Some very short code bits

6502 Shorts by Lee Davison

This section is for those short bits of code that are just what you need every now and then.

Toggle carry – Change the sense of the carry bit.

Carry bit the wrong sense? Want a 0 when it’s 1? Read on….
The code
Recently in some otherwise elegant code the result of a compare left the carry bit in
exactly the wrong sense for the following add. The usual way to fix that is to do
something like ..

        BCC     WasClear  ; if clear go set it
  CLC      ; was set so clear it
  BCC  AllDone    ; continue
  SEC      ; was clear so set it

While this works there had to be a more elegant way of doing this. It turns out there is, you do this ..
        ROL  A    ; Cb into b0
  EOR  #$01    ; toggle bit
  ROR  A    ; b0 into Cb

The ROL puts the carry into bit 0 in the accumulator.
The EOR toggles the state of that bit without affecting any other bits.
The ROR puts the bit back into the carry, restores the accumulator and sets the N and Z flags.

There are a couple of advantages of doing things this way instead of the branch and set (or clear) given earlier ..
It only takes four bytes instead of six. It always takes six cycles, not five or seven depending on the state of the carry.
There is one possible disadvantage in that it sets the N and Z flags from what is in A at the time. But, most of the time, if you’re interested in the carry state the N and Z states are unimportant.

Range test – Test a byte is in the range n to m

Sometimes you need to check if a byte is in a certain range that does not start,
or end, on the byte limits. For example, if a byte is numeric (n = ‘0’, m = ‘9’)
or lower case ASCII (n = ‘a’, m = ‘z’).

For all of these we assume that the byte to be tested is in A and that the start and end values, n and m, are already defined. Also that 0 < n < m < $FF.
If you don’t need to preserve the byte in A then testing the byte can be done in five bytes and only six cycles. This sets the carry if A is in the range n to m.

  CLC    ; clear carry for add
  ADC  #$FF-m  ; make m = $FF
  ADC  #m-n+1  ; carry set if in range n to m

If you want the carry clear instead of set you use subtract instead of add.
  SEC    ; set carry for subtract
  SBC  #n  ; make n = $00
  SBC  #m-n+1  ; carry clear if in range n to m

If you need to preserve A and have either the X or Y register free you can do it like this.
  TAX    ; copy A (or TAY)
  CLC    ; clear carry for add
  ADC  #$FF-m  ; make m = $FF
  ADC  #m-n+1  ; carry set if in range n to m
  TXA    ; restore A (or TYA)

If you can spare the cycles but not the registers then this is the slowest of the range tests coming in at thirteen cycles.
  PHA    ; save A
  CLC    ; clear carry for add
  ADC  #$FF-m  ; make m = $FF
  ADC  #m-n+1  ; carry set if in range n to m
  PLA    ; restore A

Finally a method that preserves A without using any other registers, or memory.
This has the disadvantage that it can take either five or ten cycles (so timing
would be unsure) and takes the most bytes. This one sets the carry if A is in the
range n to m.
  CMP  #n  ; is it less than required?
  BCC  ERnge  ; branch if it is
  ADC  #$FE-m  ; add $FF-m (carry is set)
  CLC    ; clear carry for add
  ADC  #m+1  ; A is now back to original value

And this one clears the carry if A is in the range n to m.
  CMP  #m+1  ; is it greater than required?
  BCS  ERnge  ; branch if it is
  SBC  #n-1  ; subtract n (carry is clear)
  SEC    ; set carry for subtract
  SBC  #-n  ; A is now back to original value

BCD to binary – Convert a BCD byte to binary

I don’t think this will win any prizes but it works (which is always a bonus). The byte temp can be anywhere but is probably best in page zero.

        TAX                 ; copy BCD value
        AND #$F0            ; mask top nibble
        LSR                 ; /2 (/16*8)
        STA temp            ; save it
        LSR                 ; /4 (/16*4)
        LSR                 ; /8 (/16*2)
        ADC temp            ; add /2 (carry always clear)
                            ; ((n/16*8)+(n/16*2) = (n/16*10))
        STA temp            ; save it
        TXA                 ; get original back
        AND #$0F            ; mask low nibble
        ADC temp            ; add shifted (carry always clear)

This is seventeen bytes long (assuming temp is in page 0) which makes it just about the
right size for this section.

