KIM-1 replica’s and clones

I have several KIM-1 replica’s or clones, and there are more available.

For me a KIM-1 Replica/clone needs a KIM-1 keypad and LED dispaly, a serial TTY interface, and the original KIM-1 software. Some have a layout close to the KIM-1, others look different, but all are functionally equivalent.

The CPU is of course a 6502 at 1 MHz crystal clock frequency. And they have at least the KIM-1 ROM 6530-002, the keypad/LED/TTY monitor.

Since 6530 RRIOT ICs (the 002 and 003 variant) are not available anymore, the same solution as in the other clones is chosen: a 6532 RIOT with a 2K EEPROM and some logic ICs (3) to get a hardware solution that makes it look exactly the same for the KIM-1 ROM software. The PCB is mostly a new design, not the typical 70ties KIM-1 rounded lines PCB design (except the KIM-1 Nachbau and the accurate reproduction by Eduardo Casino).

All this started with a design by Ruud Baltissen, who found out how the 6530 can be replaced with a 6532.

The result is great: it feels, looks and operates as an original KIM-1 with hex keyboard and LED display and TTY serial interface.
First Book of KIM programs run, All KIM-1 software runs, Microsoft KIM-1 Basic and Microchess run, when additional RAM is connected.

Corsham KIM Clone

MOS KIM reproduction



PAL-1 a clone, can be expanded with motherboard, second RIOT, RAM, ROM, Cassette interface

Nachbau KIM-1

KIM-1 Reproduction by Eduardo Casino

KIM-1 MTU baords by Eduardo Casino

Photos by Peter Offterdinger of ralf02 KIM clones and MTU backplane and K-1013 Visable Memory

MTU backplane and K-1013 Visable Memory display designed by Eduardo Casino