In 2017 Bob Applegate started to design a KIM CLone.
He went to 5 versions.
The first were enhanced KIM-1 replica’s without expansion connectors but with lots of RAM and ROM. The later versions and 5 did have expansion connectors, and a Motherboard, I/O board and Protoboard were added.
See also:
COMAL is an interpreted structured language. A version for the KIM-1, Junior and DIS65 is available, distributed by the ...
6530 hardware emulator in FPGA in 40 pin DIP
Imagine a true 6530-002 and 6530-003 replacement , the RRIOTs of the KIM-1
Now with modern FPGAs you van do that...
4 february 2025 2025 I have built the PAl-2 kit, now designing and building a I/O card.
This information is based upon ...
Part 4 Sorbus runs Wozmon, Apple 1 Basic, MCP
The first test run of the Sorbus computer can be done with two simple images: Wozmon with Apple 1 Basic and the MCP prog...