RNB VAK-1 photos

Thanks to Eric Dennison I can show photos of the RNB Enterprises VAK-1 motherboard.

The large motherboard and the huge case with homebuilt 16K static RAM memory card are representative for the KIM-1 systems then!

Photo by Eric Dennison

Photo by Eric Dennison

Sorbus internals

The Sorbus concept looks simple. A 6502 CPU, a RP2040 controlling it and a backplane.
It delivers a 6502 system running at a clock speed of about 1 MHz.

On the software side there is much happening. Here some notes written by SvOlli

Meta mode
Pressing CTRL ] brings up the socalled meta mode.

Notes On Implementation in RP2040 Multicore Architecture

Core 0 runs the console and handles user interaction. Core 1 drives the bus for the CPU implementing the system. To have a rather efficient (fast as in ~1MHz) system, core 1 really has to come up with some tricks. So, every “event” aspect, such as timers, watchdog and other things will be run by an event queue. This means on every clock cycle there is a check if something was scheduled for this specific clock cycle. Again due to performance, only one event will happen during that clock cycle. If two events are scheduled for the same clock cycle, the second one scheduled will be delay by one clock cycle (and again until there is a free slot). The size of the queue is 32 event. This should be sufficiant, as there are not much things that could add to the event queue, and in most cases, a new event from the same source replaces the old one.

However: again due to performance the queue is not thread safe! So only core 1 is allowed to interact with it.

Core 0 on the other hand is allowed to do two things on the hardware side:

pull the RDY line low (to stop the CPU) and back high (to let the CPU continue)
pull the RESET line to low (but not back to high again), this may be only done if the RDY line is high, or immediately pulled high after the reset line was pulled low (immediately = in the next code line!)
If core 1 should want to use the RDY line for some reason, this should be implemented using “queue_uart_write” with characters > 0xFF. For performance/latency reasons it also does pull RDY low itself as well.

CPU Detection Routine

The Sorbus Computer can run any kind of 6502 variant that shares the same pinout. The small test and learn environment “Monitor Command Prompt” or MCP for short (pun very intended) can be used to learn all the details about each CPU up to a certain degree. (Not all pins are connected due to a limit amount of 30 GPIO pins of the RP2040.)

However, it is interesting to know which CPU the system is running on. The “Native Core” is the one with the most features, but does uses opcodes and features that are not available or buggy on an (old) NMOS 6502. This means that a 65C02 or any other CMOS variant is required. So, it should be a good idea to detect that CPU and print an error message that the system won’t work with one installed.

Also, there is another point where a CPU detection is very handy. If you search for cheap 65C02 processors, you typically find offerings on ebay or AliExpress for WDC W65C02S processors. However, none of those are original ones, but all of those are pulled out of machines, and then get relabeled. (At least the ones I’ve seen so far.) For this project using those would not be that bad, if they would not throw in NMOS 6502s in the mix as well. Those, as explained above, don’t fit the requirements.
Heree the source of the routine.

Read the rest of the notes on SvOlii’s github page.

Part 5 More software for the Sorbus

In part 4 I showed how to load and run Wozmon and MCP programs on the Sorbus.
Those cores could be loaded with the basic ‘Press BOOTSEL at powerup and drop an UF2 file on the disk’ procedure.

  • Part 6 talks about the Sorbus internals.
  • Here I show how to load the more complex UF2 files SvOlli provides. It is not a simple ‘drop a file’.

    This is what I did (on Windows).

    1. Unpack the cores of the release in a folder, e.g. sorbus/cores
    2. Get a working picotool.
      Some searching on the web brought me to this website where I found a command line Picotool for Windows
      1. Download pictool.exe from the website
      2. You will need to download and run zadig: https://zadig.akeo.ie/
      3. Set pico in bootmode, run zadig
      4. You will want to select “RP2 Boot (Interface 1)” from the dropdown, and install the “WinUSB” driver.
      5. Start a command prompt (‘terminal’ and type
        picotool load -v -x your-build-file.uf2

    I did this with sorbus-computer-native_alpha_picotool.uf2 and got a nice menu driven interface to various programs as shown below.
    Note that option 0 brings up CP/M-65 (with my Pascal-M!). There is also OSI Basic, Taliforth, Instant Assembler TIM and programs developed by SvOlli.


