
Updates to KIM-1, AIM 65 and SYM-1 pages

With the help of users on the German Classic Computing forum I have added many manuals and magazines in German about those systems:

AIM 65 PC100 manuals
MICROMAG magazines
KIM-1 manuals in German

I also added books on the 6502 in general and on the KIM-1, SYM-1 and AIM 65 to the Books section.

Reading old magazines is always fun, from the period 1976 to 198x magazines were filled with articles on the 6502, the KIM-1 and other SBC’s.

German, Dutch and English magazine articles extracted here.
Kilobaud, Byte, Dr Dobbs and of course the dedicated 6502 User Notes, MICRO Journal and Compute are valuable sources, but look at the many magazines on this page!