PC utilities KIM Simulator Convert hex etc

To aid in the handling of KIM-1 program and dataformats I have written some programs for Windows and Linux (Raspberry Pi), sources included.

Convert 8 bit hex formats
KIM-1 simulator
Pascal-M cross compiler
KIM Tape WAV to BIN conversion
KIM Tape Convert BIN and BIN to WAV
KIMPoser Tape Convert hex to WAV online

All programs come with source (Free Pascal Lazarus), compiled for Windows but thanks to Freepascal and Lazarus also compiled and tested on Linux (Ubuntu and Raspberry PI OS).

Convert 8 bit hex formats

A general purpose utility to convert common 8 bit hex and binary formats, such as Intel HEX, Motorola S records, MOS Papertape, hex format, and binary files.
Version 2.9, June 2024. Define assembler output and bugfix MOS papertape format, PRG Commodore file format, TIM papertape format

Convert8bithexformat source files (Freepascal Lazarus).
Convert8bithexformat Setup for Windows, Executables for Ubuntu and Raspberry PI OS
Available formats:
– BIN binary, raw data, no formatting, no information on start address.
– HEX formatted as hex numbers raw data, no start address included.
– IHEX Intel hex 8 bit format, multiple memory block, start address included.
– PAP MOS Technology papertape format, multiple memory blocks, start address included.
– SREC Motorola 8 bit S record, contiguous memory block, start address included.
– A1hex Apple Woz monitor hex format, start address included.
– KIM Tape as used in the KIM-1 Simulator as emulation of audio tape files.
– assembler formatted bytes as .byte or your prefix text
– PRG files (binary with start address)
– TIM papertape format (MOS Papertape with simple end record)

KIM-1 Simulator

6502/65C02 CPU emulation, disassembler, TTY, KIM-1 keypad and LEDs.

See the KIM-1 Simulator page for more information.

KIM Paper

Note that the Conver8bitHexFormat program is also capable of converting to and from Papertape format from many more formats.
Originally written for the launch of the MicroKIM, an older version is on the support CD.

When you attach a serial device like the teletype or a modern PC with Hyperterminal you can use the KIM monitor of the KIM-1. One of the functions is loading from and saving to a papertape device on the teletype. Now since this is a way to load and save data as a textfile this is in fact quite useful.
The Micro-KIM triggered me to modernize my conversion utility for MOS Technology papertape format dating from 1983, VAX/VMS and Turbo Pascal. A Windows and a commandline/console version are available.

KIMPAPER for Windows

A program for Windows to convert between papertape and binary format.

Windows setup KIMPAPER
Sources (Freepascal Lazarus, build also on Linux)


Not too modern, but handy, a commandline utility. Does exactly the same as the Windows program KIMPAPER. Runs fine in a commandline DOS box. Can also be compiled for Linux with Freepascal. In the KIMPAPER DOS archive the program, source and information on the program and papertape format can be found.

KIM-1 MOS Technology BIN papertape format conversion utility, Hans Otten, 2007 v1.1

Syntax is:
KIMPAPER [-[b|p] filename [startaddress]
C:\MICROKIM\kimpaper -h
KIM-1 Mos Technology BIN papertape format conversion utility, Hans Otten, 2007 v1.1
Syntax is: KIMPAPER [-[b|p|h] filename [startaddress] first parameter switches
-h help
-p convert to papertape
-b convert to binary
second parameter (first if no parameters, assumed binary to papertape)
name of file to convert
.BIN for binary, forces conversion to PAPertape
.PAP for papertape, forces conversion to BINary
third parameter (assumed 0000 if not present)
startaddress for BIN to papertape conversion
Files of type .BIN wil force conversion to papertape.PAP
Files of type .PAP wil force conversion to binary .BIN

C:\MICROKIM\kimpaper mastermind.bin 0200
KIM-1 Mos Technology BIN papertape format conversion utility, Hans Otten, 2007 v1.1
C:\MICROKIM>kimpaper mastermind.pap
KIM-1 Mos Technology BIN papertape format conversion utility, Hans Otten, 2007 v1.1
Start address 0200 in file mastermind.BIN

Convert KIM tape to text

KIM Tape to Text is a utility to convert between binary format of a KIM-1 tape dump to a DOS text file.
The KIM tape dump is a binary file and is just a dump of part of the memory of the KIM-1.
This binary file can be a text file as used in editors Micro Ade or CW Assm/TED.
By using the tape write routine in the KIM-1 one can write an audio file on cassette.
When this audio file is captured on a PC as WAV file (22K, mono) this can be converted back to a binary memory dump with ED’s Utility KIMTape
These text files can be converted to DOS text files with this utility.