There is no error checking and it is up to the calling routine to ensure that the source byte is a valid BCD byte. If it isn’t nothing bad happens, you just get the sum of the low nibble and  the high nibble times ten.

Binary to BCD – Convert a binary byte to BCD

Another one I’d not thought about until recently when I was asked if I had it. Here’s what I eventually came up with….
I know it’s almost a bit long for this section but it is the complement to the BCD to binary r

The byte to be converted is in A and the result is returned in low(/high) and A(/X).
The bytes low and high can be anywhere but are probably best in page zero.

If you know that the value to be converted lies in the range $00 to $63 (0 to 99 decimal)then all the code between the ***** lines can be omitted.

; table of BCD values for each binary bit, put this somewhere.
; note! values are -1 as the ADC is always done with the carry set
  .byte  $63,$31,$15,$07,$03,$01,$00
  SED      ; all adds in decimal mode
  STA  low    ; save A
  LDA  #$00    ; clear A
  LDX  #$07    ; set bit count
  LSR  low    ; bit to carry
  BCC  skip_add  ; branch if no add
  ADC  b2b_table-1,X  ; else add BCD value
  DEX      ; decrement bit count
  BNE  bit_loop  ; loop if more to do
; if you only require conversion of numbers between $00 and $63 (0 to 99
; decimal) then omit all code between the "*"s
  BCC  skip_100  ; branch if no 100's carry
        ; if Cb set here (and can only be set by the
        ; last loop add) then there was a carry into
  INX      ; the 100's so add 100's carry to the high byte
        ; now check the 2^7 (128) bit
  LSR  low    ; bit 7 to carry
  BCC  skip_fin  ; branch if no add
  INX      ; else effectively add 100 part of 128
  ADC  #$27    ; and then add 128 (-1) part of 128
  BCC  skip_fin  ; branch if no further carry
  INX      ; else add 200's carry
  STX  high    ; save result high byte
; end of 100's code
  STA  low    ; save result low byte
  CLD      ; clear decimal mode

The two BCD digit version is $1C bytes long (assuming temp is in page zero) including the table which means it just about makes it small enough for this section.
There is no error checking and it is up to the calling routine to ensure that the source byte will become a valid BCD byte or word.

Hex to ASCII – Another way to convert a hex nibble

I know you’ve all done this before but here’s a use for decimal mode. Read on….
The classic way to convert a nibble in A into ASCII is to test if the nibble is greater than nine and, if it is, to add seven before adding the 48 to make the ASCII character.

  CMP  #$0A    ; set carry for +1 if &gt;9
  BCC  NoAdjust  ; branch if &lt;=9
  ADC  #6    ; adjust if A to F
        ; (six plus carry = 7!)
  ADC  #"0"    ; add ASCII "0"

This is eight bytes long and takes seven or eight cycles depending on the nibble.

Well here’s a way that uses decimal mode addition to do that for you.

  SED      ; set decimal mode
  CMP  #$0A    ; set carry for +1 if &gt;9
  ADC  #"0"    ; add ASCII "0"
  CLD      ; clear decimal mode

Six bytes and always nine cycles. Or, if you do a number of nibbles and leave decimal mode set throughout, four bytes and five cycles per digit.

Another way
Following some posts on the classiccmp mailing list this became obvious. It’s not fast or short (really too long for this section but I’ll let it pass) but it doesn’t use branches, decimal mode or other registers or memory.

  CMP  #$0A    ; compare the nibble with $0A
  ADC  #$00    ; add 1 if it was  &gt;= $0A
  CMP  #$0A    ; compare the nibble with $0A
  ADC  #$00    ; add 1 if it was  &gt;= $0A
  CMP  #$0A    ; compare the nibble with $0A
  ADC  #$00    ; add 1 if it was  &gt;= $0A
  CMP  #$0A    ; compare the nibble with $0A
  ADC  #$00    ; add 1 if it was  &gt;= $0A
  CMP  #$0A    ; compare the nibble with $0A
  ADC  #$00    ; add 1 if it was  &gt;= $0A
  CMP  #$0A    ; compare the nibble with $0A
  ADC  #$00    ; add 1 if it was  &gt;= $0A
  CMP  #$0A    ; compare the nibble with $0A
  ADC  #"0"    ; add "0" and 1 if it was  &gt;= $0A

Twenty eight bytes and twenty eight cycles, only really usefull for a ‘convert hex to ASCII without using branches, decimal mode or look up tables’ competition.

