
The PockeTerm is a 4″ X 2.5″ single board terminal that uses a VGA monitor and a PS/2 keyboard for its input and output. Dual serial ports gives the user the option of transferring data to/from a PC while still connected to the host device. This terminal was designed to work with vintage computers but is compatible with most systems including Unix and Linux systems. A low cost color choice terminal that has VT-100 compatible commands for controlling cursor and screen functions. Want to program the propeller microcontroller or install an update to the firmware? No problem, just connect the PockeTerm to your PC, run the Propeller Tools software and you can program it from your PC, no expensive Prop Plug required.

The PockeTerm has a full featured screen with Function key status at the bottom of the screen. Click on the image for a full size photograph of the screenshot.

CTRL-F1 Selects Baud Rate
CTRL-F2 Changes text color of the main display section
CTRL-F3 Turns on/off the 2nd serial port that connects to a PC.
CTRL-F4 Force incoming data to 7 bit ASCII. Strips the 8th bit, required for some systems
CTRL=F5 Change cursor type. Choose from underscore, solid block, or none. Also, choose from blinking or not.
CTRL-F6 Add line-feed to carriage returns


Pocketerm Setup and Users Manual 2009
Pocketerm Setup and Users Manual V3 2009
Pocketerm Circuit diagram
Pocketerm Bill Of Materials
Pocketerm Firmware
Pocketerm CD

PS/2 keyboards

I have succesfully assembled the kit, the manual guided me just fine through the steps. Took me just over an hour.
The PockeTerm worked right away. Thanks to mfortuna’s tip, put jumpers in 1&2 and 5&6, and testing is independent of cables and computers to connect.

A standard keyboard with PS/2 worked. What did not work was my mini-USB keyboard (standard PC keyboard without numerical pad, and smaller size, like notebook keyboards) connected via an USB to PS/2 converter. The USB keyboard is ok, works with the PC’s and the Apple 1 kits via the USB-PS/2 dongle. I bought it because the smaller size looks better with the small computers and takes less desk space With the scope I found the PS/2 clock/data line (cant remember which one), to be open, as if nothing connected. So something is missing to make the USB device come alive. I googled around and found this: http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/docs/prod/edu/28060-PS2Adapter-v1.0.pdf
In it I saw a schematic how to connect a Parallax mini PS/2 keyboard, and it was different from the PockeTerm PS/2 interface. It has additional 10k pull-ups connected to the PS/2 clock and data. I soldered in the two 10k’s and the mini keyboard came alive!

Program the Propeller Notes by Vince Briel

  1. Go download propeller tools from parallax here: http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/sw/propeller/Setup-Propeller-Tool-v1.2.7-(R2).exe
  2. Install propeller tools
  3. Place the firmware directory from your PockeTerm CD onto your hard drive here:
    C:\program files\parallax inc\propeller tool v1.2.7 (r2)\
  4. Connect your PockeTerm to the RS232 port labled PC and turn on your PockeTerm.
  5. Under the propeller tools program click on the section File and find the firmware directory you just copied onto your hard drive and select the file
  6. Press F11 on your PC keyboard and the propeller tools will compile and attempt to find a Propeller chip connected to a serial port on your PC. If your
    connection is good it will program the RAM first on your Propeller chip then program the EEPROM.

The PockeTerm makes a really good development board for learning how to program the Propeller chip. For more information on programming the Propeller,
please visit the Parallax forums here: http://forums.parallax.com/forums/default.aspx?f=25
The above steps will program the Propeller with the code that is now resident on the EEPROM onboard the PockeTerm. Change step 3 to the location of the program you wish to insert onto the PockeTerm.

Micro-KIM RAM, EPROM and Expansion boards

Optional add-ons to make the Micro-KIM a real KIM-1, with the second 6530/32 and a 32K RAM card to give enough RAM to run real programs like KB9 Basic.

The expansion connector is made for this. With the expansion board up to four cards can be added.

A 40 pins male connector. Pin 1 is labeled on the board and is near the edge at the upper-left corner
of the connector.

Here he description of the expansion connector. Also see the Circuit diagram.