    Part 4 Sorbus runs Wozmon, Apple 1 Basic, MCP

    The first test run of the Sorbus computer can be done with two simple images: Wozmon with Apple 1 Basic and the MCP program
    Part 5 will show more Sorbus sofware
    For this test I used a Rockwell R65C02P4, and jumpered at +5v at the Sorbus Junior.

    The releases of the github of SvOlli provide the uf2 files, cores as SvOlli calls them.

    Insert the 6502 in the IC socket and press BOOTSEL button, connect power via the PC and you see a new disk in the file system.

    – Drop sorbus-computer-apple1.uf2 on the disk
    – start a terminal emulator (I use Teraterm on Windows, Minicom on Linux will work fine too)
    – select the serial port that just appeared
    – any baudrate will do

    and you have the Apple 1 Wozmon and Apple 1 Basic (and Krusader) running.


    According to SvOlli MPC, Monitor Command Prompt, is not an environment to act as a standard computer. It is intended as a system to take a look at the CPU which is as deep as possible without emulating it. So dumping of registers for example is not possible. (In theory it is using a trick, but this needs to be implemented, yet.)
    You can see what the CPU does during every single clock cycle with MCP.

    There is an extensive description By SvOlli with examples of what MCP is capable of.

    Insert the 6502 in the IC socket and press BOOTSEL button, connect power via the PC and you see a new disk in the file system.

    – Drop sorbus-computer-mcp.uf2 on the disk
    – start a terminal emulator (I use Teraterm on Windows, Minicom on Linux will work fine too)
    – select the serial port that just appeared
    – any baudrate will do

    The command ‘cold debug’ does a very good job of determining which 65XX(X) CPU is inserted!


    Sorbus computer part 3: the hardware

    The hardware of the Sorbus computers could not be simpler. Designed with care to be as flexible as possible, fully programmable in behaviour, with a small footprint and at very low cost.
    Two components: a 6502 CPU and the ‘purple’ RP2040 board.
    Part 4 is about software, like Wozmon.
    The design is open source hard- and software. Have a look at the Sorbus github page for the details. All information here is based upon this.

    The goal of the Sorbus system is to play with the 6502 as simple and affordable as possible. It can run many serial terminal based 6502 programs, such as the Apple 1 Wozmon monitor, or the TIM monitor with a system clock over 1 MHz or special programs to study the behaviour of the 6502, step by step at very low clock rates (with a 65C02, the CMOS variant is a static design)

    The Sorbus computer is 6502 based, including the 65816. The RP2040 serves as fully programmable peripheral for clock, reset, NMI/IRQ, RAM, ROM, serial I/O.

    • A 65XCPU, the CMOS variants will work best, since they are static and can run at very low clock speeds
    • A Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040, on the ‘purple’ board, which you can buy e.g Chinese sites, exposing 30 GPIOs, more than the official Pico.
    • A backplane with the 6502 bus, all relevant signals under control of the RP2040.

    The 30 GPIOs of RP2040 on the ‘purple’ board of the available make it possible to control any 6502 CPU.

    SvOlli has designed two systems, identical in behaviour, around the Sorbus concept: the larger Sorbus system with a backplane with 6 slots with a 6502 CPU card and a RP2040 card. And the Sorbus Junior, with a backplane with 4 slots and CPU and RP2040 on the same PCB.

    Sorbus Junior

    A backplane, 32 pin connector

    The RP2040 has complete control with its 30 GPIOs of the 6502, all address and datalines (24), CLK, Reset, NMI, IRQ, RDY, R/W (6), total 30. GND and VCC add up to 32, the number of pins on a backplane slot.
    Note that is a very basic and limited backplane. Notable missing signals are SO, Phi1. And for the WDC65C02 BE, VPB and MLB are missing. In practice most expansions can be made with this backplane, like I/O. How this conflicts with the RP2040 in control needs to be seen.

    5 V tolerance
    A 6502 CPU require 5V for power and all signals are at 0 or 5V level. Only the WDC65C02 runs at 3.V or 5V.
    The GPIO’s of the RP2040 are officially not 5V tolerant. Only if power is fed into the GPIO part of the Pico, it can tolerate 5V it seems.

    Since the whole system is driven by one power supply, coming of the USB connector of the RP2040, it might be safe, but no guarantee. SvOlii has not seen problems with this in his systems.
    When you have external devices feeding into the Sorbus, and those are powered on and the Sorbus off, you are in trouble.

