
KIM Kenner, later 6502 Kenner and at last uPKENNER updated!

kimkenner42Hereyou will find the collection of publications by the KIM Gebruikersclub, called the KIM Kenner , later 6502 Kenner and at last uPKENNER.

Note that the PDF’s here are in black and white, right order and orientation, from corrected images, without irrelevant pages such as memberlist and non-6502 ads, missing pages added, lower quality rescanned and doubles removed. Contents added by hand!


Cross Assembler manual MOS Technology added

The August 1975 Cross Assembler manual MOS Technology has been added to the KIM-1 page.

This manual describes the  instruction format, directives and how to use the MOS Technology cross assemblers available on the G. E. Timesharing system.Scan-160408-0001



DOS65 pages added!

I have spent the last two months updating the DOS65 pages.

20160214_135505_HDR Read More


KIM Gebruikersclub foundation, from start to finish

KIM gebruikersclub vereniging oprichting pag 1The KGN (KIM Gebruikers CLub Nederland) was founded in 1977 and published and organized meetings until 1995.

On this page you can read the first publication, the legal Foundation creation and the last ‘bye bye’ in the magazine.


KIM-1 rev B ceramic CPU, ASCII display, ASCII keyboard, Brutech 4K RAM

20160317_143332_HDRA recent acquisition delivered me a system, in excellent visual condition with

  • KIM-1 rev B ceramic white CPU and 6530, grey 6530
  • ASCII display
  • ASCII keyboard
  • Brutech 4K RAM

Now the KIM-1 has no secrets for me, this is a beautiful example with these withe IC’s
The Brutech 4K RAM card just fits on the expansion connector, I have seen these cards  before in the 70ties!

The ASCII display card, about the same size as the KIM-1 is unknown to me, the only information is ASCII Display TTY compatible v.s. 13 .
No documentation  but some properties can be deducted from the IC’s on the board. It is without doubt a  simple TYTY replacement serial ASCII display terminal.
There is a video output on the bottom right,  serial input/output on the left connector and on the left connector one can attach a ASCII parallel keyboard (see below, it is in the package). Read More

Fixed the Beta download links

Fixed the Beta download links!


65C21, 65C52 IC photos added

Three IC’s photos added to the gallery of 65XX photo collection: 6C52 two dates and 65C21, all Rockwell.

65c52p3 9304
Read More

Moved the site to another internet provider

Hopefully no one has seen it, it took less than a day and night to move all my websites to another provider.

The provider is, where all my other sites are stored already

All seems well, but if you spot a problem, please tell me!


ELCOMP Es lebe der KIM-1, OSI 300 schematic update, KIM Tape Copy

Es Lebe der KIM-1, ELCOMP article how to start with the KIM-1, includes sample programs and a LED hardware experiment.

es lebe der kim


Small modification to OSI 300 schematic.

KIM Tape Copy v1.1, copy all files on a KIM cassette. Uses two recorders attached as shown in Micro Ade manual.

kim tape copy v11

MIOT Gottlieb Sound systems 6530 replacement

I found a complete description of the replacement board for the 6530 in the Gottlieb Pinball systems multisoundsystem.

Now added to the 6530 page.
