24*
-Ein Leitfaden für die Programmierung (5) 10-30*
-Geschachtelte Interrupts 12-28*
-Pseudo 16-Bit CPU 18-18
-APPLE II emuliert AIM 65 20-31
-VNITEX – Universale Textausgabe 21-30
-Binär-BCD-Wandlung 22-2)
-Druckerausgabe auf parallele Schnittstelle 22-30
-6502 Multiplikation, Division 22-31

-1-Chip Mikroprozessor 6805 und 68705 27- 3

-Ein fortschrittlicher Verwandter: MC 6809 15- 3
-MC 6809: Register, Signale, Befehle 18- 3
-MC 6809: Befehle (1) 19-20
-MC 6809: Befehle (2) 20-50
-Adressierungsarten des 6809 22-42
-BASIC-Disassembler für 6809 24-10

-Wichtige Merkmale des MC 68000 30- 3
-Interfacebaustein PI/T 68230 30- 7

-PET 6502-Assembler B1-212
-Der PET-Assembler 7-37*
-PET Video-Driver 7-38*
-Primfaktoren-Zerlegung 8- 3*
-Video-Edit (PET) 8-11*
-PET-Petits 8-14*
-TRACE (PET) 9- 3*
-VIEW (PET) 9- 5*
-Text-Editor (PET) 9- 6*
-PETROL (Bildschirm rollen) 9- 9*
-RESTORE Line Number (PET) 9-13*
-Datenverbund zwischen AIM 65 und PET 2001 9-14*
-CBM-VIEW, neue Befehle 10-20*
-Berechnetes GOTO für den CBM 10-21*
-Tape Catalog (CBM) 10-41*
-Disk Utility Program (CBM) 11- 6*
-6502 Direct Assembler (PET) 11-12*
-Schaufel Relocate, (PET) 11-16*
-VARLIST (Variablenausdruck, PET) 11-17*
-CBM schießt sich eigene EPROMs 11-24*
-ROM-Vergleichsliste CBM-PET 11-28*
-BASIC Keywords to Shifted Keys 12- 3*
-Der CBM-Assembler 13-78*
-Binäres Speichern von Zahlen 13-27*
-Automatische Zeilennumerierung PET/CBM 14-33
-Das Auffinden einer BASIC-Variablen 14-35
-Dekadischer Logarithmus per USER 14-36
-Garbage Collection Routine im CBM 14-38
-Sichern und Laden dimensionierter Variablen 14-42
-Programmveränderung (CBM) 15-15
-Zeitanzeige auf PET und CBM 15-21
-INPUT-Routine (PET) 15-57
-Ein Sortierprogramm ein CBM 3001 16- 3
-Tastentest ein CBM 3032 16-53
-PASCAL ein CBM 17- 3
-Kaufmännisches Rechnen auf dem CBM 17- 9
-Grafik-Zugriff beim CBM-Busy 17-14
-1/4-0rafik für CBM 3001 17-15
-CBM 3032: Benutzung arithmetischer Interpreterroutinen 17-44
-Garbage Collection Routinen im CBM-BASIC 18-27
-Assoziative Tabellen (CBM) 18-29
-Direktzugriff mit CBM 18-45
-Niitzliche Dokumentationen für PET und CBM 18-50
-SUPER LIST CBM/Centronics 18-51
-Schnelle Sortierroutine für CBM 3001 19- 3
-REPEAT für den CBM 3007 19-32
-Zeitanzeige PET/CBM 19-36
-1/4-Grafik (CBM) 19-47
-Cross-Reference List für BASIC-Variable (CBM) 20-10
-Zweidimensionale Felder sortieren (CBM) 20-12
-Der Datenverkehr Rechner und CBM-Floppy 4040 21-10
-ROM-Test für CBM 3001 21-33
-Einfache Sprachausgabe mit Kleinrechner 21-43
-ERASE rechts vom Cursor 21-61
-Mischbilder vom PET und einer Video-Kamera 22-38
-Berechnung von Pi mit großer Genauigkeit 22-41
-CBM-Math 22-50
-Breite Monitorausgabe für CBM 8032 22-56
-Disk-APPEND 22-57
-ISAM, ein Dateityp 23-17
-CBM-FORTH 23-49
-CBM: Abschalten des Interrupts 24-40
-SWAP für BASIC 3 25-58
-PETARI (CBM) 26-34
-Compactor-Review 26-50
-Disassemblieren des CBM-DOS 26-59
-RENAME Disk 4040 27-51
-Graph/Text für CBM 3031 27-52
-Fernsteuerung eines Tonbandgerätes 27-53
-Vom Code zum Text: UNASS (CBM) 28-33
-Der UNASS, ein erster Test 29-44
-Drei Disk Utilities 29-47
-High Resolution Screen Dump, CBM auf EPSON 2/3 30-42
-PETAL, Precompiler ein die CBM-Serie 30-51
-INPUT-Window (CBM) 31-42
-BASIC 4: Die neuen Befehle 32- 6
-CROSSREF für BASIC-Programme 32-12
-Alpha-Korrelation 32-21
-VC-20 am IEEE48B-Bus 32-24
-Big Letters von CBM auf EPSON 32-54

