
AH5050 disk, serial, printer interface

In 1983 the company ABM sold a floppy disk system, Commodore IEC 1541 based, for the AIM 65. It also offered a serial interface for the AIM 65 TTY connection and a parallel port.
The system consists of a PCB with the interfaces, a manual and the AH5050 ROM. The user has to add the Commodore diskdrive and IEC cable.

The 1541 Commodore drive was quite popular in the 80ties for SBCs, since it was affordable, the serial IEC connection simple (one 7406 TTL IC and a couple of I/O lines) and the drive itself intelligent, the host did not have to implement a DOS with low level drivers and file system. It is slow, and has a low capacity, small SBCs like the AIM 65 are more than happy with that
Nowadays floppy drives like the 1541 are like dinosaurs. But the SD2IEC 1541 replacement devices are cheap!

See the links below for current implemntatiosn pf the AH5050 disk interface. Simple to make yourself, just a 7406 and an IEC DIN connector!

AH5050 interface

AH5050 interface

AH5050 interface connected to the AIM 65


AH5050 User’s manual ABM document No. AL5051
AH5050 ROM at $D000
$D000 is the usual place for the assembler, see below for an alternative version of the assembler ROM for $B000
AH5050-4 ROM, some extra code
INIBAS program, see manual how to use.
Required to use Basic, frees up overlapping zeropage locations
STARTUP program, see manual
AH5050 – partially commented disassembly
AH5050 – hexdump
AH5055 version of assembler for $B000


Retrospy AIM 65 I/O interface


Replace both 6530s in KIM-1

Eduardo Casino has designed with modern tools, like Kicad and image software Inkscape a PCB for the KIM-1 which is as close as he could get to a Rev D.

This of course brought up the issue of how to get the 6530-002 and 6520-003 for this board, since those are unobtainable since a long time.
That can be solved with a FPGA. Or with a fast microcontroller like the Teensy, that is already proofed to be a good 6502 and more emulator (MCL65+).

As a first step Eduardo designed a PCB that is placed on top of the KIM-1. The 6530-002 and -003 need to be replaced with IC sockets, the PCB inserts in these sockets. It is like the Corsham 6530 replacement board, but now for both 6530s.

The style of the PCB is adapted to the style of original KIM-1 and Eduardo’s reproduction, with curved lines.

Details, gerbers, Kicad project, at Eduardo Casino’s github page.


Corsham Technologies 6530 replacement

Text, copyright and product by Corsham Technologies

If you don’t want to build your own version from schematics, Corsham Tech does offer three options:

  • Bare Board
  • Kit
  • Assembled

The bare board is just the board.  Documentation is on this page.  It is mailed in a small envelope and can be built with commonly available parts.

Like many people, I (Bob, Corsham Tech) have a KIM-1 in my collection with a dead 6530 chip.  Fortunately mine wasn’t too bad, but one of the I/O pins didn’t work so the display always had one segment lit and the TTY port would not work.  After many hours of searching for a way to replace this one defective chip with an equivalent circuit, it became apparent a lot of people were trying to do the same thing, some claiming to have a solution, some not, but no schematics ever appeared.  Without schematics, there is no solution.

Rather than letting others go through all the effort to reverse engineer the 6530, I decided to make my own, and to publish the schematic.  This work was heavily taken from Ruud’s excellent tutorial on his efforts to replace a 6530 in a Commodore disk drive.  Please go to his page for an explanation: or see the 6530 pages here.

Since the 6530-002 and 6530-003 in the KIM have different mapping of ports, his exact schematic is not right for the KIM, so I borrowed some of his KIM-1 clone ideas and designed my board from it.


  • No, the schematic is not pretty.  I can spend some time and shuffle parts around to make the parts placement neater, but if you’re contemplating building this, I’m sure you’ll have no problems following the schematic.
  • Pin usage has not been optimized.  This was breadboarded but the PC board design is not done so some of the pins on the 74LS00 might change.
  • There are three jumpers with U2 and 003.  The intent was to be able to replace either of the two 6530s on the KIM and both U2 and U3 have been tested.
  • A 28C64 EPROM was chosen because (A) they’re readily available, (B) common USB programmers can program them, and (C) the offset in an Intel HEX file for the KIM PROMs will be at the proper offset when you load the files into your programmer’s memory.  Ie, the 002 device’s offset at 1C00 will be at offset 1C00 in the EEPROM.


PDF version of the manual.

EEPROM Contents

The basic KIM has an 8K memory map so using an 8K EPROM/EEPROM makes things easier because the address in the HEX file is exactly the right offset into the EPROM.  If you don’t understand this, don’t worry, you don’t need to.

I deleted the two individual hex files and replaced it with a single file that covers both halves of the KIM PROM:


The image is a raw dump from a working KIM, not re-assembled from source.  Note that I had to add an extension of txt so that WordPress would allow me to upload them, but take off that extension when you save them to your computer.

Design Files

Bare boards are available, but these are the files you can use to generate your own. First, this is the GERBER file from the revision 1 boards I sent to have boards produced. If you want to make your own boards without any modifications then just upload this file to your favorite PC board manufacturer and they can give you a quote:


If you use the EAGLE CAD package, here are the files needed for the project. This has the epf, brd and sch files:


BTW, this is what the top layer of the board looks like, minus any traces:

Just like Ruud’s original design, this has the 6530 header and 6532 socket overlapping each other. For the header that is soldered to the underside of the PC board and plugs into the KIM, I suggest a header with narrow pins. I used CNC Tech part number 220-1-40-006, available from Digikey as part number 1175-1527-5-ND. Be aware that the cross-pieces of the IC socket and the header will block the pins for the other, so you’ll need to cut them from either the socket or the header (whichever you solder last).

VERY IMPORTANT: Notice that IC3 and IC5 are polarized exactly opposite from the others! When you insert sockets and chips, double-check you’ve got them oriented in the right direction!

Prototype in action!

Replacement board in U3 location, works!

ESCO added detailed information

wikokom (Willi) posted additional information about his ESCO system.

Also images of his first KIM-1 in a suitcase~ and current KIM-1.

KIM-1, MTU Visable Memory, and Memory Tests

EMUF and MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift

The EMUF pages are a tribute to the work of the editing staff of the German magazine MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift on SBC’s.

EMUF stands for Einplatinen-Mikrocomputer für Universelle Festprogrammierung.

EMUFs SBC’s are programmable systems, without a monitor program: write a program and store it in an EPROM and run the application type of system. A bit like the modern microcontrollers like the PIC and AVR IC’s and also a bit like the Arduino’s. But with the technology of the 80ties: 8 bit CPU’s like the 65XX and Z80, I/O IC and EPROM and some RAM.

The first EMUF was published in 1981 in the second edition of the magazine. Later called the EMUF6504, since the CPU is the MOS 6504, a stripped version of the 6502.

The EMUF pages are reorganized and enhanced with all articles from the MC magazine, Sonderheft 1 and 2 and the book Mit Computern steuern.

All relevant 6502/AIM/EMUF articles from MC Die Mikrocomputer-Zeitschrift are added to the MC page.


MC EMUF articles, Sonderheft, Book

MC Die Microcomputer Zeitschrift Sonderheft

Das EMUF Sonderheft
Das EMUF Sonderheft
Alternative scan
Das EMUF Sonderheft 2

Mit Computern steuern Aufbau und Anwendung von Einplatinen Microcomputers
Feichtinger, Franzis Verlaf

