SS-30 Prototype board

Two versions were produced of the SS-30 Prototype board, small and large.

Yet another experiment that we needed to develop our own products. This is meant to allow someone to experiment with building their own SS-30 (I/O) boards. The two connectors on the left have +5 and ground, while all the SS-30 pins have connectors on the bottom to make it easy to build a circuit with. Trying to accommodate both the SS-30 and SS-30C busses, this board has labels for both. Due to a lack of double-checking, the board pictured above has a bizarre error… all the lettering below the CORSHAM logo is on the back side of the board in a mirror image! Details, details, details.
UPDATE The board above works fine for our system since we don’t have a chassis, but didn’t work well in a real SWTPC chassis without removing the back panel. A new version was laid out that fits entirely in a genuine SWTPC chassis but I’ve yet to order any blank PC boards for it.

Large board
2019: Customers often come up with good ideas for new products or improvements to existing ones, and this was certainly one of those cases! Basically, he suggested adding more breadboard space, and adding a spring loaded connector on top for running wires to external circuitry. The resulting product is our new board: