The EMMA and EMMA II SBC’s were produced by LJ Electronics Ltd, Norwich, a company established in 1979 to market training technology to colleges, schools and universities. The company behind LG Electronics still exists but is now known as LJ Create, also carrying the USA based brand Digiac.

Here you find information on:
EMMA emulator by Colin Grey


Emma, full name MS1 Emma Microcomputer, is a rudimentary 8-bit 6502 processor board, quite similar to the KIM-1 family, with attached hex-input keypad and 7-segment display that was marketed by LJ Electronics in the early eighties. Despite its mere 1K of RAM and 2K monitor in EPROM, it was deemed suitable for driving the Atlas arm. In addition to the processor itself, the Emma range,L.J. Electronics Basic Microprocessor Application System MA02/1, included a large number of sensing, simulation and input-output boards that Emma could be hand-coded to interact with. There was even a mini matrix printer for hard-copy output.
The images below show the Emma processor, keypad and display unit, plus many of the available add-on boards. More complex expansion options included an Eprom programmer and an A4 plotting table. Further capability could be added in the form of the Visa Expansion System – shown above connected to Emma. This added a video interface, 8K of RAM, 8K of BASIC, 6K of assembler and monitor and a full QWERTY keyboard.
EMMA uses a 6502 with a1 MHz crystal, an INS8154 + 74145 RAM I/O IC for 24 keys scanning and 8 seven segment displays, a 6522 VIA for general purpose I/O, 2x 2114 SRAM and a 2716 for the monitor program. A group of CMOS CD4XXX IC’s delivers a Cassette interface

Any additional information, like software, is appreciated!

EMMA manual in PDF format. L.J. Electronics Basic Microprocessor Application System MA02/1, consisting of the MS1 Emma Microcomputer and numerous components, as listed in the MA-02 manual.

Hardware Manual for the EMMA  – 46 pages plus large appendices If ou have it, please help me scan and publish it! I only have three pages as seen in a recent ebay listing:

Emma computer with Visa upgrade, controlling an early Atlas robot arm

Emma II

Emma II was a more compact and complete successor of the Emma. Quite similar, but the keyboard encoding is now done with a 6821 PIA. A VIA 6522 is also present and the usual hex keybaord and seven segment display.

Emma II is well documented (thanks John Evans)

EMMA II Technical manual in PDF format, including schematics and monitor source, 115 pages.
EMMA II User manual in PDF format, 109 pages full of experiments.

Token-ring with EMMA II
Running lights with EMMA II
Flashing text with EMMA II
EMMA II EPROM memory expansion bin
EMMA II EPROM memory expansion hex

Memory Expansion module with RAM ROM and EPROM Programmer (Photo John Evans)

EMMA emulator by Colin Grey

This is a 6502 simulator. It is loosely based on the LJ Technical Systems EMMA board. Although quite useful it is not a full implementation. Download here.

End of year updates to my programs

I have made some small updates to four of my programs.
Updates are bugfixes, cosmetic changes to also to let Raspberry Pi OS versions work, a nicer looking Windows setup and in general bringing all the programs to the same level.

Convert 8 bits hex formats V 2.7
KIM-1 Simulator V 1.3.9
TIM Superjolt Simulator V 0.5
SerialTester V 1.1

Tiny Basic by Tom Pittman

Sources, manuals, articles, patched binaries for KIM-1 and TIM!Tiny Basic for the KIM-1 and the TIM in the SuperjoltTiny Basic interpreter.
Copyright 1976 Itty Bitty Computers, used by permission
On this page information how to run Tiny Basic, by Tom Pittman, for the KIM-1 or a TIM (RRIOT 6530-004) based machine, like Jolt and Superjolt, with 4K RAM at least extra.Any 6502 machine with character I/O can run Tiny Basic, source is available with just a few changes to be made to I/O, memory layout and breaktest.

All tests and binary file manipulation with Tiny Basic have been done with my KIM-1 and TIM Superjolt simulators, and also got an update this week.