AIM 65 – PC 100
-AIM 65 – ein erster Anwenderbericht B1-170
-Der Monitor des AIM 65 B1-178
-AIM 65 User’s Guide B1-179
-AIMPLOT – Meßwerte plotten B1-180
-AIMGRAPH – Graphics Capability for the AIM Printer B1-182
-LOKIM – AIM Loads to New Location B1-184
-The Hamming Way (Tape with 3150 Baud) B1-186
-AIM Spezial B1-193
-QREAD B1-194
-AIM 65 – Monitor Cross Reference List B1-197
-Der AIM-Assembler 7-14*
-AIM-BASIC 7-20*
-MOVE and RELOCATE 7-24*
-AIM 65 als Terminal 7-33*
-AIM Spezial (2) 7-34*
-Gedanken zum Video-AIM 8-16*
-Oszillograph als Bildschirm ein den AIM 65 8-36*
-Auskunftssystem mit dem AIM 65 8-36*
-AIM-Tastatur mit Kleinschreibung 8-39*
-AIM Spezial (3) 8-41*
-AIM Spezial (4) 9- 8*
-Datenverbund zwischen AIM 65 und PET 2001 9-14*
-Assembler-Listing für den AIM 65 9-17*
-KOORD. Plotten mit dem AIM-Printer 9-29*
-Auskunftssystem mit dem AIM 65 (2) 9-37*
-AIM Spezial (5) 10- 3*
-MTEST, Speicherpriifung mit Zufallszahlen 10-11*
-Binärdisplay-Programm 10-15*
-Listing der Assembler-Symboltafe1 10-16*
-PRINT in 60 Spalten 10-22*
-TVINT – Systeminitialisierung 10-29*
-Erzeugung eines ‘kalten’ RESETs beim AIM 10-38*
-BASIC-Erweiterung ein AIM 65/PC 100 10-40*
-MLIST 11- 3*
-AIM Spezial (6) 11-22*
-Ein Printer für den AIM 11-23*
-USCOM – User Defined BASIC-Commands 11-37*
-Erweiterung des AIM 65 auf den S-700-8us 11-39*
-Cross-Reterence Table für den AIM 65-Assembler 12- 9*
-AIM Spezial (7) 12-43*
-NUMBR 12-45″
-Datenein- und -ausgabe ein das AIM-BASIC 13- 3*
-User Defined BASIC-Commands V2.1 13- 8*
-AIM Spezial (8) 13-52*
-Ein- und Ausgabe am AIM 65 (1) 14- 3
-BASXT – BASIC-Erweiterung 14-17
-Generelle Dumpprogramme für breite Drucker 14-23
-Ein- und Ausgabe am AIM 65 (2) 15- 7
-Disassemblierung in den Text-Editor 15-23
-NRINS – AIM-Editor mit Zeilennummern 15-38
-AIM 65 als Simplexfernschreiser am KIM-7 15-45
