In a time when SRAM was expensive, power hungry and small it made sense to use dynamic RAM: larger, cheaper.
First in 16K format, later in 64K format.
dynamic RAM card | |
64K on the 16K dynamic RAM card |
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See also:
Part 4 Sorbus runs Wozmon, Apple 1 Basic, MCP
The first test run of the Sorbus computer can be done with two simple images: Wozmon with Apple 1 Basic and the MCP prog...
Sorbus computer part 3: the hardware
The hardware of the Sorbus computers could not be simpler. Designed with care to be as flexible as possible, fully progr...
Sorbus computer (part 2)
Soldering the PCBs
I got from Sven PCBs for the Sorbus and the Sorbus Junior. It took an afternoon to solder all part...
The Sorbus computers
A new development! A minimal 65(C)02 system, called Sorbus designed by Sven Oliver Moll (SvOlli).
Thank you Sven for th...