1 and 40 two pins for ground to give proper grounding to optional expansion boards.
2 VCC, this is a 5V signal which powers the circuit
3-14, 31-38 CPU address lines A0-A15 used to address memory or devices
11 R/W read/write signal. Low when writing, high when reading memory
12-15, 26-29 CPU data bus. Used to transfer data to/from RAM/EPROM or devices
16 Sync. This signal goes high during when an instruction is being fetched for the CPU
17 NMI. Non-Maskable Interrupt signal to the CPU. Active low to generate
18 DEN, Onboard memory decode Enable line.
Control the enabling of the onboard memory
19 IO3 is the pre-decoded signal for the 2nd optional 6532.
Attach to CS1 pin 38 on 6532
20 PHI1 Phase 1 clock signal. 180 degrees from phase 2
21 IRQ Interrupt request signal. Active low generates an IRQ.
22 PB7 is I/O port pin PB7 from 6532 required to complete cassette interface
23 SST Single step signal used to control CPU with single step
24 TAPE this signal is used to complete the cassette interface.
25 RDY used to stop the CPU in single step circuit
30 PHI2 phase 2 main clock signal to the 6502
39 RESET 6502 RESET line, when pulled low will reset the 6502


Circuit diagram of memory expansion

Second EPROM
The Micro-KIM is already prepared for a second 6532. The ROM for it is in place, the address decoding is also available. This card brings the second 6532 with the free I/O and timers to connector.

The revision I have needs a wire to connect the missing ground line to the 74LS04 (tip from azog, Silent Q).

Expansion motherboard

With two expansion boards, both quite essential as shown above and one expansion connector, is not enough.
So the expansion board brings the expansion connector to four connectors, just one on one connected.
As you can see on the Cassette interface for the Micro-KIM page this makes for interesting additions.
The expansion board can be placed in two ways. The first way iverhanging the Micro-KIM for a compact solution. Or hanging outside, which makes attaching wires to expansion boards less risky. Always take care of the right orientation of the expansion boards, notice the ‘1’ on the baords and the exapnsion connector on the Micro-KIM.


Cassette interface for the Micro-KIM

(information and design by Norbert).

Cassette interface for the Micro-KIM.

With small changes Norbert took the circuit described in the 3rd book of Elektor Junior computer. The +12 V problem he solved taking a LT1073 dc/dc converter to generate this voltage. Everything is working fine: Micro-KIM is connected to the soundcard of the computer to store and reload programs.

N39 is needed because there is not a port present or reachable on the Micro-KIM board, so it takes 1/4 74LS01. With a pullup resistor of 3k9 connect the unused inputs to +5V, so the whole thing will not oscillate.
For the +12 V generation a LT1073 CN8-5 was used. The diagram is shown on page 12 of http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets_pdf/L/T/1/0/LT1073.shtml (5V to 15V Step-Up Converter). It is important to use exactly the values of the resistors (metal oxid series) shown there. The LT1073 CN8-5 is presently still available for 4,20? at www.reichelt.de . They also have got the LT1073 CN8, but it did not work in this context. The no-load voltage measured at the output of the LT1073 is much higher (arround +40V) than the desired +12V. But with load it reduces to about +11.8 V and remains constant there. A 12V/1W zener diode protects the 12V output of the LT1073.


The KIM Uno, designed and produced and sold by Oscar Vermeulen, is a very simple “open-source hardware” project that started out as a replica of the classic 1976 KIM-1 computer. Later, Apple-1 compatibility and a 6502 programmable calculator mode were added, plus a built-in ‘early 6502 software gems’ collection.
It costs about $10 in commonly available parts (board & parts without case or power supply), but provides a faithful KIM-1 ‘experience’. An Arduino Pro Mini mounted on the back contains all the logic and memory.

I have two versions: the ‘original’ and the later redesigned version, Software-wise the same, with on the top of the PCB room for power connector (GND, +5V or a 9V battery) and a slide switch. , I use them with an USB cable (the blue one of this page) for power and the serial interface provided.

The software already works on the blue pill STM32 or an ESP32, with manual cabling to the keyboard/display and I expect a new version of the PCB for the ESP32.

