A new KIM CLone kit is coming!
Bob Applegate is filling in the gap left by Vince Briel, with his own design.
- 6502 for now, but will probably ship with a 65C02 (extra instructions).
- Fully KIM-1 software compatible.
- 5K memory from 0000 to 13FF, then another 56K from 2000 to FFF7.
- The top 8K of RAM can be turned off and 8K of EEPROM can be enabled (socket on board for the EEPROM).
- Has an 8V power plug and on/off switch.
- No cassette interface.
- USB serial board. Ie, plug a USB cable between your computer and the KIM clone to use the TTY port.
- Has connector to plug in our SD System. Store/retrieve programs from a micro SD card.