KIM-1 projects by Eduardo Casino

Since early 2023 Eduardo Casino develops KIM-1 hard- and software. His goal is to replicate as much as possible the original hardware, and make it work. His journey started with an exact KIM-1 Replica.
On this page I present his designs (state of July 2024, the journey has not ended yet, so keep looking at all open hard- and software on github.

My first encounter with Eduardo Casino was this topic on the German forum:

(if you do not read German: Eduardo, from Madrid, Spain!, announces his project to replicate a KIM-1 Rev D with the exact layout and look and feel as the original, using hires photos, Inkscape and Kicad).

This is not the first KIM-1 replica, as you can see here. What makes this replica special is that it is an exact PCB replica. With curved lines! Other replicas may have the same dimensions and look and feel but use the straight modern PCB lines design.

MTU replicas and additions

K-1008 Visable Memory replica
K-1013 Floppy Disk Controller replica
KIM-1 Expansion Board for MTU Cards
KIM-1 Motherboard for MTU Cards
KIM-1 RAM/ROM Expansion Board for the MTU Backplane
KIM-1 Programmable Memory Board for the MTU Backplane


Version for the K-1013
KIM-1/PAL-1 version

KIM-1 Software

1541 OS