Yet another way. Last one, honest. Not the shortest but this must be the fastest way. Starts with the nibble to be converted in X not A

  LDA  hex_table,X  ; get the ASCII character
  .byte  "0123456789ABCDEF"
        ; conversion table

Nineteen bytes, eighteen if the table is in page zero, and only four cycles. Speedy!

Check CMOS – Test if code is running on a 65C02

Nothing particularly fancy, the code simply makes use of the fact that the NMOS 6502 does not set the zero flag bit when doing decimal adds or subtracts and the CMOS 6502 does. The result of this is that Zb is set only if the code is run on a CMOS 6502.

  SED      ; set decimal mode
  CLC      ; clear carry for add
  LDA  #$99    ; actually 99 decimal in this case
  ADC  #$01    ; +1 gives 00 and sets Zb on 65C02
  CLD      ; exit decimal mode


Save XY – Push/pull X & Y without using A

Not something that comes up very often. I needed some code that would run on an NMOS 6502, not destroy X or Y, return a value in A and was re-entrant, i.e. it could call itself without overwriting any values.
First we save all the registers. We’re not really interested in the value of A but we need a byte on the stack.

  PHA      ; make space for A
  TYA      ; copy Y
  PHA      ; save Y
  TXA      ; copy X
  PHA      ; save X

Now we have to restore the registers. Because we don’t have PHX/PLX or PHY/PLY we must use A to restore X and Y but we also don’t want to overwrite A, we can’t just push A onto the stack as that makes getting X and Y off something of a problem. What we do is to overwrite the value for A that is already on the stack and then just pop the registers as we normally would.
  TSX      ; copy stack pointer
  STA  $0103,X    ; write result to stacked A
  PLA      ; pull stacked X
  TAX      ; restore X
  PLA      ; pull stacked Y
  TAY      ; restore Y
  PLA      ; get result into A

This code is also usefull if you don’t know which type of 6502 the code will be run on and you need it to work on all of them.

Update .. need it to work on all of them. Or not as it turns out. There can be a case when the above code doesn’t work and that is if the stack is nearly full when the code is entered. While this won’t happen very often, it happen and code that works all the time can be frustrating.

Let’s look at what happens when it fails, first the code as it saves the registers ..

      <b> S  Address</b>
  PHA    $02  <span style="color: blue;"><b>$0102</b></span>  ; make space for A
  TYA    $01  .....  ; copy Y
  PHA    $01  $0101  ; save Y
  TXA    $00  .....  ; copy X
  PHA    $00  $0100  ; save X
  <i>&lt;more code&gt;</i>  $FF  $01FF  ; subroutine code

In this case A was pushed to address $0102 but after pushing X and Y the stack is full and the stack pointer now points back to the top of the stack. Now when the code tries to save A and exit the following happens ..
      <b> X  Address</b>
  TSX    $FF  .....  ; copy stack pointer
  STA  $0103,X  $FF  <span style="color: red;"><b>$0202</b></span>  ; write result to stacked A
      <b> S  Address</b>
  PLA    $00  $0100  ; pull stacked X
  TAX    $01  .....  ; restore X
  PLA    $01  $0101  ; pull stacked Y
  TAY    $02  .....  ; restore Y
  PLA    $02  <span style="color: blue;"><b>$0102</b></span>  ; get result into A

Oops! We just failed to return the value in A and trashed $0202 as well. The solution is to make X equal the stack pointer when A was first pushed and use this as the offset from the base of the stack page.
  TSX      ; copy stack pointer
  INX      ; increment X to ..
  INX      ; .. equal stack pointer ..
  INX      ; .. when A was pushed
  STA  $0100,X    ; write result to stacked A
  PLA      ; pull stacked X
  TAX      ; restore X
  PLA      ; pull stacked Y
  TAY      ; restore Y
  PLA      ; get result into A

