
This section contains tools and code that you can download from this site and use in your own projects.

Useful Tools

I have also been coding my own portable assembler development package based on Java. JAVA based 6502/65C02/65816 Relocatable Macro Assembler and Linker.

Source Code

Here are some 6502 assembly files that I've developed as part of my own projects. This first set of files are operating system independent and have some support for the 65SC02 processor. Various general purpose algorithms (e.g. arithmetic, memory, etc.) coded in the form of macros so that they can be used either inline or expanded as subroutines. It has not been thoroughly debugged yet and some routines are missing.

The following source files are useful for developing BBC Microcomputer applications or ROMs. Symbol definitions for all the standard vector locations and operating system entry points. A useful debugging routine that prints all the registers and status flags.

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This page was last updated on 5th October 2007. Copied from original page by Andrew Jacobs.