The software for the serial interface (you really need a good serial terminal emulator, like Minicom or Tera Term) can be used on any Arduino Uno. After power on  it delivers a simulation of the LED display or the real KIM TTY teletype interface (a bit broken in the current version).

All well described on the pages of Oscar and well worth the money for a ‘6502 SBC’ experience or a Cosmac 1802 with a small LCD.

The default serial output: an animated KIM display

Pressing control keys to perform ST and RS key

Press TAB to get into KIM TTY mode. Make sure to select on your terminal Local Echo and CAPS Lock. Read the KIM-1 User manual how the monitor operates.

The Apple 1 mode, fully functional.

Microchess adapted to serial

The Wozniak/Baum disassembler


A program, SerialTester,  a guide and test results.


MOS KIM-1 Reproduction

Dave Williams designed, builds and sells on ebay MOS KIM-1 Reproduction boards. A real KIM-1 clone!


MOS KIM-1 Reproduction

Dave Williams designed, build and sells MOS KIM-1 Reproduction boards. A real KIM-1 clone! The goal was to reproduce a KIM-1 as exact as possible.

So the MOS KIM-1 Reproduction board has the same dimensions, same connectors and as much as possible the same components, including the audio cassette interface, 1K RAM with 8 2102 RTAM ICs. The keyboard is reproduced with the same layout and looks and feels quite identical. Components types are chosen close the the originals (though the KIM-1s went to many revisions with varying looking components) and placed on the same location. The CPU is of course a 6502 at 1 MHz crystal clock frequency. The edge (Application and expansion) connectors are physically and logical identical.

Since 6530 RRIOT ICs (the 002 and 003 variant) are not available anymore, the same solution as in the other clones is chosen: a 6532 RIOT with a 2K EEPROM and some logic ICs (3) to get a hardware solution that makes it look exactly the same for the KIM-1 ROM software. The PCB is a new design, not the typical 70ties curved PCB lines hand layout design.

The result is great: it feels, looks and operates as an original KIM-1. First Book of KIM programs run, MICROCHESS runs.  Even Microsoft KIM-1 Basic run, when additional RAM is connected.

I now (Januari 2023) have two of the MOS KIM-1 Reproduction boards. Dave Williams did a new version, with a white PCB. And the new I/O card has a TTY swicth and a serial DB-9 connector (with a MAX3232 interface, so true RS232 levels).

Documents (thanks to Dave Williams!) to download

MOS KIM-1 Reproduction Board Layout
MOS KIM-1 Reproduction Schematic
MOS KIM-1 Reproduction BOM

I added the Corsham Technologies KIM-1 60K RAM/ROM board and the KIM I/O board, which makes it a great system!

With the MOS KIM-1 Reproduction comes a small edge connector PCB for audio and power connections. Alas no TTY connections and keyboard/TTY switch. On an USB stick the well known KIM-1 documentation (all also found on this site!) and the First Book of KIM programs, as typed in by Jeff Tranter in papertape format, also found here. But as extra the programs as KIM-1 audio files are provided, as WAV files, ready to load into the KIM-1.

MOS KIM-1 Reproduction

Original KIM-1 rev F

MOS KIM-1 Reproduction

Original KIM-1 rev F

Some photos from Dave Williams, showing the KIM-1 Reproduction connected to an audio cassette recorder, a KIM-1 S-100 Motherboard with a RAM card, running Microsoft Basic KB9 and a production line of KIM-1 Reproduction (with a real KIM-1 in the top row!)

My MOS KIM-1 Reproduction will be connected to Corsham Technologies cards: SRAM and EEPROM and I/O card

Corsham Technologies KIM-1 RAM/ROM and I/O board connected to a KIM-1


Convert hex formats V2

A program to convert between hex or binary files for 8 bit systems with a 64K address space.
V2 adds the Wozmon Apple 1 format and allow multipart Intel Hex, MOS Papertape and Motorola S records.


Programming a Microcomputer 6502

Programming a Microcomputer 6502, by Caxton C. Forster, scanned and added to the KIM-1 Articles and Books page for download.



KIM-1 Pascal-M compiler

Finally the KIM-1 Pascal-M compiler is available.

After years of (I admit, intermittent) restauration work from paper, the whole package is available again to load on the KIM-1, now including a cross compiler.