Junior revival Bram Prosman

In 2018 Bram Prosman started with his Junior Computer Revival.

His story and the source of documents and image on his website, check there for updated files

I copied over here his 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 designs of the basic Junior.

Memory map Junior Computer
1980 04 72 Junior Monitor
Junior Computer Monitor Listing

Junior Computer Monitor Original TASM source
TASM_32 for Windows 10, 64 bit

Version 2.0
Built and tested. Note the design flaws in Version 2.0, read this first!

Junior Computer Schematics V2.00
Junior Computer PCB BOTTOM V2.00
Junior Computer PCB BOTTOM V2.00 Gerbers

DISCLAIMER – Please note Bram has not tested yet the V2_1 and V2_2 PCB’s!

Version 2.1 and 2.2
Built and tested. Note the design flaws in Version 2.0, read this first!
Version 2.x added support for smaller push buttons instead of the rare and expensive original used Digitasten.

Junior Computer Schematics V2.1
Junior Computer PCB V2.1
Junior Computer PCB V2.1 Kicad design files
Junior Computer PCB Gerbers V2.1
Junior Computer Schematics V2.2
Junior Computer PCB V2.2
Junior Computer PCB V2.2 Kicad design files
Junior Computer PCB Gerbers V2.2