First open the binary file. If this is recognized as Micro Ade or CW Moser format, the Save as text file can be used.

Windows program.
Full source for Freepascal and Lazarus, no Windows dependencies. Compiled on 64 bits Windows 10 as 32 bit application.

Note on detection of assembler editor type
1. Micro Ade file must start with CR: when present this is Micro Ade
line nr follows 2 byte
line ends with $0D
file ends with $40
2. Assm/Ted by CW Moser starts with line number $10 $00
end of line is high bit set
There may be rare situations that a file starts with a $0D or a different line nr. You can force CW Mose detection by changing this to a sequence of $10 $00 $0D and if necessary blanks $20 to make it consistent. If in doubts: use an editor that shows the file in hex (Ultra Edit, or the free Notepad ++, Text editor PRO) and study the tape file.

Methods to get the binary file out of a Junior or KIM-1.
Read the record tape into a binary with Ed’s KIMTAPE conversion *see below). It is MS-DOS and runs fine in VDOS (https://www.vdos.info/) or DOsbox (slow).
Make a note of start address as shown by KIMTAPE.
Non-printing ASCII characters are filtered out of the resulting text file.

KIM Tape Convert WAV to BIN and BIN to WAV

Not my program, but so handy!

KIMTAPE v0.5 – tape conversion utility for KIM-1 and SYM-1 (2004-05-17) Local copy of http://dxforth.mirrors.minimaltype.com/#kimtape)

KIMTAPE allows programs stored on cassette tape to be decoded to a program file. It handles both MOS Technology KIM-1 and Synertek SYM-1 tape formats including HYPERTAPE. The reverse process – converting a program file to an audio wavefile is also possible, allowing one to produce perfectly regenerated cassettes. KIMTAPE works with 8-bit mono WAV, VOC or RAW audio files recorded
at 22050 samples per second.

Download: kimtap05.zip (MS-DOS) It is MS-DOS and runs fine in VDOS (https://www.vdos.info/) or DOSbox (slow).

The binary files in the KIM-1 program archives have been reproduced, from the original cassette recordings, with the tool KIMTAPE on a PC in a DOS box. See Eds DX-Forth and Utilities Page for this and other nice programs.
This program also makes it possible to reproduce the original cassette recordings that can be read by a KIM-1.

The files were made as follows: The KIM-1 cassette audio was connected to the PC audio input and (with e.g. Audacity) recorded as a wave file (mono 22KHz).
For example: qchess.wav
The wave file was then converted with KIMTAPE to a binary file (the exact content of of the KIM-1 memory when recorded).
And the KIMTAPE utility then displays load address (for example and tape ID

c:\kimtape qchess.wav qchess.bin
KIMTAPE version 0.5 17-May-04
infile: qchess.wav
outfile: qchess.BIN
Program 01 address 0200 checksum OK xxxx bytes done

This .bin file (any extension is fine!) is NOT a wave file! It contains the exact content of the KIM-1 memory when recorded. The size is exactly the number of bytes as stored in the memory of the KIM-1 and much smaller than the wave file. This binary file can be converted back to a wave file with KIMTAPE or converted to a papertape file with KIMPAPER:

C:\kimtape -M -A0200 -D01 -B2 qchess.bin qchess.wav 

As you can see: you have to specify the load address and the program ID. The B parameter indicates hypertape speed (2 here, slow)
The resulting wav file should be acceptable for the KIM-1. It is (as I have tested) acceptable as input for KIMTAPE!

All command parameters can be seen by typing KIMTAPE without parameters:

Pascal-M Cross compiler

Executables of cross compiler, workflow, sources, command line utilities.


My other KIM-1 systems

Over the years many KIM-1s were bought by me and sold also. In good and bad condition!

KIM-1 owned by Dirk Dral


KIM-1 Software

On this page my collection of KIM-1 software in binary format , manuals and articles, from my tapes and scanned paper archives and user contributions.
Most require an expanded KIM-1 with RAM memory above $2000, 16K recommended. Of course the Micro-KIM and the Corsham KIM Clone and the PAL-1 with memory expansion have enough horsepower to run this.
See the page for useful programs to convert binaries to papertape etc.
Not all have been tested, some use non-standard TTY I/O routines, so study, test, experiment and have fun!

KB-9 and KB-6 are the name used for the Microsoft Basic for the KIM-1. One of the 6502 family of early interpreters by the then called Micro-soft company. KB stands for KIM Basic, the 6 and 9 for the precison of digits.
See here for the page about the KIM-1 binary versions , articles, listing, sources and build-and-enhance- it-yourself version.


The FORTH language 6502 FIG-FORTH

Binary Forth original, start at 2000
FORTH assembler sources, 6502, 65C02
FORTH assembler sources, 6502, 65C02 in ASSM/TED format, Elektor Junior binaries
Fig-FORTH 6502 manual
Fig-FORTH Manuals May 1979


COMAL is an interpreted structured language. I have only as original the KIM User Club Elektor Junior version, and as with most of the 6502 SBC programs, not that difficult to adapt to a KIM-1, as told on the last pages of the manual (in/out/break character, load/save tape, memory layout). In theory perhaps, I failed up till now.
KGN COMAL archive with manuals, books, binary (load at $2000, start at $3000). Junior I/O routines!
Manual KGN COMAL (dutch)
COMAL Introduction
Partial commented disassembly of Comal
Comal attempt to run on KIM-1 patch files (June 2023)

MICRO-ADE assembler/editor

Updated October 2022

MICRO-ADE was the working horse for many KIM-1 users, the small and powerful assembler/editor/disassembler written by Peter Jennings, Microware.
Manual and program are placed here with permission by Peter Jennings to the KIM Club (thank you Peter for this and for a great program!)
A letter sent by Anton Muller, KIM User Club the Netherlands, to Peter Jennings, thanks Peter for the scan!

In August 2021 I (Hans Otten) typed in the source of MICRO-Ade from the listing in the manual, the output is binary compatible with the binaries I saved from tape and are tested on the KIM-1.
The result is a source identical (in standard MOS Technology assembler format) to the listing and binary identical to the page image. I also made new high quality scan of the manual and the listing.
Micro Ade program source and binary
Scanned manual
Scanned listing

Read in the KIM KENNER archive the source of the enhancements (text by S.T. Woldringh o.a.)
The KIM club enhanced Micro Ade to version 8. Download here the binary with a 2 page command summary.

Microchess for the KIM-1

Updated November 2021

MICROCHESS for the KIM-1. Another Peter Jennings Microware product. Runs on a standard KIM-1. Control via LED displays and hex keypad. Quite a commercial success, many sold!

Wave files of tape and binaries, dump of my cassette files
Assembler source and binaries, typed in by me in 2021, binary identical to tape
Original manual (from the reseller The Computerist) scanned by me
Original manual by Peter Jennings
Manual in HTML format
Article on upgrading/extending Microchess, Compute II Issue 1, pdf format
Article on upgrading/extending MICROCHESS, Compute II Issue 1, html format
Upgrade/extending assembler source and binaries, typed in by me in 2021
More chess openings, Fer Weber 1978

Microchess has been adapted for the Elektor Junior by Sjaak de Wit, sjelabs.nl.
Description of the adaptation
Source and binary of Microchess for the Elektor Junior

6502 Macro Assembler and Text Editor CW Moser

CW Moser ASSM/TED Assembler and Text Editor binaries: original, KIM-1, Elektor Junior
Manual scanned in PDF format

Sources of CW Moser for 65C02 and Junior binaries
Color version of later manual
Dissecting C. W. Moser’s ASSM_TED, Compute! Issue 11
Commodore PET version of the manual
Graphics Drawing Compiler for PET and SYM manual
Fast cassette interface for ASSM/TED by CW Moser
Universal 6502 Memory Test PET, Apple, Sym and Others, Compute! Issue 1

KIM Tape Copy v1.1

kim tape copy v11 KIM Tape Copy v1.1, copy all files on a KIM cassette. Uses two recorders attached as shown in the Micro Ade manual.
Source in Micro Ade format
Listing of Tape Copy

H14 printer and parallel keyboard routine

The Heathkit H14 printer is a simple matrix printer with a serial interface. This routine allows to use this printer via two pins at the free 6530 PIA port, see circuit diagram. Resistors are 2k2 ohm.
H14 printer and parallel keyboard input assembler source
Listing and circuit diagram

Printing disassembler

In 1982 I wrote/composed a program to have disassembled code on paper, with page numbers. The whole story, with the old binary and source, and a recent update can be found on this page.

Q-Chess for the KIM-1

Q-Chess for the KIM-1. Requires 8K memory and a TVT-6 display. Via patching a TTY can be used.
Manual, including TTY patches
Binaries of Q-Chess for TVT-6 and for TTY
Patches on Q-Chess by Fer Weber, De 6502 KENNER 17 – augustus 1981

Usurpator Chess for the 6502

Usurpator Chess for the 6800 and 6502 in 2K, a book by H.G. Muller
The book, with source listings for 6800 and 6502
Source in CW Moser format


Time your reaction. Standard KIM-1 LED display and keypad. Source included.

First Book of KIM sources

The First Book of KIM-1 in PDF format
The First Book of KIM-1, part in text format
The First Book of KIM-1 in HTML format
Sources of The First Book of KIM-1 in source and papertape format,
Jeff Tranter
Software from First Book of KIM in binary, audio (Wave) and papertape format, by Dave Willams.

KIM Venture

A (tiny) Colossal Cave adventure for the KIM-1 by Bob Leedom


HEXPAWN, a game for the KIM-1 by Robert Leedom


Baseball, a game for the KIM-1 by Robert Leedom

Telefonbuch Hobbycomputer #1 Herwig Feichtinger

Telefonbuch Hobbycomputer #1 Herwig Feichtinger


Pascal-M: A full (1978) Pascal P2 descendent compiler system for the KIM-1.
See the School of Wirth pages for more information, including sources and binaries

Pocket calculator for the KIM-1

Siep de Vries Westvries Computing The Netherlands 1977
Simple calculator (integer 6 digits positive) + – / *
I/O via TTY or keypad/LED display, the same method as used by the KIM-1 monitor.
Two versions (scans included):
a special publication from the first days of the KIM Club in a traditional 6502 assembler and a later version for the Micro ADE assembler editor.
Sources included of both versions (TASM 32),with resulting listing and papertape and Intel hex files.
As close to paper original, changes due to assembler quirks.
Download here Sources, papertape, listings, original scans

KIM-1 manuals

On this page manuals, most English, some German

PDFs from all over the internet, archive.org, own scanning. Thanks for that!
From https://www.retro-commodore.eu/2021/02/14/kim-1-manuals/ come the high quality scans!

User Manual

User manual high quality
User manual in HTML format
User manual in text format
User manual in PDF format (note page 18-25 of the ROM listing is missing)
Appendix with ROM listing in PDF format
Corrected page 17 of ROM listing
Appendix with complete ROM listing in PDF format
Revision of Rockwell KIM-1 User’s manual
Proofreading version of User Manual from Terry Holdt
MOS KIM-1 Handbuch, German version of KIM-1 User manual

Hardware manual

Hardware Manual January 1976 Second Edition Publications Number 6500-10A
MCS6500 Hardware Manual high quality
Hardware Manual in ASCII format
MCS6500 Hardware Manual jan 1975 in PDF format
MCS6500 Hardware Manual jan 1976 second edition in PDF format
Hardware manual in HTML format
Rockwell 6500 Hardware Manual
MOS 6500 Hardware Handbuch
German version of Hardware manual

Programming manual

MCS6500 Microcomputer Family Programming Manual high quality
High-res quality typeset manual by Pickledlight. Local copy. Check to original for updates!
MCS6500 Microcomputer Family Programming Manual
MCS6500 Microcomputer Family Programming Manual Hardcover
Programming Manual in PDF format
Programming Manual in HTML format
Programming manual appendix in HTML format
Rockwell 6500 Programming_Manual
MOS Microcomputers Programmier Handbuch,
German version of Programming manual

KIM Hints

KIM hints
KIM-1 Hints PDF format
KIM-1 Hints smaller PDF format
KIM-1 Hints in text format
KIM-1 Hints in text format with additions and corrections

KIM-2 – KIM-5 manuals

Hardware extensions, see also the KIM System Products pages.

< User’s Manual Motherboard KIM-4 in PDF
User’s Manual Motherboard KIM-4
User’s Manual Motherboard KIM-4 in BW PDF
User’s Manual Motherboard KIM-4 in HTML
< MOS KIM-2-3-4 User Manual Expansion Modules
KIM System products folder KIM-3B KIM-4 IM-5 KIM-6 incl pricelist
MOS KIM Assembler Manual Preliminary (KIM-5)
MOS KIM Text Editor User Manual (KIM-5)

Byte Magazine 1978 09 Plugging the KIM-2 Gap

Byte Magazine 1978 09 Plugging the KIM-2 Gap

Cross assembler Manual, GE timeshare

Scan-160408-0001 Cross assembler Manual, GE timeshare

Cross assembler Manual, GE timeshare

MOS KIMath Subroutines Programming Manual

6502 Reference Cards

6502 Reference Cards collection
MOS Technology Reference Card, better quality, early one, ROR instruction missing, handwritten

MCS6501 reference card August 1975

MCS6501 August 1975

No ROR instruction!

MOS Technology Cross assembler

Circuit diagram poster

KIM-1 circuit diagram
Rockwell branded circuit diagram
KIM-1 poster in high resolution, large picture!
KIM-1 poster in high resolution,
cleaned up by Joshy of Forum64 and me (August 2022)
KIM-1 poster in high resolution, cleaned up and with wide borders
KIM-1 poster in high resolution, scan by Dave McMurtrie
Redrawn KIM-1 circuit diagram


< User’s Manual Motherboard KIM-4 in PDF
User’s Manual Motherboard KIM-4
User’s Manual Motherboard KIM-4 in BW PDF
User’s Manual Motherboard KIM-4 in HTML

First Book of KIM

First Book of KIM
The First Book of KIM-1 in PDF format
The First Book of KIM-1, part in text format
The First Book of KIM-1 in HTML format
Sources of The First Book of KIM-1 in source and papertape format, Jeff Tranter

Newsletters and errata

MOS Technology newsletter February 1976
MOS Technology April 1976 customer update
Customer Errata Letters
Customer Errata Letter 1
Customer Errata Letter 2
Customer Errata Letter 3

Quick references

KIM-1 Quick Reference by Jeff Trenter
KIM-1 user guide and notes
from the book “Microcomputer Principles
featuring the 6502/KIM


Jolt and Super Jolt

On these pages some information on the Jolt and Super Jolt and Microcomputer Associates.
Microcomputer Associates company played an important role in the 6502 SBCs, TIM, KIM-1 and SYM-1 all contain results of their work.
The company continued as Synertek Systems with the Superjolt, SYM-1 and more.

One of the first 6502 systems was the Jolt. Built around the 6502 and the TIM 6530-004 RRIOT. The TIM software is developed by Micro Associates for MOS Technology.
The Jolt was superceded by the Superjolt, Micro Associates became Synertek Systems.

Read about the systems and Micro Associates:

KIM-1 videos


KIM-1 Clone

A KIM-1 clone build by Bob Applegate of Corsham technologies.

Somewhat inspired by the microKIM by Vince Briel, who was inpired by Ruud Baltissen! The idea is replace the 6530’s with 6532 and by carefull memory decoding have the I/O, timer and RAM of the 6532s appear at the same locations as the 6530-002 and -003. ROM is added with an EPROM.