-Musikerzeugung mit dem AIM 65 15-50
-Assembler Cross Reference Map – AIM 65 16- 9
-Ein- und Ausgabe am AIM 65 (3) 16-27
-Schnelles und sicheres 8andformat ein AIM 65 16-33
-AIM 65 mit ‘fremder’ Systemsoftware 17-77
-Komplette BASIC-Statements durch CTRL und Tastendruck 17-35
-Laufzeitmessung ein Programme 18- 9
-SEARCH 18-34
-Assembler Object Deplacer 18-36
-Change to End 18-38
-Tape-Dupe 18-40
-NEW Single Step 19-30
-Plotten mit dem AIM 65 19-33
-AIM 65 am IEEE488-Bus 19-38
-EPROM-Programmiereinheit ein AIM 65 20-18
-Softuareentwicklung ein AIM 65 auf PDP 71 20-26
-Object Code Editor 20-47
-AIM Spezial (9) 20-61
-AIM mit Floppy Disk CBM 4040 21- 3
-Uhr und Kalender 21-36
-Ein- und Ausgabe am AIM 65 (4) 21-51
-Monitor-Erweiterung AIM 65 21-53
-AIM Spezial (10) 21-58
-Sortieren mit dem AIM 22- 3
-LINED (Editor-Erweiterung) 22-11
-AIM Spezial (71) 22-54
-Was bietet ‘Instant PASCAL’ ? (AIM) 23-16
-HISTO (Histogramme) 23-29
-Druckerausgabe auf TTY 23-32
-Assembler-Reformattor mit TTY-Ausgang 23-33
-Graphik-Plot am AIM 65/PC 100 23-43
-Fast Assembler 24-18
-Strukturiert und schnell: PL/65 24-25
-Graphik-Plot (2) 24-30
-Der AIM 65 PL/65-Compiler 25-41
-BASIC-Compactor 25-48
-AIM Spezial (12) 25-62
-Das AIM 65 Math-Package 26-30
-Textrettung 26-59
-AIM User Keyboard 27-13
-AIM mit Floppy CBM 8050 27-20
-Decodierung des Axxx-Bereiches im AIM 65 27-57
-REMON -Redigierter Monitor 28- 3
-AIM Spezial (13) 28-16
-Erweiterter Befehlssatz: CMOS-CPV R65C02 28-16
-Speichererweiterung für AIM 65 28-18
-SCREEN – Bildschirmeditor ein AIM 65 30-10
-Editor mit Steuerzeichen – AIM steuert Seikosha GM 250 30-23
-64K-DRAM am AIM 65 30-61
-EXEDIT – Extended Editor für AIM 65 31- 3
-Erweiterung des EXEDIT 31-18
-AIM Spezial (14) 31-22
-Schnelles Replace ein AIM 65 32-44
-User Output-Arbiter 32-48
-Assembler-Formatierer für AIM 65 32-49

