COMAL is an interpreted structured language. A version for the KIM-1, Junior and DIS65 is available, distributed by the KIM Gebruikers Club Nederland as KGN COMAL.
DOS65 Comal is a port of the Junior Comal version. Available as command COMAL.
See also:
4 february 2025 2025 I have built the PAl-2 kit, now designing and building a I/O card.
This information is based upon ...
Part 4 Sorbus runs Wozmon, Apple 1 Basic, MCP
The first test run of the Sorbus computer can be done with two simple images: Wozmon with Apple 1 Basic and the MCP prog...
Sorbus computer part 3: the hardware
The hardware of the Sorbus computers could not be simpler. Designed with care to be as flexible as possible, fully progr...
Sorbus computer (part 2)
Soldering the PCBs
I got from Sven PCBs for the Sorbus and the Sorbus Junior. It took an afternoon to solder all part...