MIt Computern Steueren, scanned part about EMUF

MC Die Microcomputer Zeitschrift, 1981 – 1987 articles

MC 1981 02 Mädchen für alles EMUF 6504 6504
Programmier Tips
MC 1981 03 EMUF bringt strichcode zum IEC bus
MC 1981 03 So entsteht eine EMUF applikation
MC 1981 04 V24 interface EMUF
MC 1982 01 EMUFZ80 Minimal computer mit Z80 CPU
MC 1982 02 emuf mit erweiterte adressierung
MC 1982 02 Universelle platine für 6502-systeme
MC 1982 04 IEC routinen für den 6502
MC 1982 06 Kompatible EMUF Erweiterung
MC 1982 06 6809 Einplatinen computer
MC 1982 07 6802 Europa platine mit 6502 Universal platine
MC 1982 08 RAM erweiterung für die Universal 6502 platine
MC 1982 10 EMUF als Schaltuhr,
Thermometer,Stoppuhr, Frequenzmesser
MC 1982 11 Erweiterete EMUF
MC 1983 01 IEC Centronics Interface EMUF
MC 1983 03 EMUF lernt sprechen
MC 1983 04 Der Z80 EMUF
MC 1983 04 EMUF in Senegal
MC 1983 05 Der Eier EMUF
MC 1983 10 Z80 EMUF als Spooler
MC 1983 10 EMUF in CMOS Technik
MC 1983 11 EMUF als Morse Tutor
MC 1984 01 EMUF mal Zwei
MC 1984 01 CBM und EMUF in der Ausbildung
MC 1984 02 Z80 EMUF steuert Selbstbau Plotter
MC 1984 05 Z80 EMUF mit Komfort
MC 1984 06 Der Pillen EMUF
EMUF mal Zwei, error 1984 01
MC 1984 08 Multitasking mit dem Z80 EMUF
MC 1984 09 Z80 EMUF mit Display und Tastatur
MC 1984 11 Z80 EMUF als Telefon Vermittlung
MC 1984 12 Z80 EMUF als Telefon Vermittlung teil 2/a>
MC 1984 12 Die EMUF Familie
MC 1985 01 Z80 EMUF mißt Spannung und pH Wert
MC 1985 02 Telefon EMUF
MC 1985 05 Mehr Speicher – mehr anwendungen 6502 EMUF
MC 1985 11 EMU als Serielles Interface
MC 1986 02 Centronics Interface EMUF Commodore Bus
MC 1986 02 EMUF als Bordcomputer
MC 1986 05 Centronics Schnittstelle fur den MC Plotter EMUF
MC 1986 10 Z80 EMUF als universele Fernbediening
MC 1986 10 Entwicklungshilfde 6502 EMUF
MC 1987 02 Der EMUF08
MC 1987 03 Basic EMUF mit LCD und Tasten
MC 1987 10 Der EMUF86
MC 1987 12 Pascal auf dem EMUF08

AIM 65 keyboard replica

Ralf (ralf02, obtained a working AIM 65, alas without the keyboard.

So he designed and build one. In his own words:

Wenn ich an den Rechner 24 Volt (für den Drucker) und 5 Volt anlege, startet er schon einmal. Allerdings war leider keine Tastatur dabei. Es gibt zwar Tastatur-Nachbauten, die bei Ebay & Co für sehr viel Geld verkauft werden, aber ich dachte mir, das kann man doch auch selbst machen. Also habe ich mit KiCad eine Platine entworfen, mit Cherry MX Tastern bestückt, “blanke” Tastenkappen von Amazon draufgesetzt und mit dem Brother Etikettendrucker beklebt.

When Ralf connected the 24 V (printer) and 5 V, the system started. But the keyboard was missing. Though there are keyboard replicas on ebay , costing quite a lot of money, I decided to build one myself. Kicad for the PCB, Cherry MX keys, blank keycaps and a Brother labelprinter for the lettering.

The result is a quality keyboard that fits the AIM 65 very well. See here the page with photos and design.


AIM 65 keyboard replica

Ralf (ralf02, obtained a working AIM 65, alas without the keyboard.

So he designed and build one. In his own words:

Wenn ich an den Rechner 24 Volt (für den Drucker) und 5 Volt anlege, startet er schon einmal. Allerdings war leider keine Tastatur dabei. Es gibt zwar Tastatur-Nachbauten, die bei Ebay & Co für sehr viel Geld verkauft werden, aber ich dachte mir, das kann man doch auch selbst machen. Also habe ich mit KiCad eine Platine entworfen, mit Cherry MX Tastern bestückt, “blanke” Tastenkappen von Amazon draufgesetzt und mit dem Brother Etikettendrucker beklebt.

When Ralf connected the 24 V (printer) and 5 V, the system started. But the keyboard was missing. Though there are keyboard replicas on ebay , costing quite a lot of money, I decided to build one myself. Kicad for the PCB, Cherry MX keys, blank keycaps and a Brother labelprinter for the lettering.

The result is a quality keyboard that fits the AIM 65 very well.

Ralf gave me permission (thanks!) to publish the photos and gerbers of the PCB.

Here the archive with the gerbers of the PCB.

KIM-1 PCB replica Eduardo Casino

Eduardo Casino has designed with modern tools, like Kicad and image software Inkscape a PCB for the KIM-1 which is as close as he could get to a Rev D.

Based upon images on the Revisions pages on this site.

See here for the design.