MOS Technology 6502, 9 DIGIT BASIC by Microsoft, Copyright 1977. often nicknamed KB9, is an early version of Microsoft Basic adapted for the KIM-1. With 9 digit precision and the Microsoft version of Basic a very usable high-level language for a KIM-1 with 16K extra RAM and a videoterminal or teletype.
I bought my version in 1979, serial number 2167. Tape ID #01, 2000-4260. Start 4067.
It is a version that works around the missing ROR instruction on early 6502 CPU’s.
All versions of KB9 on the internet are from the cassette dump I made in 2006, including the brilliant source version on pagetable. Still have a lot of fun with it as well as all the KIM clone users.
I found a photo of MOS TECH 9 DIGIT BASIC FOR KIM, COPYRIGHT BY MICROSOFT 1977 2000-437D ID #101 ST. 4065 S/N 217 cassette of a much lower serial number.
What is interesting is the higher End address, 437D versus 4260.
Alas no dump of this cassette is known, so this stays a mystery. as is the illegal tape ID 101.

My MSBasic for the KIM-1 cassette

Another MOS TECH BASIC for KIM-1