Now going through the code showing the register values ..
      <b> X  Address</b>
  TSX    $FF  .....  ; copy stack pointer
  INX    $00  .....  ; increment X to ..
  INX    $01  .....  ; .. equal stack pointer ..
  INX    $02  .....  ; .. when A was pushed
  STA  $0100,X  $02  <span style="color: green;"><b>$0102</b></span>  ; write result to stacked A
      <b> S  Address</b>
  PLA    $00  $0100  ; pull stacked X
  TAX    $01  .....  ; restore X
  PLA    $01  $0101  ; pull stacked Y
  TAY    $02  .....  ; restore Y
  PLA    $02  <span style="color: blue;"><b>$0102</b></span>  ; get result into A

This costs a few bytes and some clock cycles but will work even if the stack pointer should wrap as above.

Eight bit rotates – One bit less in ROL or ROR

ROR and ROL both rotate a byte through the carry giving, in effect, a nine bit rotate. Sometimes an eight bit rotate is needed, as shown in the diagram below.
Here is a way to make those rotates effectively eight bit.

To make ROR an eight bit shift b0 must be duplicated in the carry bit, the easiest way to do this is to shift the byte but that alters it so first make a copy, rotate the byte, restore the copy and do the eight bit rotate thus ..

  TAX      ; save byte
  ROR  A    ; b0 into Cb
  TXA      ; restore byte
  ROR  A    ; eight bit rotate

Not particularly elegant but does have the advantage that it takes the same number of cycles whatever the state of b0 before the rotate. If no register is available the stack can be used instead like this ..
  PHA      ; save byte
  ROR  A    ; b0 into Cb
  PLA      ; restore byte
  ROR  A    ; eight bit rotate

To make ROL behave like an 8 bit shift the sense of the sign bit must be reflected in the carry bit before the shift is done. this is much easier and can be done thus ..
  CMP  #$80    ; copy b7 into Cb
  ROL  A    ; eight bit rotate

ASL & ASR – A true arithmetic shift left and right

Though the 6502 instruction set has an instruction that is called Arithmetic Shift Left it is really only a Logical Shift Left as the overflow bit is not affected if there is a sign change. To perform a true arithmetic shift the state of the sign before and after the shift must be taken into account. There is no Arithmetic shift right.

The code – Arithmetic Shift Left.
To perform a true Arithmetic Shift Left an add can be used instead ..

  CLC      ; clear the carry for a single byte shift
  STA  temp    ; copy A
  ADC  temp    ; effectively perform a true ASL

.. which looks like a long way to go about it but the overflow bit is set if the sign bit has been changed by the shift.

A multiple byte Arithmetic Shift Left can be done like this ..

  ASL  lsb    ; shift the least significant byte
  ROL  inter    ; shift any intermediate byte(s)
  LDA  msb    ; copy the most significant byte
  ADC  msb    ; effectively perform a true ASL
  STA  msb    ; save the most significant byte

In this case the overflow bit is only needed for the most significant byte so the less significant bytes can be shifted using shift instructions.

The code – Arithmetic Shift Right.
To perform an Arithmetic Shift Right the state of the sign bit needs to be copied to the carry bit before the shift ..

CMP #$80 ; copy the sign bit to the carry bit
ROR A ; effectively perform a true ASR

Unlike the left shift there is no possibility of an overflow during a right shift.

Sign extend – Extending a less than 8 bit value to 8 bits

Sometimes you end up with a signed value that is not in a multiple of 8 bits, the problem then is to extend the sign to fill the most significant byte.

For example, a signed value is in bits 4 to 0 of the Accumulator and is to be extended to to fill all eight ..

  AND  #$1F    ; clear any unused bits
  CLC      ; clear the carry for an add
  ADC  #$F0    ; set top bits clear if -ve, set if +ve
  EOR  #$F0    ; toggle bits to the correct state

Using a suitable mask, if needed, and add value this works to extend the sign for any bit in the byte.