
6502 manuals in html format

I have added the excellent html formatted manuals by Erik van den Broek to the KIM-1 Manuals page.

6502 illegal opcodes list

Groepaz from the VICE emulator team and the C64 demo group Hitmen just released an updated PDF of 6502 illegal or perhaps more accurately called unintentional opcodes.

I would say this document and the use of illegals are for advanced programmers but they can come in very handy for generating smaller or faster code at times.

Some illegal opcodes can be unstable on certain chips

NMOS 6510 Unintended Opcodes no more secrets (v0.91 – 24/12/16)

SB-Assembler 3 released

San Bergmans has released SB-Assembler 3

Download here.

Now written in Python 3, runs on Windows, Linux, Max OS.

New Features Of The SB-Assembler 3

  • Will now run on Linux, MAC and Windows machines.
  • Written in Python3, a modern multi-platform programming language.
  • Source files will be included, allowing you to create your own cross overlays.
  • Local labels from other global labels can now be accessed.
  • Can now generate warning messages where errors would be inappropriate.
  • Include source files can now be nested as deep as you like.
  • Separate target spaces for code memory, RAM memory and EEPROM memory.
  • The .TA directive can be used to map generated code to the ROM address map easily.
  • More room, we can now use Giga bytes, in stead of some 550k bytes to do the job.
  • As from Version 3.01 label and macro names may also start with an underscore.

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R65C24, new in my collection

On its way from China, the R65C24. A dropin for a PIA, with a timer.

Part of the IC collection!


TIM 1 System by Joseph Watson

In the Facebook group ‘6502 programming’ Joseph Waton published a story about his TIM 1 system and photos.



6504 and Sally IC

65XX IC’s added, 6504, Sally Read More


Elektuur Junior books ocr’ed

Keith Howell kindly gave me ocr’ed versions of the Elektuur Junior books.

All four dutch, al four English and he is working on the spanish books.

You can find the documents on the Elektuur Junior page.


6502 Microprocessor Kit

Found this website on a search for parts, its a 65sc02 kit much like the Microprofessor 1 Well documented!

Kits are for sale on ebay.

The author, Wichit Sirichote, has designed a whole range of these kits for Z80, 8080, 6802 etc.

Worth a look.

(Micro-)KIM Tutorials

Aart Bik has started to publish a series if tutorials on programming the (Micro-)KIM on his blog.


KIM Kenner, later 6502 Kenner and at last uPKENNER updated!

kimkenner42Hereyou will find the collection of publications by the KIM Gebruikersclub, called the KIM Kenner , later 6502 Kenner and at last uPKENNER.

Note that the PDF’s here are in black and white, right order and orientation, from corrected images, without irrelevant pages such as memberlist and non-6502 ads, missing pages added, lower quality rescanned and doubles removed. Contents added by hand!