    There are several jumpers (J5 on the Sorbus Junior, J2 on the Sorbus RP2040 Chipset board) available to feed the 6502 with +5V (called VBUS on the RP2040, directly connected to the USB connector.

    6502 variants

    The Sorbus accepts many 65X02 variants without jumpers. Not used outputs are left unconnected, unused inputs (SO, Phi1) are tight high with a 3k3 resistor.

    Pinout differences: BE is available on the WDC65C02, not connected on all other. Has a pullup 3k3 to enable the BUS Enable.
    The 6502 has two GND (Vss) connections on pin 1 and 21. On the WDC6502 pin 1 is the VPB output signal and is left unconnected on the Sorbus.


    Sorbus computer (part 2)

    Soldering the PCBs

    I got from Sven PCBs for the Sorbus and the Sorbus Junior. It took an afternoon to solder all parts, the bus connectors took most of the time (10 x 40 pins!).

    In part 1 the Sorbus computer concept was introduced, designed by SvOlli.
    Part 3 is about taking a look at the hardware.

    I decided I wanted to be able to exchange all parts, you never know what might happen during the experiments.

    To be able to exchange the CPU’s the IC socket is replaced with a ZIF socket. Sven is working on supporting many 6502 variants, and that will be more fun with a ZIF socket.
    The PCBs are not designed for that, so it is a bit tight. On the Junior one resistor R1 is moved to the other side of the PCB. On the Sorbus it fits!

    The RP2040 is placed in a pin bus connector, so it can be replaced.
    All these additions increase the height of the PCBs. But it fits.


    The Sorbus computers

    A new development! A minimal 65(C)02 system, called Sorbus designed by Sven Oliver Moll (SvOlli).
    Thank you Sven for this!

    The hardware of the Sorbus computers could not be simpler. Designed with care to be as flexible as possible, fully programmable in behaviour, with a small footprint and at very low cost.
    Two components: a 6502 CPU and the ‘purple’ RP20240 board.

    The design is open source hard- and software. Have a look at the Sorbus github page for the details. All information here is based upon this.

    The goal of the Sorbus system is to play with the 6502 as simple and affordable as possible. It can run many serial terminal based 6502 programs, such as the Apple 1 Wozmon monitor, or the TIM monitor with a system clock over 1 MHz or special programs to study the behaviour of the 6502, step by step at very low clock rates (with a 65C02, the CMOS variant is a static design)

    The Sorbus computer is 6502 based, including the 65816. The RP2040 serves as fully programmable peripheral for clock, reset, NMI/IRQ, RAM, ROM, serial I/O.

    The Sorbus computer

    A new development! A minimal 65(C)02 system, called Sorbus designed by Sven Oliver Moll (SvOlli).


    Sorbus computers (Part 1)

    A new development! A minimal 65(C)02 system, called Sorbus designed by Sven Oliver Moll (SvOlli). A minimal system with a CPU (like the WDC65C02) and a Raspberry Pi Pico.
    This is part 1 of my experience with the Sorbus computers. Just the parts and the info.
    2. Next step, part 2, soldering!


    • more a toy than a full featured computer
    • open source
    • keep it simple, stupid
    • easy to solder
    • expandable / modular
    • run like and old computer → can mimic Apple 1
    • run diagnostic monitor
    • learn about 6502 → show CPU in action
    • cheap: ~€15 / computer, including PCBs when buying refurbished 65C02s
    • Runs Wozmon, CP/M-65, OSI Basic, TIM, Taliforth and more!

    While being designed for use with a 65C02, it has also run 6502 and 65C816 processors successfully.
    Since it’s using the RP2040 updating/changing firmware is easy. Not the standard Raspberry Pi Pico, but a variant (purple PCB) with all GPIOs exposed.

    Here the homepage of the system
    And here the github page with all design documents.
    Sorbus parts

    Sorbus Junior parts

    and I need at least a WDC65C02 and a 65c02, which I have in stock

    and here the introduction to the Sorbus concept and computer:

    The Lightning Talk

    Instant Assembler for the KIM-1

    A program by Alan Cashin.

    The following text and other files are by (the ‘I’) Alan Cashin.

    I am currently looking through old material that has been in storage for many years. I came across a listing of my ‘instant assembler’ written for the basic KIM-1 with 1kB (plus a bit) memory. It was written in about 1979 to help enter assembler programs, saving the task of converting mnemonics to hex code. The tape with it on is long gone, so I coded it for the acme assembler then ran it in your excellent simulator and it works.