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- Beta Computer SBC
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- Datac 1000, a TIM 6502 SBC
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- DOS65
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- DOS65 articles in the KIM 6502 uP Kenner and CompUser
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- Silicon hard disk Andrew Gregory
- EP: EPROM programmer for DOS65
- EPROM programmer Andrew Gregory
- DOS65, floppy emulator HxC2001, transfer files
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- DOS65 application: Logic analyzer
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- Focal-65 V3D for TIM and KIM-1
- L.J. Technical Systems: EMMA DIGIAC
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- John Bell Engineering SBC’s
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- KIM-1 6530 Replacements
- KIM-1 Diagnostic board
- KIM-1 keyboard repair
- Kowalski assembler simulator
- Lee Davison’s website
- Enhanced 6502 BASIC
- Some code bits
- Some very short code bits
- SIN and COS calculator
- 6502 ROM file system
- Microchess
- SYM-1 BASIC – more nostalgia
- A 6502 single board computer
- ACIA 6551
- Nop generator
- IDE bus interface circuit
- An expandable 6502 SBC
- AT keyboard interface
- I2C Bus interface
- LazyPROM
- Memory Plus: memory for your KIM SYM AIM
- Mitsubishi 740 boards
- LAB-VOLT 6502
- MDT 650 MOS Technology
- Microsoft Basic 6502
- MCS Alpha 1
- MPS-65 CT-65 CT-6502 Thaler
- Micro Technology Unlimited
- My 6502 systems
- OUP/M – A 6502 CP/M Operating system
- OSI 300 Trainer
- PROMAX MI-650 Trainer
- Rockwell AIM 65 and RM65
- The Sorbus computers
- Synertek SYM-1 KTM
- TM76 Burr Brown 6502 terminal
- Three Chips Plus Unilab
- Corsham projects
- KIM-1 products
- KIM Clone
- Corsham SD card system
- SS-30 SS-50 boards
- SS-30 bus extender
- SS-30 Parallel Board
- SS-30 Prototype board
- SS-30 Serial Board
- SS-30 SS-50 technical notes
- SS-30 USB Serial Board
- SS-50 1MB RAM board
- SS-50 64K RAM board
- SS-50 65C02 CPU Board
- SS-50 6800 CPU Board
- SS-50 6809 CPU board
- SS-50 Motherboard
- SS-50 Prototyping board
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- SYM AIM 60K RAM board
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