Not an exact copy, the ROM has been changed/enhanced with a KIM Monitor by Bob, though the original KIM-1 ROM should work also.



With the name SUPERKIM an engineer called Paul Lamar designed a SBC around the 6502.
The main design decisions were to be a superset of the KIM-1, requiring no alteration of KIM-1 programs or user interface (the keyboard/display!) but with much more extendable resources. And the result is just right, it Is a KIM-1 with many improvements!
I have never seen this system in real life here in the Netherlands, only advertisements in the then current, dedicated to the 6502, magazines.

The heart of the system is the 6502 at 1 MHz and the well-known KIM-1 RRIOT’s 6530-002 and 6530-003,  the six  seven segment led  displays, a keyboard equivalent tot the KIM-1, the cassette interface and RS-232-C serial interface.  Extra are 4kRAM (from 1K on the KIM-1), 4×6522 VIA’s, 8K EPROM , all socketed and not populated by default. A 8 bit priority encoded IRQ and space for wire wrapping on the board. Also included are fully decoded address map lines, tri-state buffers for address and data bus on wire wrap headers and a power supply for 12V, 1A input ging 5V and 12V.

The KIM-1 ’emulation’  is complete, since the KIM-1 6530’s are there, at the default location and relevant KIM-1 hardware like seven segment display and keyboard, audio cassette interface and tty interface and edge connector.

The SUPERKIMwas sold by Microproducts as shown in this advertisement page in the magazine Micro, issue 13 June 1979:

Paul Lamar initially developed Road Test Systems with the KIM-1 and the limitations in resources made him develop the SUPERKIM.

Articles describing the use of the SUPERKIM in robots and Road Test systems:

IEEE: Microprocessor based System for roll-down and acceleration tests. LA-UR 78-3234 D.K. Lynn, C. Derouin and P. Lamar

Articles about the Computerized Road Test System from Lamar Instruments

From the blog of Dennis Simanaitis:


I came upon some photos summarizing automotive testing as practiced when I arrived at R&T in the late 1970s. One photo brought back memories of the excitement, the technical expertise, the glamor.
Weighing a test car, c. 1979.
We weighed our test cars at a local builders supply. The idea of having our own scales capable of obtaining individual corner weights was far off in a digital future. Rough and ready though the scene appeared, the supply-yard scales were California-certified and nearby.
Track testing took place at Orange County International Raceway, a local drag strip with abbreviated road course. A fabled place: Bob Bondurant used it for his first driving school, opened in February 1968. The second week, Bob had two students: actors Paul Newman and Robert Wagner, both preparing for the movie Winning. P.L. Newman continued, racing and winning.
In 1977, R&T’s John Dinkel, my predecessor as engineering editor, asked a fellow named Paul Lamar whether any new computerized gizmos might be employed in gathering acceleration and braking data.

John Dinkel, at the wheel, and Paul Lamar examine computerized data. (That’s their story; and they’re sticking to it.) This and other images from R&T, May 1977.

Paul is a cool guy. Beginning in 1966, he worked with Texan Jim Hall in developing the Chaparrals 2C, 2D and 2F. (Paul was responsible for most of the body design of the 2F.) After that, he set up his own company doing race car development and equipment design. For a long time, he has been active with aircraft applications of Mazda rotary engines, at a website proudly “Powered by Linux!”

Back in 1977, Paul said to JD (as Dinkel was known), “I recommend you consider a microprocessor. It’s the coming thing in electronics.” Paul followed up on his recommendation with devising the first computerized test equipment used by an auto magazine. Hitherto, acceleration testing was a two-person task, one driving, the other punching an array of stopwatches based on measurements of a bulky 5th-wheel.
Another gizmo, the sainted R&T Tapley Meter used to give impressive data with which we younger readers were highly impressed (“Wow! Off-scale!”), though we never really understood what it was measuring. (It turns out the Tapley Meter was a pendulum-driven accelerometer.)
When I began at R&T in early 1979, Paul’s computerized black box became an everyday part of my track testing. Its heart was an MOS Technology MCS 6502 Microprocessor Array.
The “sixty-five-oh-two” was pivotal in the computer industry: Its price was one-sixth that of comparable products and brought about a rapid decrease in competitors’ pricing and a dramatic increase in microprocessor availability. In retrospect, it likely had the computing power of a toy digital clock operated by a potato battery, but at the time it was state-of-the-art.
The Lamar black box had a keyboard for programming. (How’s your base-16? Mine is sketchy at best.)
The Lamar black box’s keyboard was one of its ways for entering a program—in hexadecimal (base-16) code! Fortunately, once debugged, the acceleration and braking programs were stored on a separate Sony
cassette tape recorder and played back into the 6502 when changing from one test to the other.
Alas, the black box had insufficient memory to store them. Also, reprogramming turned out to be occasionally heat-sensitive: I would do the acceleration testing, say, then turn on the car’s a/c to cool off the interior for a bit. Only then would the Sony convey its bops and beeps successfully to the black box.
The 6502’s liquid crystal displays gave information on time, car speed and distance traveled. The Sony cassette tape recorder to its right swapped the 6502’s programs.
Sensitive though it could be, the setup was more accurate than stopwatch-punching and it was a one-person operation. Results were printed on a strip of paper by a separate device, a modified Addo desk calculator residing on the passenger seat. (Paul’s second-gen black box had a built-in printer and enough memory to eliminate the pesky reprogramming.)
Typical results from a separate printer, a modified Addo desk calculator.
The Lamar 5th-wheel was decidedly easier to use than its traditional counterpart. It weighed 20 lbs. versus the clunky one’s 40 lbs. and attached with bungee cords, not potentially bumper-damaging clamps.
The Lamar 5th-wheel compared favorably with its traditional counterpart. It could also be disassembled for shipping.
In 1986, I documented our testing procedures in a presentation to the Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE Paper 861114, “A Magazine’s View on Automotive Testing.” The paper was accompanied by a short film completely produced by R&T, a story in itself. This was back before video cameras—and ages before smart phone imaging.
R&T’s Cecil B. “Joe” DeRusz shot the flick using an Arri Arriflex 16-mm camera, the best of its kind, rented from a Hollywood outlet. We had a vague shooting script based on the technical details of the SAE Paper. But I have vivid memories of Rusz figuring out angles, the entries into frame and exits out of it. I recall we produced the film in a few days of on-again/off-again shooting. Likely over budget. There were lunches after all.


In a two part article in the magazine Robotis Age 1980-1981, Don McaAllister describes the interfacing an programming of the SUPERKIM for the control of the Lour Control ET-2 robot shell.


The Computerist



The Computerist Hardware

The Computerist was a company founded by Robert M. Tripp.

On this page information on the PLUS hardware for KIM-1, AIM 65, SYM-1.. Updated April 2022 with contributions by Friedrich Hofmann.

Memory PLus van Dirk Dral, met 8K Basic in EPROM.

MICRO the 6502 Journal

Archive of the magazine Micro here.

From apple2history.org description of MICRO 6502 Journal:
Robert M. Tripp got his start with computers in 1960 as an undergraduate in an unrelated field. He found the computer programming so interesting that he became a programmer in 1969, and started with the 6502 microprocessor in 1976, initially with the KIM-1 trainer sold by MOS Technology. He started a business, “The COMPUTERIST”, and sold the KIM-1 computers, as well as software and accessories for it. He started a magazine under the umbrella of his business, and named it Micro. It began publication in October of 1977, and was released on a bimonthly basis initially, going monthly in February of 1979. The first three issues were printed using his KIM-1 and he did the paste-up for the magazine on his kitchen table. He later began to use a local publishing company to create the magazine. By early 1980 the publisher name had changed to MICRO-INK, Inc.

The magazine covered the 6502 microprocessor (and later the 6809) in all the various computers that used it, including the KIM-1, the AIM-65, the C1P, the Commodore PET, the Ohio Scientific, the Atari 800, and, of course, the Apple II. It was an excellent source for machine level code for the 6502, eventually including more and more articles that applied specifically to the Apple II. Ultimately, about half of the articles in each issue dealt with the Apple II.