Tiny Basic

Tiny Basic for the KIM-1 and the TIM in the Superjolt

Tiny Basic interpreter Copyright 1976 Itty Bitty Computers, used by permission

Tiny Basic on the Superjolt

On this page information how to run Tiny Basic, by Tom Pittman, for the KIM-1 or a TIM (RRIOT 6530-004) based machine, like Jolt and Superjolt, with 4K RAM at least extra.
Any 6502 machine with character I/O can run Tiny Basic, source is available with just a few changes to be made to I/O, memory layout and breaktest. Note that most of the zeropage is used by Tiny Basic!

All tests and binary file manipulation with Tiny Basic have been done with my KIM-1 and TIM Superjolt simulators.
File conversion between binary and papertape and such is done with the Convert Hex 8 bit formats utility.

On this page you find:

A TIM (6530-004) Superjolt simulator update, also KIM-1 Simulator

A TIM (6530-004) Superjolt Demon simulator.

Version 0.4. TIM Superjolt Simulator V0.4, Tiny Basic working!

Since the TIM Simulator and the KIM-1 Simulator share a lot of code, also the KIM-1 Simulator got an update, to let Tiny Basic work better: V1.3.8 is available.

The bundled Conversion 8 bit hex formats is now at version 2.6.

I have since yesterday a Raspberry Pi 5. Great little machine. Very grown up installation. Lazarus works fine with the usual trick of first the apt install version and then fpcupdeluxe for a newer version.

The TIM and KIM-1 Simulator work fine on the Pi 5, so a Raspberry Pi 5 is now included in the distributions.


The KIM-1 family

The KIM-1 is one of the first computer systems build around the 6502 microprocessor, somewhere in 1975.
The hardware and software concepts in the KIM-1 were reused in a number of systems created later.

  • Application and expansion connector
  • KIM-1 monitor software in ROMs 6430-002 and 6430-003
  • RRIOTs in 6530 (equivalent to 6532)
  • Bitbanged serial interface
  • 6 multiplexed seven segment LEDs and hex keyboard
  • MOS Technology papertape format load and save
  • KIM-1 audiotape format

Over the years I have collected a ‘family’ of small computers with one or more concepts of the KIM-1, as shown in the figure above.

System          Connectors KIM-1 monitor Serial  LEDS + keypad Papertape KIM-1 audio RIOT
KIM-1                X           X         X           X          X           X        X
SYM-1                X           X         X           X                      X        X
AIM 65               X                                                        X        X
MCS Alpha 1                                X           X                      X        X
Elektor Junior                             X           X                      X        X
KIM UNO                          X                     X          X                    X 
Micro-KIM                        X         X           X          X                    X
KIM Clone                        X         X           X          X                    X
PAL-1                            X         X           X          X           X        X
MOS Reproduction     X           X         X           X          X           X        X
KIM-1 Simulator                  X         X           X          X                    X

Cubit KIM Bus for AIM 65

New scans of KIM-1 manuals

I found new high quality scans of KIM-1 manuals on the Retro Commodore website.
That website is filled with high quality scans of Commodore publications.

High quality scans of the User, Programming, Hardware manuals. Also scans of KIM-5 related manuals like Assembler and Editor (a new one for me!).

The originals are from a German distributor, there is a sticker on the frontpage.

I thank Carsten Jensen for his invaluable work!

Manuals are added also to the KIM-1 manuals page, which did get a cleanup too.

Superjolt and TIM 6530

I have acquired 3! Superjolts. With a Synertek Superjolt CP110 manual and Tiny Basic + RAP (assembler) in ROM.

A good opportunity to update the 6530 and the Jolt SuperJolt pages. Better quality and more documents, more photos, ROMs dumped.

THE-RC 41523 CPU-4

CPU-4 is a 6502 SBC based upon the TIM 6530-004. Developed for teaching on the Technical University Eindhoven.
The only surviving part of the system is a 40 page Dutch manual.
Described are the function of TIM, Tiny Basic and Resident Assembler Program, same as the Jolt and Superjolt.

Dutch manual of RC41523 CPU-4

Some excerpts from the manual: