Appendix 1. Instruction codes in numerical order

Table of the complete set of instruction op-codes in numerical order, 00 ... FF. The unused op-codes have also been listed.


The first three letters after the op-code are the actual mnemonic for the instruction. The possible address mode is indicated by the following letter(s):

IMM:		immediate addressing
ABS:		absolute addressing
Z:		zero page addressing
A:		accumulator addressing
IMP:		implied addressing
(IND,X):	pre-indexed indirect addressing
(IND),Y:	post-indexed indirect addressing
Z,X:		zero page indexed addressing (X index register)
Z,Y:		zero page indexed addressing (Y index register)
ABS,X:		absolute indexed addressing (X index register)
ABS,Y:		absolute indexed addressing (Y index register)
REL:		relative addressing
IND:		indirect addressing