Many general-purpose machine language articles appeared in its pages, such as “Improved nth Precision” (code optimization for the 6502), “Precision Programming”, and “Computer Assisted Translation Of Programs From 6502 to 6809″. They also carried do-it-yourself hardware articles, such as “C1P To Epson MX-80 Printer Interface”, “PET/CBM IEEE 448 To Parallel Printer Interface”, and “Apple II Digital Storage Oscilloscope”.

Hardware by The Computerist

The Computerist, led by Robert Tripp, not only sold software like MicroChess,  published the Micro Magazine, also designed and sold hardware.

The Dutch company, Ing. Bureau Koopmans (a one man company, active in the early years with KIM-1, OSI Scientific and such) represented The Computerist in the Netherlands, and he showed me in 1979 some of the Plus hardware series for the KIM-1, SYM-1 and AIM-65 systems:
– MEMORY PLUS: 8K RAM, 8K ROM, VIA 6522, 2716 EPROM programmer
– Proto Plus, a DIY board
– VIDEO PLUS, a glass teletype video card

I did a review of the Memory Plus in May 1979, see also the dutch magazine Radio Bulletin page.

PLUS Hardware

A range of hardware was developed and sold by the Computerist, under the brandname PLUS.



Motherboard Plus

A backplane for KIM-1/SYM-1/AIM 65. Accepts the Plus boards described below.

Memory Plus

The MEMORY PLUS board is a RAM/ROM expansion board for  KIM-1, SYM-1 or AIM65. Made by the The Computerist.

With up to 8k of RAM, 8k of (EP)ROM and the ability to program EPROMs (2716) this was quite the must have upgrade for anyone who could afford it.

Here The Manual in HTML format, original OCRed by Lee Davison, corrected and enhanced with Appendix A Circuit Diagram and Application Note #1 by Hans Otten.

Scanned by Dirk Dral, high quality scan.

And here the MEMORY PLUS manual in PDF format, Appendix A, the circuit diagrams  foldout Application Note #1 is now included, added by Hans Otten.

How to decode the 8K RAM in 4K space, an article from Micro July 1979, for AIM 65 and SYM-1 

Video Plus

VIDEO PLUS is designed to work with the KIM-1, SYM-1 and the AIM 65 computers. It offers:

  • Up to 4K  display RAM and 2K Programmable Character generator
  • 2K EPROM
  • 6845 CRT controller
  • ASCII keyboard interface
  • Composite monochrome video PAL or NTSC

The following documents are available:


Video PLUS II is an updated Video PLUS, a Versatiel Video Expansion Board, with:

  • Programmable Screen format
  • PRogrammable Character Generator
  • Uo to 4K Display Memeory
  • Supports ASCII Keyboard
  • Stand-Alone Option
  • AIM/SYM/KIM Software
  • 6845 video controller, 6522 VIA, RS232

The following documents are available:


The PROTO PLUS II is a board to interface digital logic to a KIM-1, SYM-1 or AIM 65. A large breadboard area is available.

The board has the standard KIM-1 44 pin edge connector. A power regulator for 8V to + 5V is on the board.

The board has  address, data bus and signal bus buffering and address decoding for tom select a 8K page in memory and kIM-1 8K decoding. 3 gates of a 74LS32 is available for general use.

Here the PROTO PLUS II manual, with circuit diagram.




DRAM Plus is a Multi-purpose Expansion Board for AIM 65/SYM-1/KIM-1 with

  • 16/32K dynamic RAM
  • 8/16K EPROM 2716/2516/2732/2532/2332
  • I/O Ports and Timers VIA 2x 6522
  • Prototyping Area
  • EPROM Programmer

DRAM PLUS manual, includes circuit diagram and software



K-1002 8 bits DAC
An 8 bits DAC. For the PET userport, easily adapted for other 6502 systems.
Hardware K-1002 manual includes circuit diagram

Files for the VIDEO and PROTO PLUS: Thanks to Dave Colglazier at Original Woodworks.

Video PLUS II and DRAM PLUS: thanks to Friedrich Hofmann