-Display- Blink- und Rollroutinen B1-86
-MRA. Modify Return Address after JSR B1-90
-RAM-Test with Random Patterns B1-93
-ROLDIS – Scrolling Disassembler B1-96
-Alpha-Sort B1-704
-Zahlenwandlung B1-170
-RALOAD – Relocate after Load B1-133
-Relocate Programs with Header B1-740
-Universal Timer B1-143
-The Lovely Couple of OUICKDUMP and VERSALOAD B1-146
-Transscribe HYPERTAPE to quickDUMP B1-157
-OUICKLOAD Mini B1-758
-EPROM-Programmierer KIM-1/2708 B1-760
-Printerprogramm ein Mini-Dot B1-763
-HEXDOT B1-765
-TYDUMP B1-166
-KIM-7 als Störungsanalysator B1-167

-SYM-I HYPERTAPE-Loader B1-217
-SYM-I, ein Anwenderbericht B1-227

-AIM 65 FORTH 16-22
-AIM FORTH V7.3 19-78
-FORTH-Disassembler 19-24
-CBM-FORTH 23-49
-FORTH (1) 24- 3
-Strings für FORTH 25- 3
-FORTH (2) 25-75
-Mengen in FORTH 25-24
-FORTH im Eigenhau (1) 25-30
-FORTH: Befehle für 32-Bit-Zahlen 26- 3
-FORTH (3) 26- 8
-Dynamische Speicherverwaltung in FORTH 26-27
-FORTH im Eigenbau (2) 26-32
-FORTH (4) 27-29
-Cross-Assembler unter FORTH 27-35
-FORTH Turtle-Grafik ein GDP EF 9365 27-37
-FORTH im Eigenbau (3) 27-42
-Ausdruck von Kalendern 28-40
-Multiplikation und Division im FIG-FORTH 28-45
-Makro-Assembler unter FORTH 28-46
-FORTH (5) 28-49
-FORTH mit Fließkomma-Arithmetik 28-57
-FORTH-Splitter (1) 28-52
-Disk-Interface ein FIG-FORTH (CBM) 29-17
-FORTH-Editor 29-19
-FORTH mit Fließkomma-Arithmetik (2) 29-26
-FORTH-Splitter (2) 29-28
-FORTH mit JSR 29-30
-FORTH (6) 29-31
-Gerundete Integer-Quadratwurze1 IS9R 30-60
-FORTH (7) 31-25
-FORTH-Mnemonics? 31-28
-Adreßkartei unter FORTH 31-31
-FORTH-Disassembler 31-35
-FORTH-Splitter (3) 32-57

-Das VIDEO+ 11-41*
-Vorstellung des Siemens PC 100 10-18*
-Superboard CHALLENGER 1I 11-44*
-Die Challengers von OSI 11-16*
-NEWTIM-S ein CBM 13-26*
-Die neue CBM-Serie 8000 13-41*
-Der AIM 65/40 16-25
-Junior-Computer 16-52
-Video-Interface der Fa. Neudecker 16-49
-Hofer-Drucker 16-49
-Ein g(0)-System 18-43
-DAIM Floppy Disk-System für den AIM 65 18-46
-MatrixdruCker EPSON MX80 F/T 19-49
-12K Basic ein AIM 65/PC 700 19-50
-SM-Kit für CBM 20-59
-Rockwell’s AIM 65/40 23- 3
-Der TRS-80 Color-Computer 23- 9
-Commodore VC-20 23-73
-ISAM ein CBM 23-55
-NEC PC-8023 B-C: ein universeller Drucker 28-53
-FORCE SYS 68K/CPU 1: VMEbus-System mit MC 68000 30-48
-Commodore CBM 710 32- 3
-Heimcomputer: LASER und Aquarius 32-52


Popular Electronics

Articles and advertisement, from 1977 to 1980

1977 07 08 10 Build the TVT-6, a Low-cost Direct Video Display

1977 07 08 10
Build the TVT-6, a Low-cost Direct Video Display

1977 12 Advertisement Play it Safe KIMPAC

1977 12
Advertisement Play it Safe KIMPAC

1977 12 Advertisement KIM-1 6530-003 003 004 005

1977 12 Advertisement
KIM-1 6530-003 003 004 005

1977 12 Advertisement KIM-1

1977 12 Advertisement KIM-1

1978 03 6502 Executive for KIM-1

1978 03 6502 Executive for KIM-1

1978 04 FCL65E High-Level Language for 6502

1978 04 FCL65E
High-Level Language for 6502

1978 07 KIM-1 Extended I/O Monitor XIM

KIM-1 Extended I/O Monitor XIM

1978 07 Advertisement KIM-1 KIM-3B KIM-4 KIM-5 KIM-6

1978 04 Advertisement

1978 07 Advertisement Memory Plus

1978 07 Advertisement Memory Plus

1978 08 Advertisement KIM-1 KIMSI, KIM-4 Enclosure 8K Visible Memory

1978 08 Advertisement
KIM-1 KIMSI, KIM-4 Enclosure
8K Visible Memory

1978 08 Advertisement VIM-1

1978 08 Advertisement VIM-1

1978 09 Multiply and Divide 6502

1978 09 Multiply and Divide 6502

Convert hex formats new version

Bug fix release of the PC utility to convert MOS papertape, Intel hex, Motorola S record, Apple 1 hex etc. Windows and Linux. Source included.