With the DOS65 systems came a large collection of floppies with DOS file. Not all were interesting, a fair amount shows read errors.
But the bulk was fine, after cleaning the heads of the floppydisk drives.
I have read all files on the floppies into the HxC2001 image format. And then processed the image files with the HxC2001 software into Raw IMG files. Those image files were then processed by my DOS65ImageManager program into PC readable files.
The results are shown on this page, the files are all downloadable. Of interest ofcourse for study are the ASCII files, containg sources, manuals and other textfiles. But the binary files are all there.
The .HFE HxC2001 files are ready to be loaded on an SD card to use them on a DOS65 system with a HxC2001 floppy emulator.
Note that the conversion to PC format has had some consequences for file attributes (lost), namespace (only ‘save’ characters in filenames) and text file formatting (I choose for the DOS/Windows file format CR+LF and removal of non-printable characters).
Below you find a list of the image files, names are the imagefilenames, whcih can be different from the DOS65 volumelabel.
In this archive you find the logfiles left by the DOS65ImageManager program, named with the DOS65 volumename.,
This archive contains all .HFE files, and this archive the PC readable folders created by DOS65ImageManager.
dos65201 bootable not initialized DOS65 system disk
dos65bag bootable Andrew Gregory DOS65 system disk
allerlei dos65 c compiler
allerlei2 dos65 c compiler
assemblerch7a8 AG EPROM and terminal and Silicon sources,
basiccomal Basic manual, progs, system. Comal, Pascal
basicprg various basic programs, basicode
ccompiler Small C compiler
cmastererr Logic analyzer, Astrid C Compiler, Dinfo, Exetime, Monitor
comalbasic Basic manual, progs, system. Comal, Pascal
compilerc Logic analyzer, astrid C Compiler, Dinfo, Exetime, Monitor
dos011astridmocop Astrid sources, Viditel sources
dos012astridmanual Astrid, Viditel manual
dos013astrid Astrid, Viditel sources
dos016 clanguage DOS Extra Logic analyzer, Astrid C Compiler, Dinfo, Exetime, Monitor
dos017forth AVR Forth
dos018pascalsources PAscal compiler 6502, 65c02, sources 65c02
dos019 Screen editor, Micro Ade DOS65 version
dos021 DOS 65 V2.0, system, Eprom software
dos022 DOS 65 V2 system, Eprom software
dos022allerlei Comal. Forth
dos023v20 DOS 65 V2
dos030basic Spreadsheet (not a valid image for DOS65Imageanager)
dos05 Update DOS65 v1 to V2, manuals
dos06 Basicode
dos07 Small C compiler
dos08 DOS65 system
dos25entries DOS65 Entries Examples, extra utils
dos26AGsources Basic sources
dos27basic Basic sources
dos28AGsources Sources Andrew Gregory Silicon, Word65, term3x
dos31basicode 2
dos32basicprogs DOS65 extra
dos6501comal Comal distribution
dos6509 various assembler files AS Eprom software, COMAL setup DOS Manuals sources
dos65andtools Pascal programs, Small C, DOS65
dos65sysutils DOS65 programs
dos65utilsrc Sources AG programs, EPROM programmer, ROMs
dossourcesas Sources AG
dossoursemanuals DOS65 manuals
dos65macsub Sources AG programs, EPROM programmer, ROMs
Empty Floppy
Floppy Dump Image Pascal sources and programs
forthcorruptas AVR Forth
pascalcomp Image Pascal sources and programs
pascalcompsrc1bad Image Pascal sources and programs with problems?
pascompsrc Image Pascal sources and programs
sources Sources AG programs, EPROM programmer, ROMs
termeprom Sources AG programs, EPROM programmer, ROMs
terminaleprom Sources AG programs, EPROM programmer, ROMs