Eduardo Casino has designed with modern tools, like Kicad and image software Inkscape a PCB for the KIM-1 which is as close as he could get to a Rev D.
Based upon images on the Revisions pages on this site.
On this thread he published the design, and made all available on his github pages.
The PCB is an exact PCB replica of the KIM-1. It therefore requires 6530-002 and -003 RRIOTs, which are not available anymore (or use the Retrospy Technologies 6530 replacement boards).
See also:
COMAL is an interpreted structured language. A version for the KIM-1, Junior and DIS65 is available, distributed by the ...
6530 hardware emulator in FPGA in 40 pin DIP
Imagine a true 6530-002 and 6530-003 replacement , the RRIOTs of the KIM-1
Now with modern FPGAs you van do that...
4 february 2025 2025 I have built the PAl-2 kit, now designing and building a I/O card.
This information is based upon ...
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